Saturday, January 19, 2013

Welcome to my "Grow Your Blog" party!!

Welcome to my very first international blogging event!  I'm just truly so very excited to be hosting this "party" and to have so many of you participate.  As of this posting there are almost 400 blogs here -- all for the purpose of meeting new people and "growing" their blogs!

For those of you who do not know me~~

I'm a yarn obsessed knitter of "nests". I'm  passionate about beautiful yarns and I love to "play" and create with them.  My blog is about my knitting creations~ my knitted nests and also my various knitting projects.  My husband and I love to travel -- so I also share photos and stories of our travels with my readers.
My blogging family means the world to me.  Those of you who take the time to comment here~ are truly precious,and I try -- although I'm not always timely -- to visit your blogs in return. 
This Blogging event is my gift to all of you.  Blogging has truly changed my life and opened up a whole new world of opportunity for me.  I've made cherished friends all over the world and have learned so much from all of you about SO many things.  I am truly a better person for having met all of you and for participating in the blogging world.  I want you all to have these same experiences - to make new friends -- have new opportunities -- and to have a reason and desire to "grow your blogs". 
Please enjoy your visits with the many blogs listed below. This list will not go away - this post will remain active and I will have a link on my sidebar to this particular post.  So - there is no great rush -- you have - basically "forever" to make your visits and make new friends.  Please note -- all contests will close on February 1 - and the winners will be announced then.  You can find my giveaway at the end of this post~ 

 I will be visiting all of your blogs so  that I can get to know you and learn why you love blogging. With almost 400 blogs here - it is obviously going to take me a little while.  But I promise -- I will be there sooner ~~ or later!  Thank you all for particpating - I can't wait to meet you! xoxo

***UPDATE 1/23--- we began this party with over 400 blogs - but after 3 days I deleted those blogs who clearly were not intending to participate -- those that did not do a special post for the party and those that had not posted in days -- and those that were not participating but were misusing this opportunity for their own purposes (!!).  I want this to be fair to everyone -- so those that are here now are here because they want to grow and to meet new readers and followers.  Enjoy!!  xoxo~

Less than 50 followers

51-100 Followers

101-200 Followers

More than 200 Followers

~~ after the closing date of January 15  -- I still had over 50 emails and comments from blogs that I sadly just could not work into the listings here.  I have worked hours and hours (and hours and hours) typing all of the blogs in to the lists and I only just finished shortly before this post was published. I'm just so sorry :(       Hopefully those of you who missed out will watch for the announcement info next year and make the entry in time to participate.)  If I had more than 2 hands -- this would not have been a problem~     

My Giveaway--

Everyone who leaves a comment on this post will be entered to win
one dozen of these fabulous cookies baked by my friends at ButterBlossoms.  These cookies will be mailed directly for their ovens to YOUR house.  The winner will be announced HERE on February 1.  Please make sure that your comment includes your email or blog so that I can reach you if you are the winner!

*** Winner Update*** February 1, 2013
Sharon from the blog Seaside Stitcher is the winner of the cookies.  Congrats to Sharon - please contact me with your mailing address.

It takes a village so they say~~
     and that surely is the case here - with me attempting to host my very first blogging event! This has been all consuming and a LOT of work -- but I sincerely wanted to do this for all of you:)
Some of my dearest blogging friends have stepped up to help me with this all amazing project--
~A special thanks to my friend Silke who helped me with this post. Silke spent several hours checking each and every link to make sure that all of your blogs were linked correctly -- you know how important that is!! 

~And a huge thanks also to my friend Karen Valentine who has supported and cheered me on in my undertaking of this project. Karen adapted my blog so that each of the links would open on their own,making it easier for you to visit all of the blogs listed here. Truly -- I am nothing without my friends~  

Coming up next -- a beautiful post showcasing all of those Pink Scarves that so many of you have generously donated!!! I can hardly wait to share these with you -- they are so very special!
For those of you who would like more info about my Pink Scarf Project -- you can find it here.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 331   Newer›   Newest»
Shane Pollard said...

Dearest Vicki

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
OMG I can see the amount of work you have done to get this party up and running.
You really are such a giving person - one of lifes real treasures - and always on hand to help a soul in need.

Thank you for your generous giveaway too!

Shane ♥

Lyndsey said...

Thanks for organising and hosting the event Vicki. It must have been a mammoth job. There are so many blogs on your list I've never visited so this is going to be fun.

Unknown said...

So excited that the Party has finally started. Thank you for organising this event.

I would the chance to win your cookie, not sure they would make it to Poland.

Enjoy your party xxx

Shane Pollard said...

Dearest Vicki

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
OMG I can see the amount of work you have done to get this party up and running.
You really are such a giving person - one of lifes real treasures - and always on hand to help a soul in need.

Thank you for your generous giveaway too!

Shane ♥

Maggie said...

Yay! I'm the first to visit and get the partay started!
This is an amazing project that you have undertaken, dear Vicki and you have pulled it off with your usual charm, wit and unique style.
Chapeau, madame!
Merci mille fois for hosting us all, I am so looking forward to meeting new friends.

Kimberly said...

thanks for hosting. can't wait to get started.

