Where do they go to sleep and rest?
Where do they lay their fragile eggs-
Where do they rest their little legs?
(me) (pitiful, I know!)
And because she is a "prissy" little shorebird - she has embellished her nest with colorful bits of sea glass - (from the beautiful beaches of Bermuda).
three adorable little handmade speckled shorebird eggs
one very shy, but "oh so sweet" little shorebird ~~
handmade especially for these little nests~~~
Finishing off each nest - (just inside) and guarding those little eggs ~ is a beautiful "crystal" starfish.
While the nests are all "generally" alike - each is actually unique in that they were created one at a time - one day at a time - by me. No two are totally and exactly alike.
There are only 20 nests in this "Limited Edition Shorebird Series". The first and last nests of this series - numbers ONE and TWENTY - are especially unique. These two nests are embellished with the most rare and coveted blue sea glass bits found on that wonderful Bermuda beach. They also contain my most favorite vintage jewelry pieces (seashore themed of course) - and for these two little nests only - a little sea turtle hanging on to that little birdy fishing net.

These Shorebird nests are slightly larger than the regular "green" nests that I usually make. These nests are each about 5 and one half inches wide and about 3 3/4 inches tall.
Each nest wears a little seashell tag (isn't it cute?) that is dated, numbered as to the location in the series, and is signed by me.


The first and last nest in this series (numbers ONE and TWENTY) are very special indeed. Priced slightly higher than their companions, the ENTIRE proceeds from the sale of these nests will be donated to CHARITY.

Benefiting from this donation is the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, located on the gulf coast of Florida. This sanctuary is the largest shorebird hospital in the United States and receives over 8000 admissions yearly. The staff at this hospital and sanctuary provided the primary source of treatment and rehabilitation to shorebirds injured in the recent disastrous oil spill on the gulf coast. They are excited to be the recipient of the proceeds from the sale of the "first and last" series Shorebird nests. This donation will go a long way in providing care for injured shorebirds and for their rehabilitation as well.
A few years ago, the Gardener and I were walking along "our" beach in Satellite Beach, Florida. We came upon an injured gannet bird. She had a large fishing hook deeply embedded into her wing and she was tangled in a fishing net to the point that she could scarcely move. Seeing that beautiful bird in that painful and pitiful situation absolutely broke my heart. She was terrified - I could see it in her eyes.
We wrapped the bird in a towel and I gently held her while the Gardener cut the hook free from her wing. We cut the netting away and them placed the bird into a cat carrier that I had borrowed by knocking on a strangers door and saying, "excuse me - but do you have a big cage or a cat carrier?" We then took her to the local animal shelter not far from the beach.
The folks at the shelter told us that the gannet bird was migratory and that she should have already returned to her home in Nova Scotia. She had obviously been wounded for several days. We checked on her over the next few weeks and after several weeks of rehabilitation - she was released to return to her home in the Northern Atlantic. I have never forgotten this experience and have wanted to do something special to help little shorebirds ever since. When the oil spill tragedy occurred earlier this summer - I know that we all felt the anguish of this situation and looked for opportunities to help. This is my contribution to helping~~~


What's up nest for the Designer Series nests? Next fall - that Harvest Nest will make it's debut as a Limited Edition Series. And then next Christmas - a stunningly dressed and elegant nest perfectly suited for the holiday - also a Limited Edition Series. Each of my designer series nests will always be linked to a deserving charity. There is so much need - everywhere - (if we can) - we need to give~~~
And in the late spring - Shhh! - (be really quiet - don't wake the baby) - think a little nest in pinks and then another little nest in blues. (Not a limited edition) - these little nests will live in my shop and you can visit them there!

There is no way that I could do this all by myself~~~ (are you kidding!!!)
Seriously - you are going to go gaga over these eggs!

Presentation is EVERYTHING!! and my friend Sue Kosec is a mind reader! Have you ever had a friend who just always seemed to know what you needed - even when you didn't? I just send Sue an email and say "I need~~~" and she instinctively creates the most perfect wrappings for my nests. She is a "tissue paper" wizard! Sue stamps my tissue papers that I use to wrap the nests - (really - you think I have time to do that?). She also created these adorable cards (bearing a special message from me) that will accompany each little nest. You can find Sue here at her email - kosec@sbcglobal.net. Sue does not have a blog - but she should because she makes the most beautiful cards you have ever seen! If you need a special card - she's your girl!
These precious little tags were created just for me by my friend Jackie. Another talented creative person who can take my "I need~~" and turn it into the most perfect accessory. Jackie has an ETSY shop full of lovely gift tags - and if you don't find what you need - she will make it for you! Thank you dear Jackie - You have always been so wonderful to help me! (that's Sue's tissue paper creation peeking out from underneath those precious tags!)
The photos of these Shorebird nests were taken at the beautiful home of my cousin Mona. Her home is a "shorebird" delight - every room is filled with magnificent shells and "beach themed" decor. Playing for an entire morning in her home while taking these photos was sheer and absolute joy! My dear friend Mary was the photo prop assistant - we moved furniture, moved table decorations, moved lamps, totally turned Mona's bedroom upside down, ransacked the closets~~ there was no room in the house that was left unscathed - all this just to take photos of these NESTS! (Mona is the one that looks like a movie star - the other one, you know, is me!)
And then - when we were done taking pictures - Mona fed us a wonderful lunch on this beautiful table! (I really should have taken photos of the fabulous meal that she prepared - but I am not kidding - we were starved and I totally forgot to take the pictures. That is hard work destroying someone's house to take photos of NESTS!!)

