Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Nature's Artistry-- My Spring Giveaway! (My Biggest Giveaway ever!)

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul,
       and paints his own nature into his pictures~
                                     Henry Ward Beecher

 this beautiful little booklet of quotes and sketches
was a gift from my dear friend Patricia Eaton
I thought this lovely verse was the perfect
choice to begin this post~

 Spring is here!
a time for rejuvenating our spirits
 and renewing our

Spring is the season of
new beginnings~

fresh buds bloom,
and animals awaken~
the earth seems to come to life again.

farmers and gardeners plant their seeds~
temperatures slowly rise
as the sun's warmth
brings us all
outside once again~

simply stated --
 this has been a long and miserable winter.
I am so happy to once again
feel the warmth of the sun on my face~

some things I love most about spring~
bird songs
the smell of fresh cut grass
tender blooms on shrubs and flowers

longer days~
and the chance to play in the dirt!
growing up,
I used to love to make mud pies with my sisters.
we would decorate them with flowers
and set them in the sun to dry.
even now --
I am always happiest,
when at the end of the day
I have had the chance to play in the dirt.

spring cleaning~
throwing open the doors and windows
the chance to refresh our home
after this long, long winter

flip flops~
and brightly painted toes! 

watching our kitties basking in the rays
 from the sun~

driving down the road in my
brand new car (!!)
the wind blowing on my face
(the radio turned up loud!)
(after 10 years, I finally gave in and bought myself a brand new Subaru Outback.
  It was about time -- my Subaru Forester had almost 250,000 miles on it!) 
all the different shades of green
in the fields, and the forests,
and the farms~
green is my favorite spring color!

and my most favorite thing about spring~
this opportunity to thank you all for
the love and support
that you send my

my "thank-you" giveaway is all about
and nests
and beautiful things~

A very special celebration
 just for

Listed below are all the wonderful things
that are to be gifted in this giveaway~
to enter --
simply leave a comment
on this post,
and perhaps share
something that you love most about
if you would like to share this giveaway
with you friends
(on your own blog or on your facebook page)
you can leave another comment here
telling me that you have
shared the love!
this contest is open to all of my
readers and followers
regardless of where you live!
the winners will be announced 
at the bottom of this post
on June 21,
the summer solstice.

one lucky winner will receive one of my
Woodland nests~

these nests are made every winter
for those on the waiting list~
this year I made an extra one
to share with you!

My friend Sidney Hanner
makes gorgeous jewelry~

Sidney's unique nest necklace designs
are simply stunning.
In addition to her beautifully crafted nest,
she adds vintage buttons and beads to the chain
making this a necklace like no other! 

this beautiful necklace
was created by Sidney just for this giveaway!
you can find my friend at her beautiful blog

 your necklace will arrive in this
beautiful crafted special
 gift bag
if you would like to contact Sidney
about your own custom made
you can email her here-

(for the period of this contest- until June 21-
Sidney will be offering a 10 % discount
on her custom made nest necklaces)
(just mention in your email that you saw her creations on my blog)

you will love this
"Anthropologie" inspired handbag
that I found just for you~
This beautiful vintage handbag was made by Margaret Smith, Gardiner Maine. These handbags are highly collectible, known for their quality and lively designs of nature and florals.

Margaret Smith first began making beach bags and totes that were sold in specialty stores in the 1940's. By the 1950's and '60's she added handbags and was selling out of Bonwit Teller of NYC, where her line was highly sought after.

this lovely little "mini-book"
of garden verses and quotes
was specifically designed for this giveaway
by my friend
Sue Kosec

each page
has it's own special design
and garden verse
you can email Sue here-

my dear friend Marsha,
hand painted her special nest design
on this
 beautiful teapot
and cups
one of you will win this
beautiful set!

Marsha's talent is amazing!
I love her beautiful nest design!!
you can find some of Marsha's other lovely
hand painted designs
for sale in her new ETSY shop. 
To help you celebrate the arrival of Spring -
she is offering FREE SHIPPING
in the US on her hand painted

My friend Jill makes the most
exquisite needle books
beautifully embroidered and felted-
with amazing details
such as her gorgeous beaded flowers
and stunning designs

One of you will win a gift certificate
allowing Jill to custom design
your own beautiful 
needle book.
You can find my friend Jill
at her blog
and at her ETSY shop

Are you starting to feel the love?
my sincere and heartfelt gratitude
for all the kindness and love
you send my way!
more special surprises
for you--
keep scrolling!

This gorgeous little pitcher
was created specially for this giveaway
by my friend
Cynthia Crane.

One of you will win
this beautiful and unique piece of pottery~
Cynthia's own design,
embellished by her special
whimsical painted flowers, birds, and butterflies. 

Isn't it gorgeous?
you can find Cynthia at her blog
you can find her pottery ETSY shop here 
and her ETSY shop for
paintings here

 Also from Cynthia's creative artistry-
a collection of bluebird items
these beautiful note cards

a little bluebird book marker
 bluebird button
petite flower buttons
someone will win this entire collection of
bluebird items created by
Cynthia Crane.
(the little bluebird figurine is not included in the giveaway)

and lastly~

my friend Marsha created these precious little
hand painted nest tags

~these precious tea stained gift tags
are accented with a variety of beautiful
ribbons and trims

 someone will win a set of 10
little hand painted
nest gift tags
you can find more of Marsha's
nest tags in her etsy shop
(free shipping too!)

NOW do you feel loved?

to summarize-
the following items will be
given away to lucky winners on
June 21
(the names of the winners will be noted below by their prize on June 21)
please make sure in your comments that your email address
is available
6/21/14--Update -- winners announced 

This contest is now closed.

Woodland nest
 #1 Deb -- Just Cats

Nest Necklace
#216 Julie -- My Threadbare Life

Vintage Margaret Smith purse
#36 Kim -- Picking Poppies

Mini-book of garden verses

Hand painted tea pot and mugs
 #48  Bonnie Larson

Coupon for custom designed Needle book
 #110  Audrey ?

Bluebird and flowers hand painted pitcher
#159 Terri Gordan- Designs by Terri Gordan

Bluebird collection-
(notecards, book marker, buttons)
#55 Emma Elliott- Bubsiekins

Hand painted nest gift tags
#23 Meredith -- Mereknits

I'll be back in a few weeks with some lovely spring photos of the Biltmore Estate -- we visited there a few days ago while the tulips were brilliantly in bloom~



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Deb said...

Hello Vickie - My goodness, what a generous give-a-way you have posted. I would never be able to pick my favorite of them all. Cynthia's pitcher is stunning and your nests are so beautiful. I am going to visit many of these blogs soon. Spring has sprung here in Ontario and we are anxiously waiting on the lilacs to bloom on the bushes. Then, I will fill my house with them. The cats are enjoying the warm sun-puddles and the noisy birds at the feeders. Wishing you a wonderful Spring. Hugs, Deb (debsteckly@catlover.com)

Suztats said...