Val said...

Thank YOU, Vicki, for inviting us all (to invite ourselves) to the party. :) It will be wonderful meeting so many new people this new year. And what gorgeous cookies! ♥

SueH said...

Vicki - thanks for all your hard work putting together such a fabulous way for us to meet and share and discover new blogs and bloggers. I can't wait to dive in and explore!

Lynne said...

Wow. What an amazing feat! Thank you and congratulations to you and your team!

Quinn said...

Thank you so much for creating this event, Vicki - such a kind and generous thing to do! I hope most of the work is now done and you can enjoy your own party :)

FIONA said...

Thank you so much Vicki for starting this amazing party! I am blessed to be a part of it and thank you for all your hard work in pulling this together ... this sums up what the blogging world is all about .. friendship and sharing at its best! Let the fun begin!! Fiona xx

Deb said...

Vicki, I KNOW what you've done has been tons of work, but your friends and all the blogs listed here appreciate your hard work! I hope everyone has lots of success on their blogs; it will be fun to visit some new ones. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

Anya said...

Dear Vicky,
I'm so happy to be part of your group of friends and to know so many things! I pubblicily thank you to have been one of the first to have helped me with information about blogging! I really appreciate your event!

Celestina Marie said...

Dear Vicki,
Thank you for all your hard work to make this incredible link party possible. I am so happy to be apart of the fun. It has been a joy to meet you and learn more about your journey through blogging. I have been a follower for some time and look forward to many more visits. It was a blessings to also participate in the Pink Scarf Project and I hope you did receive my package this week.
Thank you for hosting this special day and also many thanks to all those who helped you along the way.
Your givewaway looks scrumptous!!

Let's party!
Blessins to you, Hugs, Celestina Marie

Julie Goucher said...

I am stopping by a little late, what a wonderful blog & collection of other blogs. I am going to sit down later and work through the list! Blogging is about meeting people & being introduced to new things & I love it!

Becca said...

Well done of this mamouth achievement - you have literally brought the world of blogging together.

How sit back and watch it grow

Thank you

Patty C. said...

AHHHHHHHH - Who wouldn't want some scrumptious cookies !!! Thank you so much for the Blog Party - Gotta go travel ;)

Donna Heber said...

Hi Vicki,

Thank you for organizing and hosting this wonderful party! I hope to meet some new friends. Have a great weekend.

Sherrie {Bird Lady} said...

I'm so happy to be included in this fabulous event! Thank you for all your hard work!

Susan McClaskey said...

Let the party begin!

Pia Drent said...

Hello party people! Vicki - you know how to say it in words, very well said.
Thrilled to be off to find kindred blogging spirits!
Cookies to Holland might be a problem - the recipe would be an idea? I'd post a picture of the result!!
Pia of Pia Drent Illustration (

Emma/Itzy said...

this was a wonderful idea and I will be bookmarking this post so I can eventually work my way through all the blogs - thank you :)

Emma xo

Thearica said...


There was another blogging event similar to this one that was retired last year and a lot of bloggers were so bummed... I am so very thankful that you organized such an event to keep all of us bloggers together! I have organized a quilting retreat for several quilters who meet online so I know how daunting of a task you have had! Thank you for everything you and your helpers have done!

My hubby calls me the cookie lady.. lol Because I love cookies so much! Keebler came out with a new take on the Nutter Butter and we bought 2 boxes last night! I would love to win these delicious looking cookies!

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

Nice! Not the way it's usually done. Sorry I missed the concept :(


Retired Knitter said...

Wow, Vicki, what an effort and a gift of love to all of us. Thank you. I am really looking forward to visiting each of these wonderful blogs.

Angela said...

Thanks for hosting this fabulous event. I'm finding so many lovely new blogs, it's snowing here in the UK and not a great day to venture out so I can't think of a better way to spend the day than snuggling up with a hot drink and making some new friends :)

Jan Hermann said...

What a grand event! Thanks for getting this event organized and being such a great hostess. Your work is very much appreciated.

Those Tea Cookies for your give-away sound delicious!

Jan ♥

Elizabeth Edwards said...

Thank You, Vicki for hosting this event. so exciting!! so happy to be apart of it. big big hugs. ( :

Laurie said...

Thank you Vicki for such an enormous undertaking! I have anticipated this morning since receiving your comment that I had made it to the blog party. I just fixed a cup of coffee and will be here at the computer for the rest of the morning reading and enjoying everyone's blog. Again, thank you for welcoming me to the village. ~Laurie

Peggy Lee said...

Thanks for all the hard work you have put in to this. Those cookies look yummy!
I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. Please throw my name in to the cookie jar.


thewovenspoke said...

What a cool idea, I only wish I had seen this sooner to sign up! Oh well, I am gonna check out all those wonderful blogs! I can't wait to grow my blog and be more active in my own this year.
thanks for hard work & hosting!

Veronica Roth said...

Oh my goodness Vicki, look at that list of lovley people I get to visit and become friends with. I'm so very grateful you've gone to this huge trouble to bring everyone closer togather. Like I said in my post, you are wonderfully kind-hearted.
Many hugs,

okcamp said...

