Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fun at the flea~~~

Flea markets.
That immense treasure trove of unique finds, quirky items, one of a kind junk, and cherished heirlooms ~~~ you buy things that you love, that you can't live without and that you will figure out what to do with ---later!

Here is a pictorial rundown of how I spent (translation -blew !) about a hundred bucks at the Burlington flea market a few weeks ago.
this is the kind of thing that makes my heart stop!
vintage knitting needles!
Bought them all for

I did not buy these dishes - but I wanted to sooo bad!
My parents once owned a set of these dishes.
I have no idea where they are now.

Not buying these is my big regret for the trip
(you know how you always have at least one regret -
that thing that you did not buy
- but wish that you had!)
If these are here the next time I go back~~~
(yea, right!)
Bought this 1950's baby carriage for Maddy girl

and this stuffed toy sheep
that my friend Hubert named Harold.
Don't know what I am going to do with him - but he was too cute to leave
(he looked at me longingly~~~)
I said OK - because he probably won't eat much.
you should have seen Hubert
carrying him around the flea market for me.
when we walked around,
people came from everywhere to touch him
sometimes as they walked by
they said
" Baaa"!
(really - it was like that the whole day!)

vintage plant stand
(just perfect for 5 little bird nests!)

love the Brambly Hedge books!
totally love the little mice!!!
the illustrations are just
vintage linen calendars
some date back to the 60's

bought them on a dollar table
12 for $10.00
(not a single stain or tear)
they are in perfect condition~~~
saw some on a table later in the day
for $3.00 each!
(did I do good - or what! )

