Monday, June 29, 2015

Summer Love.... a giveaway for you!

A little thank you for all of you who read my blog
               and support this little thing I do~

the first of my
summertime "giveaways"
beautiful journals~
accented with a little bit of bling...
(because we all need a little bling in our lives!) 

a place to keep 
your secret thoughts,
favorite recipes, project goals, travel plans..
anything your heart desires--
a beautiful place to write~

photos taken against the backdrop
of my summer blooms...
(I'll share photos of my back deck 
and my beautiful blooms,
 later this summer)

 To enter--
simply leave a comment here on this post
telling me what you might like
to write in your journal~

for another chance to win..
please share this post on your
blog or facebook page.
comeback here and leave a comment
telling me that you have
shared the "journal love"
for another chance to win..
if you would like to join
my "2 Bags Full"  facebook page,
just click the "LIKE" button here.  
(the link is also on my sidebar) 
Please come back and leave a note that you are part of my
Facebook family for another chance to enter~

there are 7 lovely journals
to share with you all...
this contest is open to all of my
friends, regardless of where you live
in this big wide world...
please make sure that you 
leave an email address 
or that I can contact you through
your own blog...

the winners will be announce
right here on this post

I am going to take a little blog break
until mid August...
I will be back then 
with more of travel journal
and a beautiful summer 

there is a wonderful opportunity
coming soon to those of you who blog~

 my friend Karen is hosting
her annual party --
if you love to create,
love to make new blog friends,
and would love to share your special creative space...
please consider joining Karen at this
awesome party!
(you can find all the info 
by clicking the link 


Dogwood Lane Rambles said...

Unbelievable! Could I really be the first to respond to your wonderful giveaway? I use a journal to keep track of my creative ideas, mostly quilt and wall hanging ideas that pop into my head.I need to write/sketch them before they fly out of my mind never to be re-imagined. Sometimes personal thoughts jump in there too and your beautiful journal would be just the thing.

Julia said...

Hi Vicki, your blooms are all so very pretty. I hope that you enjoy your break and that you come back rested. Great giveaways for the summer. I hope that you get good weather. I'm looking forward to seeing your plants blooming their little petals out there on your deck.

Una said...

Lovely journals. If I won one of these I would use it to record books and authors I have enjoyed reading. That makes it much easier to pick another book to read.

Una’s blog:
Great Balls of Wool

Nonnaof5 said...

good afternoon. I hope your week has started off well. Your journals are lovely, like everything else you create. If I were to receive one, I would use it for the many random thoughts that pass through my mind every day. Some I would like to revisit, but they are usually gone for good. Hope you have a restful time till we hear from you again, vickie,

Jane S. said...

What beautiful journals, and such a generous giveaway! I'm very fond of copying down song lyrics and little snippets of poetry, whatever happens to have meaning for me at a particular moment. It's fun to go back through my little books and remember what was going on in my life at the time. :)

Wendy D. said...

Hi Vicki, I love finding you in my inbox -- such artistic photos of the journals with your plants! I would tuck into a journal the poems and quotations that speak to my heart. Sending a hug . . . (And, since I don't have a blog, I'll pin this on Pinterest.)

Clare said...

So pretty I guess I would use it as a craft planner, I usually use a academic diary, which runs through to this time of year.
Clare x

Bonnie58 said...

Gorgeous journals, Vicki. Thanks so much for sharing. i would love to win a copy just to record my thoughts as they coalesce in my mind...

sunny said...

What beautiful journals! I would fill my journal with memories of my travels. When I'm old and inform, I plan on reliving my adventures through my journals and scrapbooks.

Ali said...

I'd write my goals and future dreams in the journal.

Catherine said...

The journals are so beautiful. If I won one I would use it to document times spent with my grandchildren. Places visited, holidays, B-B-Qs, birthdays, Christmas, picnics, outings. Life passes so quickly and then they are grown up. Thank you for the chance to win.

Linda H said...

Oooh, Vicki, thank you! Please count me in for the giveaway draw. I'd likely use the journal for recording gardening notes; each year I have good intentions of keeping notes on things in the garden, dates of bloom periods, what grows well, what needs to be moved for the next year, etc. However I rarely get around to doing it. Maybe a nice new journal would help...
I also collect quotes (to use on my blog) so that's a possibility as well...

Have a great summer, and enjoy your break...

Gill said...

Fabulous journals Vicki
I use one to record my sewing projects and I'm going to start another for my garden

Debbie said...