Many thanks to you, Vicki. I know this involved a HUGE amount of work to pull this off. I can't wait to visit every blog on your list.

Tiffany said...

Thank you so much for caring enough about each of us to put all this together! I'm so excited to start visiting and making friends. Those cookies look scrumptious. I have a special little giveaway on my pg as well :-)

LauraO said...

Vicki, congratulations on a very successful blog party. Thanks so much for putting this together. It will take me probably the whole year to visit each one, but I'm so looking forward to it. Thanks again! Laura

Kaisievic said...

Hi Vicky, thanks for organising this. And please counte me in your giveaway. What a great list of blogs to visit. Just one thing (and I do realise how big a job this is but I did get an email from you saying that I was in on this Blog Party but I cannot see my blog listed under the 200 plus list.

I have blogged about the party here:
and I am having a double mystery giveaway. So, anyone reading this blog - please join in the fun.

hugs, Kaye

Kaisievic said...

P.S. Lovely pic of you on this post.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Have a fabulous party! And those COOKIES? Are you kidding? It's first thing in the morning here and I'm positively drooling!!!

liniecat said...

I forgot to post!!!!!
getting to it NOW tho!!!
Thankyou for setting this up.................gosh cant believe Im so behind !!

sharon said...

Thank you Vicki for all your hard work on this event, and truly wonderful idea! I am thrilled to be a part, and get to know so many more new people...what a thrill!

Joyce Clark Frank said...

What a fun event. Looking forward to enjoying different and new blogs as well as ones I always read. Thank you for a great event.
I would love to win the cookies.

Unknown said...

Thank you Vicki for all of your hard work on this and especially for being who you are - one of the most giving and special women I know. Hugs!

StarTraci said...

Thank you so much for hosting this event. I am so excited to meet new bloggers. I know this a huge undertaking and all your hard work is soooooo appreciated.

((HUGS)) from Austin!

Maureen said...

Thank you so much, Vicki! I can't imagine all the time and effort this has taken you to it this all together! You are wonderful to give us all this opportunity to grow. I am looking forward to visiting each and every blog listed! After waiting for this event for months, I can't believe it's here! Yay!!!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hello Vicki
This was a great idea to meet new bloggers and I can see that you did have to put in many hours to assemble the lists of blogs. Thank you for organizing this event, your time spent is appreciated, and who knows how many new friends we'll make!

Robyn said...

Oh the work you have Done!!!!!! Thank you so very much for loving the world as you do!

Christina Paul said...

Thanks so much for putting together this wonderful event! Already "met" some of the most delightful bloggers

Fat Dormouse said...

Thank you so much Vicki! You have worked so hard to help us all "grow our blogs" and I am really looking forward to visiting as many blogs as I can. It was a major undertaking for you, and despite this you gave of your time - and yourself - for us. You are a real star!

PS Those cookies look fab!

Unknown said...

Thank you Vicki for your generous spirit and hard work. I truly appreciate it. Cathy

Sara said...

Thank you for putting this event together. I'm looking forward to exploring all the blogs and adding some new ones to my browsing list.

Yarni Gras! said...

Thank you for hosting this fun event! It is a long weekend so I can't wait to visit these blogs. cookies? Yum, hope I win!

Yarni Gras! said...

Thank you for hosting this fun event! It is a long weekend so I can't wait to visit these blogs. cookies? Yum, hope I win!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Vicki what a wonderful and a success. You have a lot of participating Bloggers and I will be searching through them, I am pretty sure it will take some time.
I truly wish I had of been able to participate but it did not work out.
I think you are a wonderful person doing all this for so many. Off I go to have some fun reading.

Una said...

Thank you very much for generously hosting this Grow Your Blog party. It came at the perfect time for me. I love working my way through lists of blogs. I'm snowed in today, so this is how I am going to spend my time. Thanks again, Una. Great Balls of Wool

Unknown said...

great blog, I really love it. I am new follower. hugs

J said...

What a tremendous amount of work to help others connect! Thank you! I have already found my first friend to follow and look forward to checking out a few more every time I take a break!
And the give away? My, my! Those look yummy!

Loving Whatcha Got said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Hi Vicki!
Thanks so much for this event! I will be going through and checking out the blogs! This was a huge undertaking! Those cookies look really good! yum! Hugs- Linda

Loving Whatcha Got said...

Thanks so much for hosting this event. What a great idea! I look forward to checking out some new blogs and hopefully getting some new follows and friends.


DreamChallenge said...

Grazie Vicki, for so many things in my life and espoecially this Blog Party. It has given me a focus for several days over and above healing. Thank you for Not sleeping or sitting with 'the gardner' or doing other thing you love JUST SO WE CAN MEET OTHER WONDERFUL BLOGGERS. lOVE AND GRATITUDE to you, Jan

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for hosting this amazing event! I know the amount of work put into organizing this event and I am grateful you did it anyway!

Your nests are one of my favorite things you create! You have inspired me to try one on my own...let us just say the first one was NOT anywhere close to a

Thank you again for being so generous and kindhearted.

Happy Crafting,

fromsophiesview said...