Wow! Such beautiful items for your giveaway, Vicki! There is so much love flying around........and there will be so many happy recipients.
I love the return of the warmth and sun in spring--the rebirth of nature as it springs forth from the newly thawed ground, the bright happy green of first leaves exploding open. The sounds of the birds as they return, their songs cheery during the hours of the day spread joy.
Wishing you a wonderful spring!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Oh, I would be so honored to win one of your nests! All the other gifts are so beautiful too! Thank you for this fantastic opportunity! Twyla

Berina RGA said...

wow!! these are so beautiful!! love each one of them!! thanks to all the people who created it for this grand giveaway!! and thanks to you Vicki, for organizing them!! thanks for the chance!!
Moxie Craftie

Charlene S said...

Wow! Wonderful prizes. My favorite part of spring is watching the land and surrounding vegetation turn wonderful shades of green. That and being able to open the windows to let the sweet breezes flow thru the house.

Unknown said...

All these are beautiful!

Unknown said...

What an awesome giveaway! Please enter my name. :)

My favorite part of Spring is all the flowers blooming.

Have a great week! :)


Christina said...

I would love to win one of your beautiful nests. Please enter me in your contest. Christina4654@gmail.com

Thank you.

deb said...

hello Vicki ~ what an amazing group of talented ladies you all are & so generous to offer this lovely giveaway ! each and every hand crafted item is stunning.
thank you ♥

Catherine said...

I live in the Vale of Glamorgan in Wales in the middle of beautiful rolling countryside. I had left the blinds up last night and the window slightly open. I woke early at 5.45am to birdsong and went to make a cup of tea. A woodpecker was on the peanut feeder by the kitchen window. The garden was sparkling with dew, early morning light and birdsong. No other sound at all. What a great start to the day.
Thank you for the chance to win in your giveaway. Your nests are truly amazing and would remind me of Spring in the depths of Winter!

Elderberry-Rob said...

This is the most wonderful give away I have ever seen, not least because each item has been made with skill,talent and care by such gifted individuals.I love everything and particularly the theme. What I have loved most about this Spring has been the walks in the woods where I found a blackbirds nest with eggs and more recently a white squirrel - I have been so lucky to see such beautiful gifts from nature. I love Cynthia Crane's work but there are so many beautiful creations here by artists that are new to me that I will now enjoy visiting their blogs. Thankyou for sharing, Betty

Laney said...

Such a beautiful blog post and just what I needed this morning over breakfast. I so love your nests. I volunteer once a week to help support adults with learning difficulties and we do crafts I am wondering if we could try and make nests, they won't be as beautiful as yours but sometimes all we need to do is something to help communicate with others around us and nest making will give us so many opportunities to talk. My favourite thing about Spring is the smell just after the rain shower when the sun comes out, the birds are singing again and the smell is so fresh you can almost taste it. Hope you don't mind me taking your beautiful nest idea to use in our craft therapy. Lx

TheOutspokenYam said...


I'm just dazzled by these gorgeous items! The nest and the nest necklace especially are absolutely stunning.

One thing I love about spring is watching the world wake up from its long slumber- everything stretching and growing and yearning.

darla said...

This is such a wonderful giveaway! All of the art is just beautiful. I'm a morning person, so I love hearing the birds chirping each morning. Thank you for a chance to win.

Karen B. said...

Sweet Vicki,
what an amazingly beautiful giveaway! There are so many lovely pieces and one of them a breathtaking nest of yours! It would be wonderful to be the lucky one to wish this giveaway! You are so kind and so are your friends!
My favourite part of Spring is when I sit at my dining room window which is open wide with a cup of coffee very early in the morning, the sun is shining in a golden glow, the flowers are blooming and the birds are busy announcing a new day has begun. And if I am lucky a little bunny will be sitting close by too.
Wishing you a beautiful Spring time!
Many hugs and much love,
Karen B. ~ Todolwen

Karen B. said...

Oh my ... I almost missed the little blue bird I was so taken by all the beautiful things. I am so happy you like him/her!

Karen B. ~ Todolwen

lanybleu said...

What a beautiful post. Loved reading and seeing all the wonderful pics.
I would love to be included in your giveaway x

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

This give a way is like you and your contributors...Beyond Words.

There is EVERYTHING to love about spring except the storms. Feeling the sun, shedding layers of clothes, flowers popping up for early morning surprises..and so much more.

Have a wonderful day. Now I'm off to visit all your friends links!

kathyinozarks said...

Vicki I am speechless-such beauty, I am definately feeling all the love that went into these items. thank you for the chance to win one.
I love seeing the first green leaves that pop on the trees in spring-I also am with you and love getting my hands dirty-working in my little veggie garden and getting my hands filled with soil-it connects me with my "roots"-my farmgirl Mom and my farmgirl Grandma

Julie Marie said...

Oh my goodness Vicki... what a beautiful, happy, Spring loving post!... I am so happy that Spring has finally arrived for you now as well... and yes, this has been a very long, cold, hard winter!... how can one ever pick their favorite Springtime thing?... I love every single pleasure you wrote of... and I know your love of all of Nature is the same as mine... come Spring, one of my favorite things is just to sit out on my porch letting the sun warm my face and let my thoughts wander... to the crows flying overhead, to a little squirrel scurrying about... to a robin with nesting material in her beak... I suppose my one thing would be watching Nature come to life... refreshed and renewed... I am in awe of your wonderful friends and their exquisite creations!... what talented ladies... and your photographs are so stunning, as always... I want to go back and linger over each and every one so I do not miss a single thing... do you paint also?... I love the little nest sitting by the paints and brushes... you have truly captured Spring... and my heart... love you sweet friend... enjoy this glorious time of year... xoxo... Julie Marie

kathyinozarks said...

I shared on facebook

KAREN said...

Yikes! Vicki!!
What a wonderful giveaway! Each work of art is beautiful! My favorite thing about spring is the chameleons and tree frogs that come out from wherever they have been "wintering!" Also, watching nests full of eggs, waiting for the babies to hatch is another favorite. We have a lot cheeping and chirping going on here!

I still look forward each of your posts! Everything is looking lovely.


Meredith said...

Count me in, you and your friends are so, so generous. Have a lovely trip.


Vicki, thank you so much for including my little pitcher and other items in your wonderful giveaway! You are an amazingly generous and kind person to be giving away so many lovely things. I loved reading about Margaret Smith - what an incredible woman!

Jimmie said...

Hello Vickie,

My goodness! How generous you are with this giveaway! I would be so, so pleased to win! Please enter my name. Diane

Annmarie said...

What a wonderful post. Your walk thru Spring made me smile & I could actually feel the sun on my face.... I love Spring, especially when green things start peeking up from the ground (this year they actually peeked up thru the ice!)And thanks for introducing us to your creative friends. Going to check out their blogs now. Happy Spring!

Carole said...

Beautiful give-away Vickie, perfectly wonderful! Thanks for a chance to win. xox

andrea said...

Vicki...your page reminded me of Spring itself.
Spring: Rebirth...New...Innocent Love...the Earth Recycles and carries on despite "everything"! Life itself goes on.
All of the wonderful creations of all contributing to you give away burst of Spring. Newness, beauty, recreation and love. Your blog post made my day by all of the beauty it presented...again...Spring itself!

Michelle said...

Such artistry! At this point in my life there seems to be no time for art, so I would love to see these treasures firsthand.