going to use them
to make a banner garland
for the
Sacred Yarn
(yes I will - you wait and see!)
vintage inspired bird dish
way cute !
vintage taffeta seam binding
they don't even make this stuff anymore!
(going straight into the bird nests!)
vintage patterns
going to use the tissue paper
to make tissue roses
~~~(actually already have them made now
and displayed in the
Sacred Yarn
you will see them next week!)
plastic Queen Anne's Lace flowers
beaded garland
my most favorite purchase of the day!
my plan for this - TOP SECRET!
(I could tell you, but then~~~)
you will see this again in July!
crochet doilly
going to rip out the orange flowers
and use them for appliques
on things I make for
Maddy girl
and our new baby
Kerri Beth.

vintage table napkins
12 for $4.00

most are stained a little from age
just perfect for my use
gotta keep them away from the gardener (!!!)
he likes to soak things and make them
all pretty and white
am keeping these just as they are!
going to make these
little linen
marquisite bird house pendant watch
does not work-
(but who cares!)~~~
wouldn't this be lovely
in a vintage

minature grocery cart
(oh yes it is!)
totally love this!
Hubert pushed this around
the flea market
with Harold
stuffed inside!
going to put
some summer flowers
in this!

"you know you are done at the flea
when it all starts to look alike!"
that's our motto
Hubert and I had called it quits!
we walked to the pond
to feed the geese---
but they wouldn't
eat our
silly geese!!!~~~
everytime I say-
"Don't let me buy the kettle popcorn!"
but I always do
and I eat
way too much!
we (Hubert, Kim and I) had a beautiful day at the flea!
but it started out cold!!!
bought this snuggly wrap in ephesus, turkey
a few years ago.
LOVE it!!!
perfect for chilly flea market days!
thought you might enjoy
seeing Maddy girl
playing with her new baby buggy
the day I gave it to her.
Listen really close to the tape to hear her talk~~~


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said... 1

Oh how wonderful! I wish I could have been along for that day. Lots of great purchases. And I love how you already have ideas for everything! Fun! My girlfriend in San Antonio is enjoying checking in on Phoebe many times a day. Your nests are just lovely. How sad that a mommy birds nest was blown away. Such tiny little perfect treasures inside. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday. Many blessings, Tammy

Gracey said... 2

HOW FUN! I've never been to a flea market but I've always wanted to. :)

Finding Joy said... 3

WOW - I would have loved hunting for things with you. I just love flea markets (sadly we don't have many. I just love that sheep - and I am so glad you didn't leave him behind. Love that pram and the tea set is just beautiful (was it expensive?).

Deb said... 4

Vicki ~ I LOVED this post!! I would have snatched up those vintage knitting needles in a flash! Looks like you know how to shop and came home with some really neat things! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the calendars/banners...and the beaded garland. Looks like you had a super fun excursion at the Flea!

Sheila said... 5

What great treasures. Love the dishes, I think my grandmother had those as well.

Unknown said... 6

Your miniature shopping cart may well be an antique shopping cart. I have one that looks very similar from the 1930s. They just didn't make them back then as big as they do now. And I did buy mine with the intention of using it outside on my porch to plant flowers in. But I couldn't bare to have it rust so I use it in my studio to hold my wool felt, and 'stuff'.

michelle said... 7

wow vicki you did good!your birds nest are going to look wonderful on that stand.cute cute cute!I bet maddy just loved that baby buggy.You take the nicest pics.presentation is everything and you nail it everytime.have a good day and god bless michelle

Lindsay-ann said... 8

Hi Vicki
WOW is all I can say. You picked up some amazing things at the flea market. I love how you showed them all and explained what plans you have for them.
My favorite was the bird bath - so cute.

The French Bear said... 9

Awww Gramma, you are so sweet....look at her, she is precious. I love her reaction to her new pram!!! Great story about the sheep, you can be like the red queen in Alice and have a sheep to warm your feet instead of a pig!!!!
I love the wonderful goodies you found, wow, you did good!!!! Lovely taffeta ribbon!
Margaret B

Erica said... 10

That marcasite clock is AMAZING!!!! I want one! Thanks for sharing all your treasures.

Erica said... 11

I'm not sure if my comment went through or not, so I'll share again -

I love that marcasite close!!! It's so fabulous and I want one, too!

DreamChallenge said... 12

adorable - I had a buggy like that -you are amazing - orange flowers are priceless - I am going to raid my Mom's treasurers. LU J

Subbota said... 13

Your posts are always so optimistic and joyful! Thank you so much for this beautiful walk through flea market! I dream so much to walk through one of them one day, cause we don't have nothing like this here in small towns in Russia. Thank you again! And hope you understand my English.

SuZeQ said... 14

Ohhhhhhhh ... I {heart} that seam bindin and beaded garland. And the doily with the flowers is also a gem. You are one lucky girl!

Jody Hammer said... 15

I so enjoyed seeing all that you bought. Sooo much fun. Was that you speaking in the video? I was very surprised to hear "myself" on your video. We sound quite a bit alike! Scarey...;-)

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said... 16

You did good . My mother backed a quilt with them calenders. She would get one every year from my aunt for Christmas. I got the quilt I helped her place the calender. Laura

Lorraine said... 17

This looks like some flea market! I love all the treasures but am particularly fond of the pendant - lovely...

The Polka Dot Closet said... 18

I love seeing other people great finds. I would have picked up exactly what you did! I am a new follower, I love, love your site!! If you get a chance I would love if you could peek at my blog, it is DIY tips, tricks, and secrets. http://thepolkadotcloset.blogspot.com/

Thank you sooo much Carol!

Lisa said... 19

Great treasures!! Enjoy!!
I love when there are great things cheap!!
Hugs, Lisa

Jenn said... 20

Wonderful treasures!!! Those knitting needles were a steal!!! Wish we had that kind of flea market here. You are making me miss Leesport and GreenDragon in PA. You are saving Harold for the girls to ride on and pkay with :)
Can't wait to see what you are up too.

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said... 21

wow - wow - wow - and WOW! Your list of fabulous treasure photos goes on and on! I LOVE those dishes, too! Flea markets here on the Cape are very few and far between (literally... I think there are only two)! lol =)

Lili said... 22

Oh Vicki where to begin....I bought that same sheep at a tag sale and I had no idea why, but I ended up displaying him with a driftwood sign I made up with the word 'wool' by my wool felted purses I make in my home shop. And my Mom had those same dishes too (the ones that I hope are still there for you). I remember she got a piece each week during a local grocery store promotion. And then the picture of the flea market that you showed looks so much like one we used to go to in Kentucky that was also called the 'Burlington' flea market. Love all your other treasures too, especially the knitting needles and the aqua bird bowl. Your little Maddy is so precious and you have such a beautiful melodic voice, that was really fun to watch and listen to that video! Phew...sorry that was such a long comment! ~Lili

Sandi said... 23

Hi Vicki,
You got some cute goodies! That bird nest bowl is too sweet!!! I need to go to a flea market and SOON!! lol

Dorthe said... 24

Hi my sweet,
you realy did it, Vicki so many great buyes, oh I`m in love too, with it all, -the baby caariage is gorgeus-the taffetas-the mini watch-the .................
and you looks so happy, and sweet, standing there with all your goodies.
Big kiss,and hugs

mary said... 25

Happy Mother's Day little Maddie girl! You come from a long line of wonderful "mothers" and I'm glad to see you are such a good mama to your baby. Your Aunt Vicki is a real fan and you are one lucky little girl!
Love you,

myriamkreativ said... 26

Hi Vicky,
I think you are very blessed living in this wonderful part of the States. I`ve never been to West Virginia but friends told me it is just wonderful. Well, another of the 1000 thing I have to do, before im to old lol. I love the song too. It`s going right to ones heart. Here it is raining since 2 days and it would be pretty nice if it could just stop for a little whilel.... hoping for a little sunshine on the weekend. Wonderful treasures that you collected at the flea. Is it possible that you are a collector? Instant human greeting and Hugs Myriam

Barbara Jean said... 27

Oh my word!!
I love it all!
I cannot believe how many terrific busy you got!
Love the buggy, dishes, everything!!

Blessings on your day.

Barbra Jean

PS Thanks for coming by. =)

Shirley said... 28

You have found so many treasures that are reusuable. I liked the baby carriage. You don't see to many like that. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sharing.

elvira pajarola said... 29

Ciao Vicky......

What gorgeous Treasures from the flea market...........WONDERFUL!!!!!

Actually strolling through these markets is like an adventure...isn't it?

I loved your "stepping in" in my Tuscany; Your visit was a big joy for me and I am so happy to have met You and your charming and incredibly inspiring blog!!!!!!!!

I wish You a happy and sunny weekend!!!!!!!!
ciao ciao elvira

Jules said... 30

can I please, please come to the flea market with you one day? Fab finds - you are obviously a pro! Thanks for sharing x

knitalatte said... 31

Oh the treasure you brought home, how fun.
I too love the pail fule of knitting needles, great find.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello.
I'm hoping you have a wonderful mothers day weekend.

Angela Harris said... 32

OOhh the teal bird dish is my favorite of your finds! Looks like so much fun I might just have to go to the flea market tomorrow~!
~Angela Harris

paru's_circle said... 33

ahh.. what awesome finds!!!! wish i was there with you!!