To celebrate my Happy Birthday, Maddy girl and I donned our tiaras - because after all it is my birthday and we all get to be a princess on our birthdays - that's the rule! Maddy won her tiara in a beauty contest - mine came from the dollar store (sigh~~).
She was so fascinated with the birthday cake - (she kept saying cake, cake, eat, eat!) that she did not give a thought to wearing her tiara. Uh oh - she is a natural born princess! I might have to take some responsibility for this later!
The best part of a birthday cake (if you are a toddler) - (or someone old like me ) - is sticking your fingers in the icing! Ummm! You can get by with such silly things if you are playing with the little one !
My beautiful (out of this world) jewelry was created for my by my friend Andria. She is an artist extraordinaire when it comes to the creative use of sea glass in jewelry. She took some of the seaglass that I have collected from our travels and added some of my favorite beads and embellishments. I really do feel like a princess wearing her fabulous creations! Andria has beautiful jewelry in her shop - and she will be happy to work with you and create a special order using your own seaglass if you like. Thank you dear Andria - you know I LOVE these so much!
Then she has to mix them all up! She is totally intrigued by the little slips of paper! At eighteen months old - Maddy girl can count to 10!
Maddy picks the winners for the Pottery Barn dishes and the "way cute" red bird tote bag. The decision of the judge (Maddy girl) is final!!
And the winners are~~~
(keep reading~~)
(OK - don't answer that~~!)
Now that tiara is coming off! She is ready for CAKE!!!
Well, she just had to have a piece of birthday cake. "Cake, cake, eat, eat!" So we stripped her down and let her at it!
This is why we took off her clothes! Trust me - it gets way worse!
And the winner of the Pottery Barn dishes (2 plates and 2 mugs) is Michelle! Sweet Michelle is one of my devoted followers and her comments always make me smile! Way to go Michelle - send me your mailing address girlfriend!
This wonderful box of birthday surprises came to me a few days ago from my friend Myriam who lives in Germany. She made this beautiful heart of dried roses for me. Also included in this birthday surprise are some wonderful apricot candies, my favorite (to die for!) latte mixes and some mineral water crystals. Thank you dear Myriam for such a wonderful birthday surprise - a heartfelt gift from a dear friend on the other side of the world.
My friend Susan made these lovely birds for me - and they are just adorable. She calls them "birds on a stick" - and I call them precious! Susan has a lovely and delightful blog - you must visit her and have a look around. She is very creative! Thank you my friend for these lovely little treasures!
August is almost here (GASP!!) - and with that is the start of the "nesting " season - again! You are looking at my recent purchases from our trip to Atlanta and Asheville. Beautiful yarns for nesting~~~.
How absolutely divine are these glass bird cloches? Would they not be perfect for one of my little nests? I fell in love with these when I first saw them and I just had to share this picture with you all. You can order these from Wisteria and right now they are on summer clearance. So hurry!
Birthday kisses from my sweet Maddy girl! (just a little sticky!)
And the winner of the Pottery Barn dishes (2 plates and 2 mugs) is Michelle! Sweet Michelle is one of my devoted followers and her comments always make me smile! Way to go Michelle - send me your mailing address girlfriend!
And the winner of the special gift for my followers is Kathy!
Congrats dear friend - I have also included some special little surprises in your tote bag - so I hope you enjoy this special gift from me to you! Send me your address!
Congrats dear friend - I have also included some special little surprises in your tote bag - so I hope you enjoy this special gift from me to you! Send me your address!
I am so fortunate to have such wonderful and generous blogging friends. That I would make such friendships with so many people from all over the world is a part of this blogging journey that I did not ever even imagine. My friendships now are scattered all over this world. I believe that I am the luckiest person in that I have met so many talented, creative, generous, and genuinely good, good people. I love you all~~~
This wonderful box of birthday surprises came to me a few days ago from my friend Myriam who lives in Germany. She made this beautiful heart of dried roses for me. Also included in this birthday surprise are some wonderful apricot candies, my favorite (to die for!) latte mixes and some mineral water crystals. Thank you dear Myriam for such a wonderful birthday surprise - a heartfelt gift from a dear friend on the other side of the world.
From my sweet Gardener - some lovely yarns (which I choose) on our recent trip to Atlanta. Feza Alp and Ironstone Pizazz - if you know yarns, then you totally know that there is a small fortune (over $100) in these little bundles of FABULOUS yarns. If you are on the "nesting" lists - you will most assuredly see these again!