Hi Vicki...I am so proud of you for attempting and succeeding with this endeavour. Your kindness and generosity is being felt over the miles now even moreso than before. Continued inspiration and enjoy all your new followers as I know Jim is right now.

Major Licks...from Sophie Doodle and of course, Ron!

Faith said...

Lovely Job, Thank you for hosting.
It's going to take all of us to get around to all these blogs, wow
400...amazing. Happy Reading...

Jim said...

Great party Vicki! I hope you got a good night's sleep and are up and ready for a busy day!
Thanks for doing this and I look forward to get to know new bloggers. What a vast array of people! Nice job !

Lululiz said...

Vicki, you deserve the biggest, squeeziest hugs for hosting this wonderful event. It is so difficult for new bloggers to get the encouragement they need without any followers, so I hope that lots of people visit and stay as followers. I remember the incredible excitement when I got my first followers, and reaching the first hundred was just amazing. Approaching 500 now, so I am really not trying to find any more, just love supporting this great event.

Julie Marie said...

Good morning Vicki... you are just the sweetest kindest lady I know... hosting this party for bloggers... I did not sign up to join in, but will certainly visit some of those who did... I love that the whole world will see your beautiful nests now and all of the exquisite things you create, as well as see what a beautiful lady you are, inside and out... enjoy your party!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

YOU are the best, I have a giveaway as well. And am honored to be included with my favorite people.
I am glad to join the party!! Cheers
Di@ Cottage-Wishes

Lisa said...

Hi Vicki, I guess got left out. Oh well, there is a giveaway there too! Thank you!

Lady Locust said...

Hello there - How do I get my name on your list? I have 39 followers - just began blogging this past summer. This is a very generous and amazing thing for you to host. I have lots of blogs to check out now:)

Helen Campbell said...

Oh Vicki, you are fabulous for hosting this party! Thank you so much for including me, and for all the work you've done to make this successful. It will be so much fun visting everyone! Hugs for you and your pals who helped make this possible.

Lynn said...

Thank you so much for hosting this event Vicki. There is an incredible amount of work involved in this and I'm so glad you had the help of some good friends. I'm looking forward to visiting so many bloggers.
Your blog is lovely! I am amazed by your nests. I've never seen anything like them. They're so gorgeous!

The Sage Butterfly said...

Thank you for creating this party and adding me to the list. This is so much fun. I am glad I met you here in the blogosphere. Enjoy your lovely party.

Angela said...

Thank you so much for all your hard work setting this up for us :) My post is now up, I'm having a little giveaway too.

It was great getting to read more about you. Please include me in your giveaway too :)

camp and cottage living said...

A huge Thanks to you for sponsoring this party!
I can only imagine the hours it has taken you to pull it all together. With over 400 people you can say it's a BIG success!

MarchAnn said...

Cookiiieeeeesss, Ok you have to picture the big blue cookie monster saying it and its funny. Thanks for the "Grow You Blog" Vicki. I plan to try to visit all the sites this week end. So far I down to the D's and have enjoyed the ones I have seen so far.

hula-la said...

Oh Vicki, thank you for hosting such a wonderful online event. This is all so exciting!!! And those cookies, they look divine!!! Here I go...bloggin' away!!!

Unknown said...

Morning Vicky! May I compliment you on your dedication to helping other blogs?! A tremendous undertaking, THANK YOU. You have given us motivation and a renewed excitment. Also I love your nests, you re very gifted.I also enjoy "travelling" with you. LOVE your Blog, warmly Dianna

sara velder said...

Love this blogging event!

hula-la said...

Dear Vicki,
This is all so exciting! Thank you very much for hosting such a fabulous online event! It is making my heart sing! And those cookies look divine!
Here I go...bloggin away! Have fun one and all!

Carol said...

Thank you for hosting the party, Vicki! I'll be busy visiting many blogs this weekend, what fun!


Laurie said...

What fun! Thank you for including me and for all you did to hostess this blog party! I can't wait to go and visit everyone!

The Painted Garden said...

Hi Vicki,
Thank you for creating the fabulous party. It certainly is an act of love on your part to host the event and very much appreciated by everyone in Blog Land. I hope to participate next year and was sorry I had to back out of the party due to my knee injury.
Wishing you and everyone a Happy Party.

Daffycat said...

Whoa, I don't think you had time to sleep these past few many blogs to add!

Awesome, awesome party! Thank you so much for hosting us!

Magdalena said...

Dear Vicki,THANK YOU!!! You have done a great job, what a lovely idea. I'm so happy to participate and give a big hug to your friends. Now I have wonderful new blogs to look at, that will be a great pleasure.

Magdalena said...

Dear Vicki,THANK YOU!!! You have done a great job, what a lovely idea. I'm so happy to participate and give a big hug to your friends. Now I have wonderful new blogs to look at, that will be a great pleasure.

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Vicki, thanks so much for hosting this! I've already found several blogs I LOVE and would probably never have come across without you. This is awesome!

Holly said...

Wow, Vicki! What a lot of work you did! Thank you so much! Your heart is shining through all of this! I've had visitors already and am going to go visit some of these amazing bloggers too!
PS You are so beautiful. =0)

Elizabeth Braun said...