One of my favorite things of spring are Shetland lambs. I didn't have any last year, so this year's crop of five is particularly precious!

Dorthe said...

Oh my dear Vicki, you are the most generous and loving sweet person , -what a collection of beautiful gifts, you have collected for some lucky winners.
'Your nest is so adorable, and all the other wonderful hand made /or painted gifts are so wonderful, too.I`m so happy for you, that you now have a beautiful spring with sun and warmt.
Thank you sweet friend, for the opertunity to winn one of all this yummy pieces.
Love you,

Dorthe said...

Oh my dear Vicki, you are the most generous and loving sweet person , -what a collection of beautiful gifts, you have collected for some lucky winners.
'Your nest is so adorable, and all the other wonderful hand made /or painted gifts are so wonderful, too.I`m so happy for you, that you now have a beautiful spring with sun and warmt.
Thank you sweet friend, for the opertunity to winn one of all this yummy pieces.
Love you,

maggiegracecreates said...

I love all the goodies - I love your generous spirit. I can't wait to visit the links you listed too.

my favorite part of the spring is watching as baby birds are beginning to test their wings and fly.

have a wonderful day.

maggiegracecreates said...

I also shared this on my facebook page ------ https://www.facebook.com/teresa.atkinson.963

Kim Stevens said...

I'm speachless, and almost needed a paper bag by the time I got to the end. So many beautiful things . . .

I love spring, it's my favorite season and strangely even though green isn't my favorite color, it's the thing I love the most about it. I love springs renewal of life, and especially when the monarchs come back and lay eggs!!

I love the birds singing, and the smell of the spring rain and watching seeds sprout from the ground. I love all of it! xo

You are such an incredible person Vicki, and I always feel loved regardless of a giveaway, but yes I'm really feeling the love today! :) xoxoxo

Mary Ann Potter said...

Oh, my goodness, Vicki! What beautiful give-aways! One of my favorite aspects of spring is always the smell of damp dirt here on the farm. It waits for me still, wondering when I'm going to finish planting! We had a harsh winter, a fast spring, and summery temperatures already in the 90's! This is the reality of spring in the South, my favorite time of year.

Kim Stevens said...

I just shared on Facebook too!

Unknown said...

How generous of all the crafters! I would love to provide a home for anyone of these give-aways! Thanks for sharing! lsmith1612@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I would be honored to provide a home for one of these give-aways! Thank you for your generosity!

Alison said...

What a generous give away. I would love to win!

Julia said...

Dear Vicki, I think that you are so generous and caring and I appreciate all the work you do. Thanks to your efforts, you make the world a better place for so many.

What I love about Spring is the anticipation of warmer weather, a coloring of nature's palette, lighter clothing and sandals, new growth and new birth, the birds singing and the surprises I get and there's always newness every day.


jeanniemc said...

Oh my goodness..what an awesome giveaway by such talented ladies! You are such a giving and loving person and the blog post today just made me smile...
We don't get much of a springtime here in Arizona but I love when the hyacinths, tulips and peonies bloom even in the desert...and the sweet smell of orange blossoms in the spring is wonderful!

Hugs, Jeannie

Jackie said...

Such a wonderful giveaway! What a nice way to celebrate spring/summer!
Wow, i am very impressed with suburu! your vehicle went 250,000 miles! that is amazing!!! Enjoy your new ride!

Katherine McNeese said...

what a gracious giveaway!
spring also leaves me hopeful!

liniecat said...

I'm speechless!
Well okay overwhelmed then lol

SUCH beautiful bounty from such brilliantly creative folks, and so kind of you to spread the kindness in this way.
I guess we all lust after your nests but your friends have provided wonderful gifts here too.
How on earth am I going to cope with my fingers crossed from now till the draw date!
Wishing all you talented crafting folks donating gifts, a peaceful and relaxing spring into summer!

Unknown said...

Dear Vicki,
Awh, Spring! To me the colors,the breezes, the fragrance, the sunshine and the rain! All our senses awaken in this season! With Spring I always appreciate how new life comes forth. Whether, it's with the birds who will scout items and scraps to build their nest. Or a columbine which has it's roots and growth underground only to produce a wonderful blossom so tall and stately. Even those lilacs that have been pruned to grow at a rate to be ready to be a sweet fragrance by Mother's day. New life is fresh and all around for our senses to enjoy and be reminded that even if we have a harsh winter, newness can come out of it. Each day is a gift just as Spring is. Thank you for your beautiful treasures for giveaway!

Susan said...

A generous heart is such a joyful thing. Spring in my abode means going to sleep to the sound of frogs and being awakened by bird song. I cannot think of a more perfect way to begin and end the day. Please include me in the draw, I will be linking to your post from my blog.

Anonymous said...

Ever since discovering your blog last Autumn, I have been challenging myself to spend the hours to become an expert in a craft, like you are with your nests. Now I see your friends are just as talented and dedicated. Now I am re-inspired to do the work so that the work is worth doing. Thanks for sharing your lovelies and the inspiration.

Bonnie58 said...

Wow. Beautiful giveaways. Thank-you so much for sharing. I love the new spring growth of the trees budding and the grass turning green. It is such a special colour of green that you don't see any other time of the year.

Unknown said...

I love the warmth of spring! Also the blooming flowers and birds. Winters in Maine are long and some years real hard! Last winter I found a birds nest on the side of the road. It must have blown out of a tree. The nest now sits in a dish on my table. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. Paula collinsscarboro@hughes.net

busybusybeejay said...

I love the shades of green in Spring and it is so lovely to hear the birds singing.We have a Mr and Mrs Bullfinch visiting us at the momentin our garden in North Wales,not a common sight.Let's hope they nest close by and we have a whole family.Your giveaway is very generous and am sure is not for us across the pond.

Jo said...

Goodness me it started as an enchanting read and turned into a showcase of lovely items by many artists. I am going to visit the blogs and would love to have the opportunity to win anything. Thanks for sharing such lovey photos. Jo x

JACLYN said...

Gorgeous items! Someone is going to love them! Thank you for the chance to enter!
Spring reminds me of having my children, my 3 eldest are spring babies.

Shirlee Fassell said...

Wow, what a fabulous give away! Your nests are divine and I might have to put one of those necklaces on my wish list. SPRING ... I love the trees and flowers coming to life after a very long winter!! Especially love May and spending a week at the Brimfield MA antique mkt ... starting yesterday.
PS Thank you again for the fabulous blog hop. Thanks to you I had found Karen Valentine and had her redo my blog. She did a wonderful job. I found lots of new blogs to follow and have a 20 or so new followers!!

Shirlee Fassell said...

Wow, what a fabulous give away! Your nests are divine and I might have to put one of those necklaces on my wish list. SPRING ... I love the trees and flowers coming to life after a very long winter!! Especially love May and spending a week at the Brimfield MA antique mkt ... starting yesterday.
PS Thank you again for the fabulous blog hop. Thanks to you I had found Karen Valentine and had her redo my blog. She did a wonderful job. I found lots of new blogs to follow and have a 20 or so new followers!!

Unknown said...

I'm blown away by such a heartfelt personal giveaway. I'm.in the uk and my 39th birthday is on the 21st june :)I shall be sharing this too. Xxxx

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Dearest Vicki

Just before I leave for work I opened my blog and found your lovely comment - thank you!
So I've popped over to say hello - I couldn't believe it!