My son Rob has deemed himself "Manager of Nest Operations" - and his advice has been invaluable. (I did not send that boy to private collage to earn a business degree for nothing!) Thanks babe - see how well your Mama listens to you!
And lastly, my heartfelt thanks to my dear friend, Mary, who tirelessly listens to my "nest" conversations and is always, always, supportive and encouraging. How can I ever thank you my treasured friend? I cannot even speak it - you have done so much to encourage me.
If someone would have ever told me that I would begin a "career" out of knitting birdnests ~~ well you know what I mean. For me~ this is proof of what can happen when you give life to your passions~~~
These Shorebird nests are slightly larger than the regular "green" nests that I usually make. These nests are each about 5 and one half inches wide and about 3 3/4 inches tall.
This Shorebird Nest Series will NEVER be repeated. I will not be taking orders for these nests - so when they are gone - they are gone. The next Shorebird Series will debut in summer 2012 and will be entirely different - (those plans are already in the works! - really - they are!!).
The first and last nest in this series (numbers ONE and TWENTY) are very special indeed. Priced slightly higher than their companions, the ENTIRE proceeds from the sale of these nests will be donated to CHARITY.

Benefiting from this donation is the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary, located on the gulf coast of Florida. This sanctuary is the largest shorebird hospital in the United States and receives over 8000 admissions yearly. The staff at this hospital and sanctuary provided the primary source of treatment and rehabilitation to shorebirds injured in the recent disastrous oil spill on the gulf coast. They are excited to be the recipient of the proceeds from the sale of the "first and last" series Shorebird nests. This donation will go a long way in providing care for injured shorebirds and for their rehabilitation as well.
What's up nest for the Designer Series nests? Next fall - that Harvest Nest will make it's debut as a Limited Edition Series. And then next Christmas - a stunningly dressed and elegant nest perfectly suited for the holiday - also a Limited Edition Series. Each of my designer series nests will always be linked to a deserving charity. There is so much need - everywhere - (if we can) - we need to give~~~
But those green nests (you know the ones!) - the only way to get one of those is to email me and get on the waiting list. The next "nesting" season begins in January! (That may be the only nesting season next year - because as you can see - it is going to be a very BUSY year!)
There is no way that I could do this all by myself~~~ (are you kidding!!!)
These stunning little shorebird eggs were created (one at a time - each one rolled and then hand painted!) by my friend Michelle. These nests would be nothing without the addition of such precious eggs. You can find Michelle at her ETSY shop here. Those of you in need of some beautiful eggs for your little nest decorations will most certainly want to check out the creations that Michelle has in her shop! You can also find Michelle at her fabulous blog. Dearest Michelle - I cannot thank you enough for your tireless "egg rolling" - your creative spirit and willingness to help me has made all the difference~~
Presentation is EVERYTHING!! and my friend Sue Kosec is a mind reader! Have you ever had a friend who just always seemed to know what you needed - even when you didn't? I just send Sue an email and say "I need~~~" and she instinctively creates the most perfect wrappings for my nests. She is a "tissue paper" wizard! Sue stamps my tissue papers that I use to wrap the nests - (really - you think I have time to do that?). She also created these adorable cards (bearing a special message from me) that will accompany each little nest. You can find Sue here at her email - kosec@sbcglobal.net. Sue does not have a blog - but she should because she makes the most beautiful cards you have ever seen! If you need a special card - she's your girl!
And those precious little shorebirds - those sweet little birds peeking out from between the fibers - those were specially created for me by Stephanie at Meltin' Mud Studio. She makes the most beautiful ceramic buttons in so many shapes and designs. Dearest Stephanie - your little birds are so precious and they are the fitting comliment to these little nests! Thank you, thank you!!
My son Rob has deemed himself "Manager of Nest Operations" - and his advice has been invaluable. (I did not send that boy to private collage to earn a business degree for nothing!) Thanks babe - see how well your Mama listens to you!
Thank you, thank you, ~~