Thanks for all that work, Vicki! I've just been through the list and visited stacks of new blogs, leaving a fair number of comments.=)

All the best!=)

Patty said...

The cookies look delicious! Thank you for hosting this wonderful party, Vicki!

Unknown said...

So sad to have missed this event as a participating blogger, but happy to have new blogs to explore!

Kate North said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the time and effort you have put into this event - a nice idea! Looking forward to finding some new blogs to add into my reader. Oh, and those cookies look fab :)

Elizabeth Johnson said...

Hi Vicki. Thank you for the generosity of your time. This event is lovely, just as is your blog and its author.

blueladie said...

Vicki, I SO appreciate this event and how very hard you all worked to make it possible. Please enter me in your giveaway. :) Thank you. Cathryn (blueladie at hotmail dot com)

Sherry said...

So great to meet you -- I came here via Veronica Roth...and I can see how I'll be spending my weekend...hopping around the blogoverse discovering so many new people! Thanks for hosting this!

Jamie said...

Thank you so much for this opportunity to share my blog! I am inspired to update my blog, start an Etsy store, etc. I appreciate all of your hard work and looking forward to visiting all the blogs! Jamie V in MT

Becka said...

Dear Vicki,
I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful opportunity to make new friends, and broaden our relationships in this beautiful world. The time and effort you have spent putting this all together is simply amazing. It really touches me, and puts firm in my belief that there are truly good, kind, and loving people among us.
From the bottom of my heart {hugs}

Chris Flynn said...

Thank you Vicki, for creating the basis for this wonderful blogging village!
Sweet Blessings, Chris

1CardCreator said...

What a beautiful idea to share all of these beautiful bloggers in one place. The work you have done to make this happen is appreciated. I came from my friend Celestina Marie's blog, I will stop by later to meet some of these beautiful bloggers. ~Diane

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicki!
Although it looks like I missed out on your Grow Your Blog party, I am so happy to be your new blog Friend! I will watch for your next party! And I am anxious to make my Pink Scarf :)))

Anonymous said...

I missed out on this fun grow linky party,maybe next time.But I'd sure love some of those cookies,teehehehe.
~Jo @ LoblollyLane

Cindy said...

Thank you for hosting this party, I have come across so many wonderful new blogs to follow and I've only just begun!

gracie said...

Although I am not officially listed, I do plan to visit as many as I can. Thank you for hosting this amazing blog hop! The cookies look delicious...please enter me so I may have them with my tea!I am happy to have found your blog....

Donna said...

Thank you SO MUCH for hosting this wonderful event and all of the hard work that you put into it! {{{{{hugs}}}}

And please enter me into your delicious giveaway!

The French Bear said...

Vicki, this is amazing, I love to see all the blogs that supported you!!!! I better finish my scarf and get it in the mail so I don't miss the next event. Thank you to you girls that have worked hours to host this event, great job!!!!!

Terri said...

Thank you so much for hosting this! It was so great to wake up and see people I've yet to meet leaving me comments. I see new friends around the corner!

Loretta said...

Dropping in to thank you for hosting this lovely party. I am going to try and visit as many blogs as I can in the next few days.

(By the way when I click on the link for Angel Stitches it says "Blog not Found")

I read your Pink Scarf Project post and am very interested in participating. I am going to look this afternoon for pink yarn.

Please enter me in your giveaway.

Take care!!!!

Loretta said...

Dropping in to thank you for hosting this lovely party. I am going to try and visit as many blogs as I can in the next few days.

(By the way when I click on the link for Angel Stitches it says "Blog not Found")

I read your Pink Scarf Project post and am very interested in participating. I am going to look this afternoon for pink yarn.

Please enter me in your giveaway.

Take care!!!!

Katherine McNeese said...

thank you Vicki for all your hard work!

Carola Bartz said...


this is such a wonderful event, and I enjoyed writing my post especially for today. Thank you so much for organizing this, hosting it, for all the amount of work you have put into this. You are so generous and I truly appreciate it.
I look forward to visiting the blogs, meeting new people and hopefully making new friends.
Your give away looks very yummy, too.

Tanya said...

A thank you for hosting this wonderful event, and a wish for healed knitting fingers soon, after all this typing! YOU ROCK!!! Looking forward to dropping by some new and exciting and running this morning. Happy Saturday, Vicki - thanks for the chance to join in - GET SOME REST FOR THOSE HANDS!!! XOXOXO

Michelle said...

Thanks so much for doing this! For a minute I thought I'd been missed -- and then realized you had the blogs divided into number of followers. I'm IN!

Yvonne Garner said...

What a lovely thing to do! I am sorry I missed learning of your event until just now, however, I will find great joy in browsing through the list of blogs. Take care! Yvonne

geeky Heather said...

Vicki, thank you so much for hosting this event! I can't wait to peruse all these wonderful links. Those cookies look delightful!!

Beansieleigh said...

Oh my word, Vicki! More blogs here than I ever imagined there might be!!! I did manage to edit my most recent post so as not to cancel my participation in the event, and I hope that's o.k.. It's very nice to meet you, and it's very nice of you to host this event, so THANK YOU! ~tina (aka, beansie)

khaki said...