Vicki you have the best Giveaways in the land - and this is 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'!!!
Sorry - that's what popped into my fluffy head!!!!!

Everything is amazing, from your exquisite Woodland nest to all the artistic pieces from your talented group of friends.

Many thank yous for the opportunity, and I will certainly blog about it this weekend and send my followers over here to enter as well!

Sweet dreams as you are probably about to go to bed!
Much love
Shane x0x

nelda said...

What a generous giveaway you have put together. During spring I love watching the mother and father birds feed their young ones and seeing the youngsters learn to use the bird bath. Enchanting!

Curtains in My Tree said...

That is the most fabulous list of items on a give a way I have ever seen. WOW
Somebody is really going to be happy when their name is drawn for this win !
I am going back now and shop all the sites you listed

I love the needle book, the bag by Margaret Smith ! the gorgeous pitcher on and on !


Susan Hemann said...

Oh Vicki, this is so sweet of you and your friends!! I am a gardener too and smelling the fresh earth is a special moment for me every year. I feel so free! Nature is where I meet God and feel connected again. I have been a nature lover and gardener since I was a child. Thank you grandma. I love to take photos and show them on my blog, sharing them fills me with joy. I hope you have a great spring and wish you and your husband all the best

Karen H said...

What I love about Spring is the return of the migratory bird. I also love how fresh the house smells when you throw open the windows! The mustiness of Winter is quickly blown away! I do read your blog but don't often comment. This is such a wonderful, generous giveaway and I thank you for the chance to win! Even if I don't win it has been a real treat reading your blog.

Wendy D. said...

Vicki, your beautiful photography and creative writing captured the essence of Spring -- thank you! I always enjoy the appearance of spring green in the foliage and early morning birdsong to greet the day. They're truly a treat for my senses and my spirit.

I shared a photo of your Woodland Nest and spring give-away on Pinterest. Thank you for your generosity to those of us who love all things "nesting"!


Anonymous said...

Reading this beautiful post and viewing the exquisite photographs made me relax my shoulders and simply be in the moment.
Spring for me signals the moment when the flowers start to peek their heads above ground, ever so gently and when I am in constant awe of delicate blooms such as snowdrops signalling their arrival when they could still so easily be doomed by the what can be frosty nights in my part of the world however their appearance signals, for me, both hope and strength. I also marvel at the sight of the smallest of birds and hearing sweet birdsong as they sing away to one another as though without a care in the world.
I am a Follower and I cannot begin to express the absolute beauty you are sharing with this so generous Giveaway. It would simply be incredible to win such gorgeous creations.

Mosaic Magpie said...

Feeling the love, BIG TIME! Wow what a wonderful giveaway ! Such a nice variety from so many blogging friends. Cynthia's critters always bring a smile to my face. Marsha has been busy with her paint brushes, love her nests. That necklace is stunnng and you know I love the buttons on it...will be checking out her shop! Especially with the nice discount, we love a sale! Sue' sweet little book, what a treasure. That purse with the birds...what an interesting story about the creators. Bookmarks and the needlebook! This is like a year's worth of giveaways in one post! Off to spread the word...this is too good to keep to myself!

Mary G said...

What a beautiful post and generous giveaway, too! Spring in SE Michigan is most welcome this year! After a long, snowy winter the green of the grass and budding trees is more brilliant than ever. My favorite thing to do is head out on Mother's Day weekend to the nursery for hanging baskets of red and pink geraniums...bright colors in my yard to get the gardening season started! Thank you, Vicki, for the fun of being entered into your giveaway of lovely treasures.

Sarah or Semmy said...

Beauty everywhere in this delightful, eyepleaseing post. Vickie you have shared things that make my heat sing. Spring is special and so are all the treasures you have presented. Thank you for sponsering this giveaway.

JShelby said...

Beautiful! My favorite thing about spring is when the hummingbirds come back and I see them at the feeder for the first time - like greeting old friends.

Sierra Sue said...

Just found you! Spring and Birdies, what more can anyone ask of Mother Nature?
We'll sorta "forgive" her for last winter,as some of it was all our fault, but lookie.. here...spring and if your area is like mine--full of beautiful happily singing birds.
Thank you for the wonderful site--

Unknown said...

Beautiful things! Spring is my favorite season by far,fresh mowed grass, gorgeous flowers in bloom and the air takes on a smell unlike any other time of the year.

LISA said...

Vicki, you are such a talented lady! But what is so unique is that all of your hard work is to benefit the charities so close to your heart! May God continue to bless you and yours!

Caprice said...

So many unique pretties by so many talented people. So very happy the cold winter is over, love driving around in the spring when the trees first start coming alive, just barely tinged with green.

Carol D. said...

What a fabulous giveaway! Each and every gift is so special. Couldn't believe the list as I scrolled down. Thanks for a chance.

Teah said...

This give away is amazing, inspiring, and very generous! Thank you so much to you and all of your friends! I love the links to their etsy shops. Thank you. I love the daffodils trumpeting spring is here in the spring and the smell of fresh orange blossoms and jasmine. That's the life! I am sharing this on Facebook as well. Thank you again for your kind heart for charities. God bless!

softearthart said...

I love the smell of Spring, the freshness, after Winters end..
Cheers Marie

Martina said...

Such beautiful treasures! Wow, amazing. I am not sure if you would send those overseas, but still wanted to leave a comment as all the things areso adorable.
In spring I love that I am able to hear the birdsongs again in the early morning.
Greetings from Switzerland

Jody Hammer said...

Such gorgeous things! You are so talented, and have such talented friends. How lucky I am to be able to glimpse into your world! <3

Jody Hammer said...

Oh, and I did share this on my Facebook page. :)

Sue Kosec said...

Oh my goodness. Jill's needle book is absolutely exquisite. LOVE!!!

Thanks so much, sweet friend, for showcasing my mini book. It is always so much fun to design these for you.

You are the most generous soul in the world. That's just one more reason why I love you!


Missy Shay said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! Jill sent me over from her blog. I love birds and anything with birds on them, so I love this theme. I love spring and listening to the birds and watching the flowers bloom. My cats are enjoying my screened in front porch and playing in the sun.

Sarah said...

Thank you so much! My favorite thing about spring is pretty much everything! The warmth, the sound of the birds, the COLORS, and the excitement of the little children who are outside all day long. I love playing with my kids outside. sarah@forrussia.org

Jan Thomason said...

This is crazy love! This is the best giveaway I've ever entered and I am feeling your love and the love of your friends - you make it so easy to love you without a giveaway but I'm happy to have the chance to participate and win, of course.
So, pick me! JT

Karen H said...

Good morning Vicki! I blogged about your lovely giveaway this morning. You will find my post here: http://faeriesandfibres.blogspot.ca/2014/05/more-gg-blocks-and-amazing-giveaway.html
Thanks again for the opportunity to win such lovely gifts!

Paula said...

What a truly wonderful giveaway. So many wonderful prizes form so many talented artists. We are in the midst of a magnificent spring here, all is green and vibrant thanks to a nice balanced combination of warmth and rainfall. We have been enjoying so much outdoors time and it is otherwise so wonderful to be able to look out through open windows and enjoy it when indoors.

quilty stitches said...