Beautiful journals Vicki! I would love to win a copy and write of travels taken and those yet to come. Enjoy your time away, Happy Summer!!

Debby said...

I hope you will be having fun on your break. The journals are beautiful

Mosaic Magpie said...

Another example of your thoughtfulness my friend. Enjoy your blogging break, I seem to be having one as well.

Motherdragon's Musings said...

Your blooms are delightful, you have very green thumbs.

If I was lucky enough to win one of these beautiful journals I would record thoughts and feelings of my Carcinoid Tumor Journey, my emotions are all over the place, and so is my sewing and knitting, I need somewhere to lay these thoughts out logically.

Наталия Балабанчук said...

Vicki, thank you for your summer lovely giveaway! The notebooks are so cute! I'd love to use them for my gardening ideas and needs, to write down thing I need to do before the next season (I am a very beginner in gardening))))
I shared it on my FB page -
and in my blog - posted the banner onto the left sidebar.

Nataliya - sistercraft (at) mail (dot) ru

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for your lovely giveaway, Vicki! This year I am especially thinking about what God's glory is so I would likely write thoughts about that in my journal if I won one. I hope you have a happy blog break and I will look forward to catching up with your news in August :) xx

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful journals ! I would use it to record my thoughts and things that I am grateful for!

Jann said...

Beautiful journals!

JShelby said...

I'd like to write some modern day fairy tales. Thanks for another lovely giveaway Vicki!

jan said...

Beautiful journals Vicki! I love the little extra bling! I love using journals to record daily happenings around our farm and my sewing room. Have a nice blog break!
xo jan

Anne's Attic - Design said...

What a lovely idea Vicki. I would love to have and enjoy one of your journals. I have been a journal writer since I was 12 years old. I have been looking around Etsy to find a journal just for my blogging friendships. I would love one to come to my home. Have an amazing day and I plan on attending Karen's party on the 11th of July. It should be fabulous.Jo

Sue Kosec said...

Oh, Sweetie ... how kind of you to do this giveaway. I support you 100 percent, you know that - but no need to throw my name in the hat. We'll leave the journaling to somebody else. I'm so afraid I'd never put pen to paper - who has time? Haha.

Love you, girl!

Joyful said...

Oh Vicky, I love beautiful journals and the ones you've picked are some of the prettiest I have seen. I like to keep important notes in my journals. For example things to do with my health like goals and progress on them. Have a wonderful week and happy 4th of July!

Di@Cottage-Wishes said...

Lovely. I love a beautiful journal to write my thoughts. I have all my journals from high school on. It's about time for me to get a new one. Have a restful break. Di@cottage-wishes

Shirley said...

Your journals and flowers are absolutely beautiful. If I am lucky enough to win one, it will be fill with my adventures of this summer staying with my grandsons. Today was just Matt and me as big brother was working. I am trying to catch up with friends. I will be anxious to see where your next adventure takes you. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley

darla said...

Such pretty journals. I would love to write favorite Scripture verses in one.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Those are all beautiful journals. I use these to keep quilting, sewing and crafting ideas and tips. I would love to have one of yours. I do enjoy reading about your travels. Have an amazing summer, and I'll be interested to catch up when you come back.

Mary Redman said...

Your journals, pictures, and flowers are beautiful. We recently moved back to our home town after living other places for the past 40 years. I would write my thoughts and experiences about moving "back home" and reconnecting with old friends and family.

hennies.pennies said...

So gorgeous!! I would use my journal to collect favorite quotes and sayings that touch my heart and that I could use to touch someone elses'. Thanks for such a sweet gift for someone special! Be blesses. Kathy H

Shirley said...

Hi Vicki, I shared your giveaway on my face book page and I am one of your fans as you know. I do enjoy all of your travels with the many places that you take us in your adventures. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend shirley

~JarieLyn~ said...

Wow, these journals are beautiful. If I win I would likely use it to record a word of the day, or record psychic experiences and/or channeled messages from angels and guides.

Have a wonderful break from blogging, and thank you for this fabulous give-away.

~JarieLyn~ said...

Okay, I shared your journal love blog post on my facebook page. I also "liked" your facebook page.

Unknown said...

Beautiful journals! I would use one to document blessings. :)

Unknown said...

I've also posted your giveaway on my blog. :)

Elderberry-Rob said...

They are beautiful journals - I would like to write one as a 'thankfulness journal' to fill with the things each day that I can be thankful for - I am not very good at remembering to do this every day although I try, something so pretty to write in would definitely help!