Glad to have found your post and look forward to following! Found you by way of Sage Butterfly. Can't wait to visit all the blogs you have listed- I too enjoy reading posts/blogs from all over.

Lija Broka said...

Thank you for organising this! I am very glad the post will remain open, as I fancy browsing all of the blogs that are at this party ... and that as you say will be very time consuming. And my revision is sadly/lonely piled next to me. I would love to be included in your giveaway.

Jackie said...

Wow Vicki thank you for the chance to win- what a clever endeavor this is- so very exciting- thanks for your time in doing so- so many new friends to meet!")Jackie

Jocelyne said...

So sorry I missed this year! I will be sure to get in next time ~ hopefully won't have to wait a whole year! ~

Cache-Mire said...

WOW! I can't believe how many folks came to the party! I am so glad to have a long weekend to spend visiting.

I just love your blog! It has been so inspirational. And I can't believe all you do. Do you ever get to sleep?

This had to be an amazing amount of work to coordinate. Thank you so much for your efforts.


Sangeetha said...

Hi Vicki, Congratulations on hosting a successful party. You and your friends have put in tremendous effort. I am feeling so sorry that I missed it by one day. Maybe next time :( Until then I am going to be busy visiting all 400 lovely and lucky participants. Thank you for the wonderful idea.
Sangeetha (

Wilma said...

Hello Vicki,

Thank you so very much for hosting this Blogparty. It's my first time to participate in such an event. Can't wait to visit all the blogs you've listed. What a huge/great job you did !!!

Wilma,Shabby Royale.

Hindustanka said...

hi, Vicky! We do appreciate your hard work on the party, and more - the idea itself is incredible! You gave us all such a unique opportunity.
Take care of yourself and see you in our lovely blogland :)
Best wishes and thanks,

ikkinlala said...

Thanks for the introduction to so many new blogs! I'm not a blogger myself, but I've learned a lot from them over the last few years.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Acorn to Oak said...

Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful event! What a great idea you had! My blog following started growing from day you posted about the event. I'm excited to see what happens now that the big day is here. I've found more wonderful blogs to follow and I'm making new friends. Above all that, I'm glad I found your blog and "met" you. You seem like such a sweet and wonderful person. And, your blog posts are always so beautiful and filled with love and inspiration.

Hugs! Cheryl :-)

Unknown said...

Wow! What a great success. This is such a wonderful way to meet new and wonderful people.

Lynda said...

This was a brilliant idea and thank you so much for all the work and hours you spent. Hope you stop by to see my giveaway. Thanks again!

Kathy said...

Vicki, thank you SO much for hosting this event. I cannot get over the response and number of blogs participating. I am looking forward to a weekend of partying - um, maybe a WEEK! 8+)

DeeDee said...

What a very fun event.. thanks so much for letting me join.. I look forward to visiting all your friends.. Big hugs to you Vicki

Art and Sand said...

Thank you so much for providing this fun venue for us to meet others. I have already have quite a few visits and fun comments from all over the world.

I will visit all of the blogs, no matter how long it takes.

Gayle said...

What a fun party! I'm looking forward to meeting some new gals because of this - and I'd LOVE to win those yummy looking cookies too! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Vicki,
Thank you so very much for all the hard work you put into hosting this beautiful blog party to connect all of us with other bloggers.
It is a pleasure to be a part of it and I can only imagine the amount of time put in.
It has been a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to more lovely visits.

Blessings, love and Hugs Marilou

Unknown said...

Thanks for this wonderful giveaway

Barbara said...

So wonderfully generous of you to host this event - that's a fab picture of you by the way! Barbara x

Terri said...

Hello Vicki,
Thank you so much for hosting such a special event! I can only imagine how much work it has been, and I really appreciate you taking it on!
I know my blog is on the bigger side, and maybe I don't belong here...but I truly love love love to visit new bloggers! I do try to find them on my own, but it is hard. Now I can go and see everyone here easily!Thanks! Blogging has enriched my life, and when I began people believed in me and cheered me on. Now it is my time to do the cheering. Yay!

Patrice said...

I'm overwhelmed with wonderful blogs to visit. My eyes tell me I've been on the computer too long, but this is FUN! Thanks for doing this!

Lesa said...

I'm joining the chorus of thank you's for this wonderful project! I'm having a great time looking through the list. I'm visiting as many as possible. I'm giving away a purse on my blog, as a party favor, if you get a chance to stop by. My husband plans to watch hours of car auctions this weekend, so you couldn't have timed this better for me. I've had many visitors and made new friends already...thanks for the party!

Sami said...

Thanks for hosting such an awesome event! What a mammoth task you had dividing the blogs into number of readers. It certainly makes it easier to give some love to the less blessed! I have already chosen quite a few to add to my list.

Nancy McCarroll said...

Thank you so much for organizing this event!

I shall be visiting lots and lots!


Lou Anne Hazel said...

Thank you for hosting this event! I appreciate all of the hours and hard work you've done to help us grow our blogs. I can't wait to explore!

Unknown said...

Thank you to my boggy friend! I am in for a treat today as I visit and make new friends!, xoxo E

kareninkenai said...