Such an awesome heartfelt giveaway!!So much beauty and talent. My favorite part of spring is hearing the birds singing, the wild wood violets blooming, and knowing the garden fairies will be returning. Thank you for the chance to win one of these beautiful creations.

Mary Ann Tate said...

Such a wonderful and generous giveaway. There isn't one thing that isn't beautiful and uplifting. My favourite thing at this time of year is to sit on my porch and listen to the birds and take in all the shades of green. After such a long winter I'm green deprived...my favourite colour :)

Ruth B said...

I love spring! Winters are so long where I live and with spring comes open windows, fresh air, birds chirping, trees blooming, flowers growing and no more coats, hats, gloves and boots. Love it. Bring on the fresh air.

Missie of Traditional Primitives said...

Spring is so wonderful! And all those beautiful handcrafted items you posted are beautiful as well! Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on having a great blog!

Nonnie said...

I am left breathless with all the talented artists you have shared here. I would treasure owning any of these works of art. I love the scent and beauty of the early blooms and the sound of the songbirds' music waking us to the season of spring.

Nonnie said...

what an array of treasures to behold!
What I Love about Spring
-the scent and beauty of the early blooms
-the sound of the song birds waking us to the season of spring

Sarah said...

I have to admit that Spring might just be my least fav season except for one thing - the birds. I don't get many birds in the winter but in Spring they flock back to my feeders in droves and fill the air with song. I have bird decor all over my house and one Christmas tree is always decorated in just bird ornaments. Your giveaway is packed with goodness and would fit me perfectly. Thanks for the chance to win!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

What a wonderful generous giveaway!

Warm breezes filled with the heady scent of lilacs, new buds, and blooms surrounded by heavenly shades of green, coupled with bird song renews my sense of wonder and liberates my spirit. In short, after a long winter, spring is a dandy promise fulfilled!

Thank you for an opportunity to win.

Susan said...

Wow-look at all those comments! Just to let you know the info was in my blogpost today. I had to look at all the beautiful pictures again-so uplifting.

lakenreich said...

Your work amazing, love it. I love the warmth in the spring after a long winter. Makes the world fresh again. Thanks Leslie

Lululiz said...

I am completely dumbstruck. What an amazing giveaway. Each and every piece is beautiful and would be wonderful to receive.

I love all the different greens of Spring. The green colour palette is so amazing, from the freshest yellowy green to the deepest bluey greens, I love them all.

Unknown said...

Though it is always almost spring over here! I just love green and the butterflies! Vicki..thank you for sharing I always just can't stop reading your posts! so beautiful and well prepared. And the giveaways everything is gorgeous and beautiful..You are such a gifted person (outside and heart) so are all your friends.Thank you again to you and all your friends for bringing all this together!

Betsy said...

Vicky your giveaway is amazing. You and your friends are amazingly talented. My daughter just moved back home from Ashville and we used to love visiting the biltmore, their gardens are amazing too

Julie said...

Such amazing range of talented friends you have, the love they have for their craft shines through in their beautiful creations.
For me, I love to see the new life of the baby birds that cone to my feeders and as the days grow longer I am able to sit in the garden and enjoy the sound of their song as they grow and venture out into the world.

craftirn said...

What a great giveaway. Everything was beautiful and I looked at all the blogs. Subscribed to the ones that had that option too!
To me spring means feeling lighter in weight -by not needing the heavy warm clothes of winter and in spirit with the coming of the flowers and tiny buds on the trees. The cliche of renewing oneself is a cliche for a reason..it is true. In spring I recommit to family and friends to be a better friend and family member. Oh the promise of spring!!

Kerry said...

Oh Vickie, what a beautiful giveaway ...... such delicate, feminine and gorgeous pieces :-)
June 21st .... ahhh my birthday ..... maybe the birthday fairies will sprinkle some lucky dust on me!!!
Have a wonderful Spring ..... your Winter has definately been long and dreary.
Take Care

my cup of tea said...

It would be an honor to win any of these beautiful gifts! The birds singing in the morning sunshine is my favorite part of spring.

Marlene B Hanson said...

Yeah! Spring is unfolding her warm breezes,colorful blooms and sweet smelling air. Photos of your nests and all the gorgeous handcrafted items are so inspiring. Just wish i was so talented. Thank you for being so generous, enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you.

Just this... Alice said...

You are so kind to have such a wonderful giveaway! What I love about Spring can't be answered with one thing. The beauty of the Earth, the sounds of Mother Nature, basking in the fresh renewing smell of air, sitting in my rocking chair on the front porch pondering the purpose of Spring, and the fact that we get to experience it each year makes me sigh with contentment. Digging in dirt, planting seeds that turn into beautiful and fragrant flowers, while thanking God for what is to come makes me eager to welcome Spring each year. What a wonderful gift of love we are given. No wonder I am hopelessly in love with Spring. Thanks for allowing us to share our thoughts on what we love about Spring through your blog.

marda said...

What an amazing array of gifts you've collected. There will be some very lucky winners.
I love the spring, we've got some beautiful flowering trees that getting prettier every year. They're 10 yrs old now and the blossoms are so fragrant. Our sweet mini iris's are almost to prolific, but the deep purple is such a beautiful color. Love waking up to birds chirping in the mornings. Enjoy your Spring in Kentucky.

Flickenstichlerin said...

What a great giveaway, thank you for that, so special.
What I love about spring is the light it brings, after a dark winter.

Наталия Балабанчук said...

Vicki, is this real??? Wow, that's the most generous giveaway I've seen!
I LOVE spring! It always brings the hope for everything...
I also posted the banner about your giveaway on the left sidebar in my blog - http://sc-sistercraft.blogspot.ru

Natasha - sistercraft (at) mail (dot) ru

Unknown said...

Vickie, what I love most about the return of spring is the sound of birds early in the morning calling to one another, the daffodils poking up through the ground to bring color back after a long, gray winter, awaking us to a new season. Thank you for sharing all your beautiful creations with us. Janet

susan said...

Oh my! Your beautiful blog is just filled with eye candy! It is my first time reading your blog and you are a true artist. I share your love for spring and for birds. Tell your friends they are all amazing. That necklace is stunning, the needlebook such a delight and on and on. Thanks for sharing

Bunny said...

The best thing that I love about approaching Spring is to see the first robin busy getting her nest ready. Then the disappearance of the snow and the emerging blades of grass. This is an amazing giveaway of wonderful creations I would be proud to win. Good luck to everyone. PS I collect jugs and teapots. Love them.
Hugs Bunny

Bunny said...

Just visited HowmyHeartbeats. Great items very creative.couldnt get prices. Bunny

Lee said...

Such a lovely post and generous giveaway! thank you for the Spring fun! Looking forward to seeing pictures of the Biltmore!

Quiltbug said...

This is not only a beautiful give-a-way but the photos of your work are beyond beautiful.
My favourite things about spring are the 11 baby ducklings that I have spotted swimming with Mama Mallard in the creek behind our house. It's the time of new birth.
Audrey (quiltbugATyahoo.com

Dolores said...