Actually - I have already started making the nests - and a few have already been delivered to happy homes. If you are on my August list - you will hear from me as soon as your nest is finished. Any of you are welcome to email me at any time to check about your place on the list and for an update on the status of your anticipated nest. I check my emails every day. I am anticipating that it will take me 7 weeks to make all of the nests that so many of you are eagerly waiting for. I promise that you will not be disappointed~~~

How absolutely divine are these glass bird cloches? Would they not be perfect for one of my little nests? I fell in love with these when I first saw them and I just had to share this picture with you all. You can order these from Wisteria and right now they are on summer clearance. So hurry!
Congratulations to the lucky winners - Michelle and Kathy! My next giveaway will be coming up this fall - something absolutely unheard of in blog land! A "little" something for my devoted readers and of course something very special for my followers. Here is your little hint - (I hope you like sand between your toes!)
Coming up next - a sneak preview of ????
congrats to the winners....your new nesting yarns are gorgeous...Do you sell the nests on etsy??
What a gorgeous little girl - I loved the way she ate her cake, my son use to do that. Those birds on a stick is so sweet but what a great idea. When I visit your site it always bring me joy and peace, especailly after a bad day:)
Thanks you dear blogger friend.
Congratulations to you on your birthday, dear Vicki! And congrats to the lucky winners. Love all the little gifts your received and that yarn --- scrumptious!! Have a most wonderful and special day!! Love, Silke
Congratulations to the winners - This so reminded me of feeding cake to my kids when they were little - Great memories -
Maddy is beautiful ;)
Congratulations for your birthday... what a wonderful day with Maddy you had.
And i think you are too young to have 3 grandchildren.......
Your photos are always so great.. in a beautiful garden. You are a happy woman i see that.
Yes indeed, Happy Birthday! Maddy did a great job drawing name and eating her cake. I would have never know your crown came from the dollar store. The yarns are beautiful and I can visualize them in your nests. Congratulations to the winners.
You left a very nice comment on our blog and I have been too tired to answer...a little medical crisis of aspirating some supplements...UGH! Thank you for enjoying it and for liking out jewelry. We have a ways to go in this whole world but we are enjoying it.
You do not look old enough to be a grandmother, Vicki. In fact, you look like a college coed. Your little grandchild/niece is so beautiful.I am longing for a grandchild right now. I can see why you have taken her as your third!
I need to go see your nests now.I love birds and they looked lovely but I need a better look! Love your necklace!
Happy BD and my best wishes to you! :)
oh wow vicki ,it feels like my birthday now.happy birthday to you and thank youi so much,im off to email you.I'm so excited!YIPPEE!god bless michelle
Happy Birthday, Vicki! Just as you started writing about your jewelry, I was, great jewelry!, love, love those yarn colors! Your little sweetie was your icing on the cake for sure!!
All the best for your birthday, Vicky, thanks for sharing the pics and the great story (I really could feel the sticky kiss ...shiver :-)
Maddy is so cute!
Hope you have a great day and enjoy the time!
Happy Birthday. All of your photos are wonderful. Thanks for blogging about my birds. That yarn is to die for......have a great day. Susan
Congrats to the winners but more importantly - Happy Birthday to you dear Vicki! Looks like your spent your special day perfectly!
How wonderful, and yes you look way too young to be a Gramma!!! I love the tiara, and the beautiful jewelry!!!
Congratulations to the winners, what a thrill!
I love the bird cloches, they are so charming!!!
Your blog friends sent you the most wonderful gifts!
I love them all, and that wool, oh my it is so beautiful!!!
Margaret B
Happy Belated Birthday and congratulations to the winners! Your earrings, and all of your special gifts from your friends are wonderful! And of course Maddy is a doll!
Kat :)
I wish you all the best of everything....Your Dreams, Wishes, Desires and Needs.
You are such a Beautiful Lady inside and out and I am so very happy to have met You here in Blogland!!
Enjoy Your Day!!!
Our Birthdays are close as I will celebrate mine on August 8th.
Thank you for stopping by before and your sweet comment on my Shell box.
Maddy girl is absolutely adorable!!
Congratulations to the winners,
what lucky Lady's!!
Love, Light, Laughter and Gods Blessings Always,
Happy Birthday...and what lovely goodies!!! I enjoyed seeing them all..and congrats to the winners...the yarn looks divine and I don't knit at all, but I sure do love the colors and textures!!!
