Twas very small, three guests in all,
just I, Myself, and Me ~~~
Myself ate up the sandwiches, while I drank up the tea,
Twas also I who ate the pie and passed the cake to me!

Welcome to Maddy girl's first tea party! She is so glad that you could come!
These exquisite petit fours are decorated with textured icing bird nests. The little fondant eggs are hand painted to look more realistic. Maddy was fascinated by the eggs and stole them from every piece of cake that she could! The beautiful cakes were made by my friend Susie. She is an amazing cake designer!
Maddy's little girl guests
Emma and Ella
a most handsome little boy
Baby (the teddy bear)
this little miniature tea set
was created by
The triangle banners were created for me by Claire. They were made from vintage calendar linens that belonged to my Mother. I also purchased some extras at the flea market so that I would have enough for two banners. I simply did not have the time to make these (!) and am so very grateful to Clare for her magnificent handiwork! You must visit her shop!
"first date"
(Don't worry - Henry received a special little prize also!) and his Gaga also received one of these little charms. Her precious memento of Henry's first tea party!
Do you see those beautiful Pottery Barn plates and mugs? Keep reading to learn something very special about those treasures~~~
Can't have a tea party without adorable teapot cookies! These wonderful creations were made by SugarPlumDream. Not only were they adorable to look upon - but they tasted fabulous! Aren't they just the most perfect little cookie for a tea party? You must have some!
Maddy girl, my sister Denise (Maddy's Meme) and my cousin Cheri (in the blue)
More adorable tea pot cookies! These were perfection - they were so delicious! Made for me by AngeLfood - there was not a crumb left! Definitely one of Maddy girl's favorites! Please visit this wonderful shop!
Eloise (a new Bride!) and her beautiful grand daughters
(he found Sooty - the kitty!)
Out of this world cute - these little bluebird cookies were party favors for everyone who attended! These individually wrapped sugar cookies were created for me by Karen at Sugarandflour. They were the absolute hit of the party! You must have some of these sweet treats!
They were to die for!
Luscious lemon creme cakes~~
the nests were made with textured icing
the little blue eggs
were hand painted fondant

that her Auntie Vicki
gave her at the tea party!
This is our "official" tea party portrait.
(this is where the tea party was held)
the girls find a baby
What a cute little guy!

Henry loved the fountain!

how precious is this!
but her Auntie Vicki said
"yes you can
sweet baby girl!"
This lovely table setting was photographed in the middle of the Gardener's favorite flower garden (in our side yard.) I caught him gone - hauled all the stuff out - took a bunch of pictures - put it all up - he never knew the difference! Maybe I better not show him this blog posting! LOL!!!
Don't you just love these Pottery Barn dishes! They are among my favorites. Would you like to have them? Yes - really!
They are going to be a wonderful gift for one of my lucky visitors! (2 plates and 2 mugs). To enter the contest - just leave a comment on this post. If you want to post it on your blog - leave me another comment and tell me so - that will get you 3 more entries! Everyone is invited to enter - I have lots of bubble wrap and I will ship these to you where ever you live! Oh - one more thing--- you can enter as often as you wish!
This super cute little tote bag (love the bird dictionary design!) is to be a special gift for one of my followers! I appreciate everyone who invests in following my blog and I love you all so much! This adorable tote bag is a special gift just for one of you! When you leave a comment - just tell me that you are one of my very special followers and your name will be added to this special drawing.
Maddy girl will draw the winners on July 29 (my birthday!) We will all celebrate together on that date!

Many thanks (and hugs!!!) to the Gardener for helping to take the pictures at the tea party! (He is such a great sport to do this!)
But of course, there are more! This 10 minute slideshow includes more photos not shown on the blog. Perhaps some day when you are bored~~~
Thank you for sharing this lovely day with Maddy and me~