That is one amazing giveaway. I follow Patricia's blog so it's nice to 'meet' someone else who does. Thank you for the chance to win.

Pam L said...

Vicki your giveaway is fantastic and your generosity is so inspiring. Spring is the word renewal for me and I so look forward to the violets that bloom in my yard and I always listen for the peepers to start their singing so that I know Spring is on its way. Have a great day. Pam

Kathy H said...

What a beautiful giveaway. All of those lovely gifts will bring spring and summer right inside. I love all the new colors of spring after the starkness of winter. I also like to be able to open my windows again and feel some wonderful breezes.

Dorothy Matheson said...

Hi, The site is just so lovely with all the pretty pretty items shown. So much spring. My favorite spring time things are all the native flowers here in Texas. I just love the bluebonnets the very best. I also love the roses blooming in my garden.

Katherine said...

I was sent to your site from Cynthia Cranes' and I can see why she recommends you so highly! I love to hear people saying that this was such a hard winter since it's my first in West Virginia and my "new to me" house had no furnace. Certainly I hope to have one by next year but it wasn't so bad with three electric heaters! It made looking at your wintercrafted nests that much more inspiring. I would love to think that I would come up with such a creative use for the locked in days of winter. Now I need to reestablish my house's gardens which is quite enough for a spring fling.
Kate Maeda

KatieQ said...

This is an absolutely amazing giveaway. Each of the items was created by a talented artist. I love the spring theme that runs through all of the lovely items.

My favorite thing about spring is the magnolia tree that blooms right outside my window. As soon as I see the first buds burst open it erases all of the grey days of winter.

Tanya said...

Ah, my friend - you never cease to amaze! The outpouring from you and your creative friends here is mind boggling (I was here reading yesterday, but was pulled away before I could comment). Love you - love this - ALL of it! Hope life is going smoothly right about now - I have you in my heart daily! XOXO

Tanya said...

OK, and PS - I am dropping this on my blog for EVERYONE to see...or everyone that happens by my blog! Love you, gal - my best to The Gardener, too! XOXOXO

Bamasphynx said...

Wow what a fantastic give-a-way! I love spring! I love the colors of spring. All the different shades of green and the different colors of the flowers. My spirit is uplifted and my mood is content.

suzeeez said...

WOW ...what amazing and gorgeous work done by everyone! Your nest is wonderful and I've never seen anything like that nest necklace. All of the items are wonderful. I hope my name gets picked ...lol. Happy Spring to all of you . Now I need to check out everyone's blogs :) - Sue

LesleyAnn said...

I can't imagine winning any of these lovely gifts. You're always surrounded by such beautiful things and so kind to share them.

Thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing.

Sherry said...

Hi, Vicki! One of my favorite things about spring is opening the windows and turning on our attic fan to blow away all the winter stuffiness. I love your blog and I'm blown away by all that you manage to accomplish! Have a wonderful spring and summer!

Sherry in Little Rock

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Hopped over from Fairies and Fibres. Gorgeous work. Toss my name in the hat.

Gayle said...

So many beautiful items in your giveaway! My favorite part of spring is seeing the many shades of green after a drab winter. Thanks!

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Dear Vicki
I'm back to tell you I've put your Giveaway on my side bar with a link to your exquisite Giveaway post!
I will also blog about it tonight.

The arrival of Spring for me is about new life - it can be a bud of blossom or a new leaf.
It is watching little birds gathering twigs to make a home for their eggs and expected babies.
Enjoy your lovely Spring days

Vicki H said...

Awesome giveaway. I love spring for all the plants and flowers coming back to life.

Helen said...

You have amazingly good taste. Everything makes one think of spring, flowers and gentle living. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

Tammy said...

Oh my gosh Vicki! I'm sure I say that every time I leave a comment! Everything is so incredibly gorgeous! And everything goes together so beautifully. I love that! What a fantastic selection of handmade giveaway gifts. Incredible! You are truly blessed to be surrounded by such loving, giving, talented friends. Wow! I'm thinking any one of those very small gifts would be great to send to Kuwait, nothing breakable, of course. Ha! So the tags, the needlebook, the bluebird card set. Or even that beautiful nest necklace. So, so, so gorgeous! You are a treasure Vicki! Bless you, Tammy

LaceLady said...

every picture, every word - each bursting with the jubilance, life-fullness, abundance, life-giving sustenance, astonishing yet familiar JOY of spring! your whole post is a FABULOUS give-away!

Mokki said...

Wow, that is a beautiful collection of amazing talent! Cherry blossoms and tulips are my favourite spring things.

yaya said...

Hi Vicki! Your giveaway is unbelievable! So many beautiful items by such talented artists. I love Spring and this year we've really deserved a change of seasons! Unfortunately, it's still been chilly here and very rainy. Hopefully by the end of this month we can get some warmth and I will have my annuals planted for tons of color! That's what I love about Spring..the color! I have a robin in a nest in a basket on my front door with 3 of the prettiest eggs ever. It reminds me of your lovely nests! I hope all goes well and I can post the pics of her babies in a few weeks! New birth and growth...that says it all about Spring. Good luck to everyone on this giveaway and I hope all is well with you!

Rebecca said...

What an awesome giveaway and so generous, Vicki!

Spring...new green leaves, magnolia, lilac, and apple blossoms, delicate pink dogwoods, fresh perfect little sprouts of all the spring flowers forcing their way up and out.

Mary G said...

What a wonderful giveaway, Vicki! Welcoming Spring in SE Michigan is extra-special this year. The green around us seems more vibrant and being outdoors working in the garden is a favorite thing to do after our long, cold, snowy winter. Thank you for the fun of being part of your giveaway.

Blessings from Cindy said...

Your giveaway is just wonderful! The theme of birds, nests, and butterflies, with flowers; a spring time spectacular! Thank you so much for a chance to win. Your nests are gorgeous as well as each & every gift made by friends.

Angela said...

Wow! What an incredibly generous group! Spring is so welcome after our long cold winter. The sunshine on my face melts away all the cares of this world.

Gill said...

Wow Vicki - what a fabulous giveaway!
I love Spring, it's my favourite time of year, a time of rebirth and hope!

Marlynne said...

Dear Vicki you are such a loving and caring person. Using your creativity to help so many causes is an inspiration to me! I always look forward to your posts to see what your working on and where you are going! Your give-a-ways are delightful! Hoe I'm a lucky one! Blessings on you from Marlynne

Wildflowerhouse said...

Dear Vickie we should all be thanking you for your beautiful posts and your generosity. I have been sick with bronchitis but as I lay in bed I could see the trees where I had put out bits of yarn and ribbon for the birds to build into their nests. It was a treat to see them pick and take the pcs. In my mind I thought , "they must all have learned from Vickie. \I love visiting your blog for all your creations and for your travels. So I thank you for sharing so much with all of us.

Deb said...

Hi Vicki, You're always so very generous, and I'd be honored to win any of those luscious prizes.

My favorite things about spring include listening to my back deck chimes and watching the birds come to the feeders. Playing in the mulch is always fun, too. And this year I'm having even more fun as my husband built 7 raised beds for our lower garden. I'm thinking all that fun may end up equaling a lot of WORK!