Vicki - you are so very special; a blessing to all of us, with such a compassionate and loving heart.

Love and hugs from Alaska. Karen

Shannon said...


Thank you SO much for creating this opportunity for us to meet other bloggers. I am boggled by how many blogs you arranged to do this! It's definitely going to take some time and be a lot of fun.


Shirley said...

Thank you Vicki for organizing this special party. You are a very special friend in my life and I always enjoy your travels because I feel like I am going right along with you. You are so encouraging with your comments. I would love to enter your contest. Thank you Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

Emily C said...

WOW! That is a ton of blogs participating. An idea for next time is to delegate some of the work. For example have more then one email people can send their info too, to spread out the work. Then your helpers can type up some of them and then you just merge the lists. Another idea is to have each helper do a different follower range, which would make things even easier.
Thanks for the hop! Love these a lot!

Kim Stevens said...

Hi sweet Vicki, just wanted to say thank you so much for all the work you and your friend put into making this happen, you rock!

I am enjoying traveling the world today, but have a feeling I will be doing it all week! ;)

And ooooh I hope I win the giveaway!

Angi in hana said...

aloha vicki! i have been waiting anxiously since 5am! d/t internet problems in my little rural part of this island i just now am up and running, i am so excited, gotta go do my post but wanted to check in and i would looove those cookies! the biggest warm aloha is coming to you from me in thanks for doing this for us! aloha, angi in hana

Susan said...

Let me add my thanks Vicki. My post today is about beauty in the world. You certainly add beauty in many ways.

Kim said...

Thanks for hosting such a great event. I can't wait to visit the participants.

Shanda said...

wow oh wow!! what a hit huh? Thank you for taking on such a large undertaking!! I love it!! Oh and those cookies :)

Barb said...

Came over to visit from Ocean Breezes. What a great idea! I'll certainly visit some of the blogs listed.

Nell at njschout said...

What an incredibly huge party! Thanks, Vicki, for all the work you did on this humungous project!

Loretta said...

I thought I commented earlier in the morning but it is not showing up so I will try again.

I dropped in to thank you for hosting this party and to tell you what a lovely blog you have.

I also read about the Pink Scarf project and I am going to try to participate. I will be looking for some pink yarn later today.

Great giveaway and I would love to enter.

Mary said...

I'm so sad I missed this wonderful party. One thing for sure, I need to grow my blog! I so appreciate your time and energy on behalf of people you've yet to know!


Linda said...

I'm reading blogs. What a great idea. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.


Kmcblackburn said...

A little behind the 8-ball, but finally got my post up today. Thank you so much for organizing this get-together party....FABULOUS!

JaneT said...

Those yummies look sooooo good. You are lucky to go to Banff. That is one place I hope to see before I die. It looks like such a peaceful and comfortable place.

LisaS said...

Thank you again for putting on this wonderful party! Would love a chance to win such delicious looking cookies ;)

Bernadett said...

Thank you very much Vicki for this event and for the list...It is long...It will take time to visit all the blogs.:)
You have done a great job.:)


Maggie said...

Goodness sakes, what A LOT of work you have dedicated to this wonderful event! Thank you so much. What a wonderful way to connect like-minded people. Your blog and your creations are is your photography!! Please stop by my blog and also enter my name to win the COOKIES!! ymmmmmm

Thanks again,

Paula said...

Well, I thought it was today (Jan. 19) so I was going to add my post...sadly, I saw that it ended on the 15th. Oh well. I put a link to the party on my blog - even if my blog doesn't show up on the list, it still will give my readers a chance to check out that huge list of bloggers!

i still have a giveaway for commenters however! Come by and visit me at Home In Douglas!

Jennifer Shelby said...

you put so much work into all of this for all of this - thank you so much! Please stop by and enter to win my mermaid doll giveaway - little Kady needs mermaid in her life!

Jennifer Shelby said...

P.S. I'm only a few hours from Banff. Next time you visit, come visit!

Sandy said...

Awww I can't even begin to know what all you went through to get this ready! Bless you Vicki and you did a fabulous job! I love the photo of you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

the cookies look yummy!!!

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

What a lovely event! Hope next year to be in it.


~ Darlene said...

I am linking to many blogs and have had some responders. thank you for doing this!
I would love to be enter your giveaway!

~ Darlene

Jessica @ A Humble Creation said...

Hi Vicki,
Thank you for organizing this event. It is such a great idea to encourage community. I know it has been a ton of work and obviously a labor of love. Thank you!

McKenna C. said...

Thanks so much for hosting this blog hop! I've tried really hard to visit most of the blogs! :)

Please enter me in your giveaway!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This is such a fun idea! I hope I can join in next year! Hugs!

lynda said...

Thanks so much for thinking of this idea and for hosting such a fab party! I am really looking forward to visiting all these blogs at some point and making lots of new blogging friends. I would love a chance in your giveaway...those cookies look so yummy! I hope you are having fun with this today too.

Anonymous said...

Vicki - thankyou so much for organising this! I've already visited some great new blogs and am looking forward to coming back to check out the others over the next few days :)
Have a great weekend! xxx

Sharon said...