My dear Vicki,
all the best wishes to your birthday. Stay healthy and generous and simply wonderful as you still are. Im very happy that my gifts found the way to your heart and you enjoyed them. It is a great pleasure to have a wonderful friend at the other side of the world. Yesterday it was my husbands birthday and I saved a piece of the cake just to have it this morning with my lattw while I was thinking of you.
The bird glass things would simply be perfect to host your nests. All the best for you Love and hugs Myriam
Happy, happy birthday, Vicki!!! No, you do NOT look old enough to be a Gramma! You look wonderful and sweet as a Gramma though. :) I sure was hoping my name would be picked by Maddy girl, but alas, it wasn't. Congrats to the winners.
Happy Birthday to you. You wear the crown well, must have royal blood.
Congratulations to the winners....lucky devils.
Dear sweet Vicki ,
big congratulations with your birthday,today.I so hope you have a great and wonderfull day,sweetie.
You have had some lovely gifts, I think the birds are so very sweet, and the yarn-lovely.
Also love the jewels you are wearing, such a wonderfull idea, that one can send ones own finds, to later be wearing.
Congratulations to the two lucky winners, too.
The fhotoes of you and Maddy are priceless, --so wonderfull, how lovely with a bonus grandchild,living close.
Are you having a good birthday dinner this evening? ---
I wish you a beautifull one,-and all the best with blessings for your new year, Vicki.
Love and hugs, dear friend.
Happy birthday!!! I don't know when it was, but it really looks like you had a wonderful time! I am very glad you were born. I feel blessed just to know you!!!
Hmmmm, sand between the toes, huh???
♫♪♫ Happy Happy Birthday ♫♪♫
You are one beautiful lady, inside and out. **blows kisses gently as to not blow out the candles** Deb
Happy birthday and many happy days in your new year .
Good health for you and your loved ones .
Birthdays in the summer for you !
Have a great summer !
Vicki, when you have a chance, could you email me to let me know which size cloche will fit over your nest? I'll have a home ready for mine then! Perfect idea. **kisses** Deb
Happy Birthday - Sis...
Maddy does love her "Aunt Vicki"
Hope you are having a wonderful day!!
What a cute, lovely little girl, Vicki.
You gave and received some gorgeous treasures. Do enJOY it all! xx
What gorgeous yarns!!! So glad I'm on one of your nesting lists, not sure which as I gave my first nest to a special niece & had to order another one for myself. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! you are a veryspecial Lady!
What a cutie Maddy is. Love the head dive into the cake!
Yummy yards ....i stopped at the yard shop today and thought of you. I only bought one skein for a scarf. boo hoo!
ps Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you Vicki! You and Maddy made a great tiara wearing, cake eating, and drawing for a winner team. I noticed that sea glass jewelry on you right away, I just love how it looks on you! Andria sure has some stunning creations on her Etsy site. And those yarns are exquisite as well as all your lovely gifts you received! Congrats to the lucky winners. (And I had to laugh at your comment about Henri's new shirt!) Have a wonderful evening Vicki, I always enjoy my visits over here! ~Lili
Happy Birthday Vicki. How cute you girls are in your tiaras.
Looks like Maddy girl had fun with the giveaway. Adorable photos of her selecting the winners.
Congratulations! Oh the yarns look so yummy. Love all the variety of greens. Great post.
Happy Birthday dear friend!
I am so glad you had a great day! Maddy is getting more adorable by the day. She's a trip!
I will kill you if you purchased the domes....
I love your blog. You always seem ton have such fun things going on. And your birds nest inspired me to create ones of my own. I posted mine on my blog if you want to chck them out.
I love your blog. You always seem ton have such fun things going on. And your birds nest inspired me to create ones of my own. I posted mine on my blog if you want to check them out.Happy Birthday to you.
Thanks so much, Vicki, for being a follower of Katsui blog. We are having a giveaway (drawing this Monday) to thank our first hundred followers..
Kat and Suz
Hi Vicky , You're enjoying the summer ! I think we all are .
Still two more weeks and than the school is starting here . I look forward to see all my toddlers again. Have a wonderfull sunday .
Happy Birthday Vicki-Maddy is so cute. I hope you had a wonderful day.
Oh my goodness. Could we consider the P. vinegar a birthday present? Vicki, forgive me, sometimes friends have to be forgiven. Love, Jan
Happy Birthday!!!
I know I'm on the list, but not sure if it's Aug or Sept...
Happy Belated Birthday, Vicki. I would say that both princess are very beautiful. It looks like it was a wonderful day.
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