Enjoy your spring! I know you will!

Cathy said...

What a beautiful way to bring us sunshine and hope after an especially long winter. Fabulous that we also have so many links now to shop and/or contact these talented artists. Thank you, Vickie, for your generosity and creativity.
Cathy (cmccann@sbcsc.k12.in.us)

alissa said...

Wow what a wonderful giveaway . You are so generous and your friends are too.thank you for sharing so much with us all. Such wonderful creations. I would love to win. :) i love spring because everything comes to life, after the long cold winter.

alissa said...

Such a wonderful giveaway. You are so generous, thank you and your friends for all the creative things that are in this giveaway. I would love to win :) i love spring because everything comes to life after a cold winter...

alissa said...

Shared on face book.

Sue said...

Oh Vicki this is such an amazing giveaway, all such beautiful things. My favourite thing about Spring is the flowers colouring all the gardens and the blossom on the trees. I love how bright it looks everywhere and the heavenly scent accompanies.

Charlotte said...

The one thing that I love about Spring is that the humming birds come back. I love watching them.
This I give away is out standing. So many beautiful gifts. I know it each one was made with love to be given away to bless others.
Thank you.

Susan Heather said...

What a wonderful give away. I love spring but right now in New Zealand it is autumn and I am starting to light the fire and the leaves are changing colour

Ivy and Elephants said...

I would be thrilled to own one of your gorgeous nests, or the necklace, or ANY of the many wonderful things you are giving away! Thanks for the opportunity!

Jeanne Gwin said...

The arrival of the birds, the robins first and then we see our lovely humming birds, orioles, blue birds, yellow bellied finches, martins and ever so many more. Mother robin has returned to her nest over the light outside our deck door, soon we will hear peeping and watch Mom fly in and out to feed. Our grandson was here over the weekend and he spent all his time bird watching and spotted my elusive but always returning wild canaries. He heard them first and then found them with his binoculars. There are 3 again this year and they will come visit me some early morning to sing their beautiful songs. Thanks for a chance to win any of these lovely gifts Vicky.

Linda Kunsman said...

This is the most beautiful celebration of Spring I have seen. The entire post-the words, the art are breathtaking!!! My favorite thing about Spring is seeing all the colors come to life, hearing the songs of the birds, and feeling the warm sun. Thank you to you, and your friends for such generous giveaways!

Sherry said...

Every item is so beautiful. You and your friends are so talented. I love to watch my garden slowly come alive in the spring. The birds return and the flowers start showing their faces. We often have a wet spring so we have to be patient but it is worth the wait.

Jonette said...

Spring is so full of beautiful flowers. What a nice giveaway!

FredaB said...

Spring this year was especially delightful for us. We came home from Florida to a very late Spring and it enabled us to see Spring as we have not for many years. the brilliant greens of spring are to be treasured.

Your giveaway is so special and so like you. You and your wonderful friends. I intend to go and look at each etsy.


kell10 said...

What beautiful artistry and so many all together with your organizing. Love any thing that is done by hand and really appreciate all the creative work that was put in for this giveaway. Thank you very much for giving me the chance to win these beautiful things.


Unknown said...

The burst of color Spring brings. Growing up in South Florida with only one season all year long, Summer;-). I didn't appreciate the beautiful flowers after a long cold winter.

kareninkenai said...

OMGosh, Vicki, you always simply outdo yourself. What gorgeous gifts. And, I am so thankful for the fabulous spring arrival, also. Even though I am in a senior living community, I have a small 2x4 raised bed that I am doing lettuce, chard, and my mother's pansies (in memory) - very special this year! I am so thankful for the beautiful sunshine and warm also. LOL - I get the sunshine the longest tho, being in Alaska. Hugs and love. Will share your giveaway post on my blog and on FB. Karen (kareninkenai)

whuppets said...

We have just witnessed the arrival of the first Swallows here in Cornwall,UK.
Always such a lovely sight,very soon they will be building their own nests in the eaves of our home but unlike your spectacular creations these will be of mud and straw.
Maybe you could give them a few design tips ?

Wendy said...

such an awesome and generous giveaway! your nests are always beautiful and would love to win this one...each gift is so special in its own right...very lovely and I would be honored to win any of these lovely gifts...thank you to all those who have provided such wonderful offerings from their talented hands...I love the fact that spring brings with it not only renewal but new growth as well...spring is always a special time for me as I watch the roses begin to bud forth along with all the flowers and trees that have lain dormant all winter long...have a great day.

gigi knits said...

In spring everything old is new again.....my mom used to tell me & my sister many many years ago. It was always a time to open all the window & clean house from top to bottom..
You are a very special lady..

Terri Gordon said...

OMG, What a beautiful giveaway! I love everything! I love your nests and that nest necklace, is gorgeous! Thank you for the opportunity to win. Hugs, Terri

m j said...

Oh my goodness such wonderfully creative artists. The giveaways are beautiful. I love the flowers coming up the awesome smell of the peony, the beautiful tulips and all the bright colors that come with spring.
M J Harvey

RedSetter said...

Wow Vicki, what a stunning giveaway. I'd be delighted to be the draw for any of these fabulous items.

RedSetter said...

Hi Vicki this is not for an extra entry but I was so overcome with the loveliness I forgot to tell you what my fav thing about spring is - I love the re-emergence of greenery, life and the cool bright mornings.

mummsie said...

All the items are gorgeous. If I were a bird I would choose your nest for my babies! What I love about spring are all the new little baby birds I get to hear and then see in my back yard. Truely nature at it's best for me!1

Linda S. said...

Thank you for your giveaway. All of the gifts are beautiful.

Margie said...

Hi Vickie, I came over here from Karen at Todolwen and so pleased I did! Your knitted nests are amazing and what a generous giveaway you have. I've signed up to follow you so I can see more of your lovely creations. Spring in the UK means we can sit and eat our meals outside again and enjoy the sounds of the birds and the lambs in the fields - wonderful! Margie

hennies.pennies said...

Oh my goodness, such beautiful things... I would be so blessed to win anything from these wonderful things. For me, Spring brings new beginnings... flowers begin to pop their little heads up from the earth, the birds return to build their nests and start their families, the colors return and the air is full of the wonderful scents of life beginning anew. It makes my heart swell!! Be especially blessed... Kathy H

Fairy Tale Ending said...

I would be simply overjoyed to win one of your nests! Cynthia's pitcher is so beautiful. Please enter my name for a chance and thank you. Anita

NickiSlater said...

Everything is just beautiful! I'd be honored to win any item. Thank you for the generous giveaway offer!

Amy B said...

Vicki, Yes... I feel the love, and springtime and GREEN! What lovely items you are generously bestowing. Remember, "No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." Can't name just one think I love about this glorious season. Please toss my name in the hat! - Amy Bauer amy.bauer416@gmail.com

SLM said...

I simply adore the seasons on many levels, but spring has it's own beauty. Rebirth and renewal. Love it. I love your nests and the pitcher is so pretty. All the prizes are beautiful. I am a huge nature lover and things like this make my day even brighter. The quotes are beautiful and all your photo's and projects are gorgeous. Thank you, Susan.