Thank you so very much for all the hours of love you put into this event. It's amazing to see how organized you are! I am loving meeting new blog friends - so many truly lovely people that we otherwise would never know.
May you be blessed for giving so much! (oh, and cookies are definitely my love language!) :)

Mi Cottage Crafts said...

Thank you so much for all your hard work in putting this blog hop together, so many blogs to visit I think I'll do 2-3 letters of the alphabet a day to get through them all :) Thanks for the chance to win some yummyness!!!
- Jeanette

Jane S. said...

Oh my gosh, what a lot of work you've put into the Blog Hop! Thank you for it though, I really enjoy finding new blogs to visit, and people are so friendly.

Hugs to you. :)

Beth said...

Thanks so much for sponsoring this party! How generous of you, and the work you have put in - my goodness! Thanks for the giveaway too. The cookie looks delish.
Thanks again, Beth

knitalatte said...

Hi VIcki,
Thanks for hosting this most amazing event.
I'm having so much fun visiting new to me blogs out there.
Such a great turnout too...
Love your giveaway.

Unknown said...

Hi Vicki,

I thought I would pop over and say thank you so much for organizing the "Grow Your Blog" event. What a nice idea. Here's wishing you health, prosperity and happiness in the new year.


Unknown said...

Thank you for all the hard work you've put into this event. It is a great idea and I'm looking forward to visiting lots of people as well as welcoming visitors.

Debra Lee said...

I love that you have given me a way of finding new blogs to visit. Thanks so much!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Vicki, Thanks so much for hosting the party! I see quite a few blogs on the list I am not familiar with and I look forward to visiting them and finding new blogging friends. xx, Sherry


really cool, i am visiting through recommendations of a friends blog.. good to meet you..
ms louise in ga


Great to meet you..
ms louise from ga

Eileen said...

This is a wonderful idea for a party. How thoughtful and generous of you!

Judy said...

I love reading blogs! I wish I had known about this before I would've loved to join you. Thanks for doing this wonderful blog tour for us!

Tami Von Zalez said...

Hello doll! What a lovely image of you and thank you so much for hosting this event.

I agree that it is a delight meeting bloggers from around the world.

You might consider utilizing a Mr. Linky tool for your next blog hop - will save you tons of time and effort (just email if you have any questions).

Sarah Beth said...

Hi congrats on this. You did an amazing job:-) I will watch to do it next time for sure.:-)

Jen said...

Jim over at Ocean Breezes mentioned there was a party over at your blog Vicki.
I'm sorry I got here late.

But I'd love to visit some of your party goers if that's ok with you.

I might also say, what you've done here is incredibly generous, a lot of work and a very nice thing to do. Thanks so much.

Createology said...

Vicki dear your "Grow Your Blog" party is more than HUGE! You (and Silke) have done a wonderful job of organizing this. It may take me a very long time but I plan on visiting each blog participating. This is a Village of Creative People!!!

yaya said...

Thanks Vicki for this event. I hope everyone enjoys it and gets some wonderful new followers. I'm excited to see how this will work. I'm excited about all the pink scarves I received also...sending pics to you tonight!

Joy said...

My those look like tasty cookies. This has been cool.

susan said...

Thanks, Vickie, to you and the other gals who did so much work to make this happen.

Next year I would be willing to help with checking links or any other not-too-technical job.

I am looking forward to finding and adding new faves to my "must read" list.

Susan from

My Garden Diaries said...

Vicki words can not express how thankful I am to you for setting up this party!! Blogging has recharged my creative soul in so many ways! I have already grown my blog by 10 and have met some awesome people thanks to you. What a kind soul you are to think of all of are the good in the world! All the best! Nicole

Jenny said...

Good gracious, that is so much time and work! You are AWESOME, my sweet friend!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of this, but most of all- for just BEING YOU! And a giveaway to boot... just fantastic! Thank you again!

Jenny at

Robyn said...

It has been a delightfully lazy day as I have visited so many blogs! Thanks for all the work you put into pulling it off! May you nest happy for the next few weeks!!!

Everydaythings said...

HI everyone, and thank you for organising this wonderful event! I am trying to grow my new blog - I have the dubious honour of only having 4 followers so far, so for me this is a w timely event. And I'm also looking for new blogs to read and learn new things from!

looking forward to exploring the new links here on the lists!

krissie from Everyday Things

Julia said...

Wow, Vicki, that quite the party.
I've joined your Grow Your Blog Party. I have 131 followers and my blog is called Of Petals And Wool.
I'm looking forward to checking out some of the blogs on the list.


Monica said...

Thanks for the wonderful work! It has been so much fun looking at all the different blogs. Thank you for all the time you put in to make this such a success !

mitz said...

...Vicki... So Very Nice of you for undertaking this.. just wonderful!!!
thanks mitz_zee@yahoodotcom

Linda at French Hollow said...

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate all your efforts and that I have found lots of lovely new bloggers to follow. What a great opportunity to visit with lots of like-minded ladies!

gin said...

Hi . I did not get signed up for the hop, but am enjoying hopping and meeting new bloggers anyway. Thanks for the opportunity.

lorik said...

Thank you so much Vicki for organising this fantastic party!

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