Unknown said...

oh my v..this is such a beautiful collection of artisan lovelies. oh wow.....each piece is an artwork in and of itself. i would be humbled to win just ONE in this assemblage. sigh.....

so lovely. "merci" for the chance to dream....;)

Lina Aggerholm said...

Oh what a wonderful give away. I would love to win them all, but one of them will also be just fine. Let's cross our fingers.
And I think spring time is just the right time to keep such a give away.
All the green I just love. All the colors that's returning again.Life is reborn.
Please count me in.
Hugs from Lina

AutumnWind said...

What an amazing give away. I love your nests, they are just spectacular! Everything is just wonderful!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Vicki, I'm sitting here, chuckling, at "long and miserable winter". From this vantage point, I can laugh but in February I was crying like a baby. Thank God this winter is past; I almost thought I wasn't going to make it. Lovely giveaway and I'm late but wanted to say thanks for the chuckle.

Lou Anne Hazel said...

This is a most beautiful giveaway! It's perfect for a celebration of spring. Your nest is gorgeous. I absolutely love the needle book with the felted/embroidered flowers! The necklace is wonderful, as are all of the fabulous gifts. In southern California, we're finishing spring and merging into the hot summer months. My favorite part of spring is the delicate scent of French lilacs and the sweet smell of orange blossoms. I really love most things about spring. It's a magical season.

Stitches said...

Wonderful give away items, I would feel very blessed to win any one of them. My favorite season is Spring too, I love all the new life that begins with Spring. This year I have especially loved all the different shades of green emerging, guess that old brown winter really got me down..

Unknown said...

Hi Vicki, I have fallen in love with your nests and this one is just beautiful. I first saw them on Todolwen. All of the items are so beautiful and really celebrate spring. What I love most about spring is all the birds that make nests in my trees, bushes and my rambling rose. This year a little bird even made a nest in one of my small watering cans. Thank you for offering such beautiful things as a giveaway. Wish you a wonderful, creative spring, Janell

Shirley said...

I am trying to catch up with my friends and I wanted to a chance to win one of the wonderful presents you are giving away. They are all awesome. We have had a beautiful day today in the upper 70's so that I could take hubby outside into the fresh air. I have enjoyed catching up with you and looking forward to the pictures of your next adventure. Have a great weekend take care. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri friend

Unknown said...

I love the soft pale green that arrives each May to signal that spring has arrived. Trees, shrubs and all plants have some version of this color and it lasts for such a short time. I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination, byt I love the color that happens organically. Nature's green. That is my favorite thing about spring.

Gina said...

What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for doing this!

I live Spring! I love the flowers bursting forth, the green after a long dreary winter, I feel like God made it just for me!


marjorie said...

Hi Vicki, would love to be included. Although in Uk. Really thrilled with pictures of Pink scarf project with love Marjorie

Unknown said...

Vicki, What generous give-a-ways. All creations of love. Spring is here on the Pacific West Coast. Baby birds sticking their heads out of the bird houses awaiting to take their first flight. Finding robin egg shells meaning new babies have arrived. The cooing of the mourning doves as they call to its love. More blue sky then dark clouds. Thank you for the joy you bring to my heart by looking at your nests and seeing love woven into each strand. Rachel

Cache-Mire said...

Vicki, your giveaways are always so awesome! This year is no exception. Thank goodness that the beauty and warmth of spring finally arrived. I wish you warm, sunny days, beautiful blossoms, and sweet fragrances.

Cache-Mire said...

Forgot to include that I will definitely share on my blog! Thanks for doing this. It warms my heart:-)

Deborah Montgomery said...

Oh my, this is the most beautiful giveaway I've ever seen. everything is so gorgeous! thanks for posting links; I'm going to check out these lovely ladies' blogs/shops. We had the worst winter on record here in Michigan, so the best thing about spring is that it's here! yay! Blessings to you!

Rachel said...

Vicki, Spring is more blue sky then clouds. Baby birds taking their first flying lesson. Finding robin egg shells, the new ones have hatched. Mourning doves cooing to their mate. Vicki, each one of your nests brings joy to my heart as I can feel the love woven into each strand. Just like a mamma bird who prepares her nest for her eggs. The give-away-s are amazing.

Unknown said...

Vicki! I just love reading your words...truly do! Congrats on the new car! We need one badly. Gorgeous giveaway items. I'm sure I'm too late but, my favorite thing about the Spring is the anticipation of the beauty to come! xoxo Jen

Maureen said...

Well, if I didn't feel that Spring had sprung (finally) before reading this, I sure do now! What an incredible post, lovely gifts and generous heart you and your sponsors have. Thank you Vicki, you always inspire me and make me smile.

What do I love most about Spring? Seeing all the wildlife return; the little lambs on friends blogs, birds, bunnies and more in the yard... geese in the sky.

Linda Austin said...

I just love your nests and your blog! This is a very generous give away! I would be thrilled to have any of the prizes.


SUGAR MOON said...

What a generous giveaway. Beautiful items from very creative artists. I would love to win anyone of them. My favorite thing about spring is the rain that comes with it. My email is: auntkye56@yahoo.com

Shabby Gr8 Dane said...

Always such beautiful work. Just love the nests, I am a blessed owner of one of your precious works of art. Thank you for such an enticing give-away. BTW, I have a Subaru Forester that was a needed entity when my boys were teenagers and we had season passes for snowboarding. Got to the top of the mountain every time, no chains or sitting on the side of the road waiting for the conditions to get better. Ours is a 2005 and has 240,000 miles and still going strong, though we did replace it this past month and moved it to our extra car.

elc said...

i am not much of a talker. but i do so love your vision and that of the artisans you have chosen to share with us. thank you for transporting me

elc said...

thank you for your beautiful work. you have touched my spirit with yours.

PoetessWug said...

WOW!!!! Now that's what I call a GIVEAWAY, Vickie!!! :-) I hope I get...something!!!!

Fat Dormouse said...

Your generosity and beauty of spirit is so wonderful, Vicki. What a joy to be part of your online community of wellwishers and friends.

For me, my favourite part of spring is seeing the lushness and variety of spring flowers...here in France we don't have bluebells - there used to be such displays of them near Milton Keynes where we lived! - but there are so many other beautiful flowers! I went for a walk yesterday and marvelled at the gorgeousness of it all!

Charlotte said...

What beautiful gifts! I love spring because of the beautiful flowers and new growth.

Unknown said...

The prizes in this giveaway are breathtaking and winning just one of them would be a treat. Your blog is also beautiful and you can feel yourself relaxing while looking at your pictures and reading your words.

Carol said...

A stunning collection of inspired gifts! There is going to be a group of very elated friends when these all go out. I'd swoon over any and all of them ♥

Sherry Shockley said...

Spring was slow coming to my area this year but as we slipped into June we can now feel the warm breezes and watch the birds furiously building their nests. There is always beauty in nature. I have so enjoyed my nest from your talented hands; it makes me smile everytime I look at it. Thank you for the very generous list of gifts. I would love any of them. Sherryalice65@gmail.com.

nana pam said...

I love your blog and all the beautiful pictures you post. I would love to receive one of your beautiful giveaways Vicki. Anyone of them would be a pleasure to receive.

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