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway. The journals are beautiful! I'd love to use them as a daily planner cum journal. And like you said... who couldn't use a little bling! ;)

Julie said...

The birds and butterflies on the lovely journals look right at home amongst your delightful plants and flowers.
I use a journal to record the events at our Book Borrowers group that I volunteer at the library and keep records of things I need to remind the lovely people who come along what is happening in the neighbourhood, at the community centre and also things in the wider world in relation to books/authors etc.

Christine said...

How lovely. I'd love to win one of these to put recipes in for my daughter who will be going away to university in the autumn

Moms Musings said...

What beautiful journals. If I had one so nice, I'd be sure to record all my thoughts about past trips and dreams of future trips.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I liked you on FB AND asked for notifications

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I just recently started keeping a journal of thoughts which are mostly thoughts that I would not share with anyone. Things on my mind that should not be spoken. BUT, I also have a notebook that I jot ideas, notes I want to remember that I see on the web, quotes, etc. That would be my purpose if I owned one of these beautiful journals.
xx, Carol

kathyinozarks said...

Oh my I wasn't going to enter since I am still enjoying the purse I won but I love love journals-I would use this as a weaving project journal and or spinning journal

Needled Mom said...

Those are just beautiful. I would use it to note the cute and funny antics that the grandchildren do and say. My MIL always told me that I should write it down when my children were growing up and I never had time. I might be able to keep up with grandchildren. ;-)

Enjoy your break.

Down On The Farm said...

These are so beautiful and cheery looking! I've been wanting to start a prayer journal, keeping track of prayer requests, and praises! Blessings to you, and thanks for the giveaway :)!

rebecca said...

Only recently I begun (again) to compose short free-verse poems....I think that's what I would use a journal for... How sweet of you to offer.

Mary Lea Lepke said...

Hi Vicki, Thank you for the chance to win one of your lovely journals. My husband and I recently took a 3-week Anniversary Adventure trip to celebrate our 35th Anniversary. We began in Nashville, TN, then on to Montgomery, AL, Panama City, FL, Clearwater, FL, Fort Myers, FL, Key West, FL, Fort Pierce, FL, Savannah, GA, Rocky Mount, NC, Dover, DE and finished off by visiting Amish 'country' - Sugar Creek, Walnut Creek, Berlin, and Charm in Ohio (my home state). I purchased a small paper journal to keep track of all the places we visited, what we did, shopping, photos, etc. My intent was to purchase a larger, prettier journal once we got home. Winning one of your beautiful journals would fit that bill exactly. Thank you for this lovely opportunity ~ Mary Lea
P.S. - I also mentioned this on your facebook page.

Vicki Jo said...

What beautiful journals! Thank you for the opportunity to have one of these. I know exactly what I would do with it. Because of some sad and traumatic events that have happened to my family and to me, I have recently joined a support group. They are a wonderful group of women. We have a book that we use for journaling assignments and I would use this beautiful journal to hold those thoughtful, spiritual assignments. Thank you for the chance!

Cache-Mire said...

Oh my, Vicki! Again you have come up with the most delightful little gift to brighten someone's day! We are headed to Greece in a couple of months to cruise the Greek islands and explore all of the hidden treasures to be found. Capturing everything in one of your bling journals would be perfect! In any event, thank you for always sharing your creativity. Your generosity is inspiring! Hugs, Terri

Amy at love made my home said...

What beautiful journals and what a very kind giveaway. They would be perfect for keeping all sorts of gardening notes in wouldn't they. I hope that you really enjoy your break and get some lovely relaxation! xx

dat Bea said...

Just how lovely! Those books make me smile..

Enjoy your break my dear. It surely does not have to be as long as mine *smiles*

Journals always make me think of how I wanted to write down every toddler quote my kids did, every special situation... I never did. Now they are grown I truly regret that, though when we talk nowadays bits and bits come back... that´s what I would d with one.....

Hugs, have a lovely summertime.

Anonymous said...

You have to be one of the most giving person I know.
I would use if or prayers!! And private thoughts.
Have a blessed summer .

Guida Machado said...

Wow, what a sweet giveaway...If I win such a girlie journal, I will feel a young girl again and start a new diary :)))
They vare all so beautiful...
Thank you,

Jocelynn said...

Your photos are always so beautiful. I have gladly joined your facebook family and look forward to reading more of your blog. Thank you for the contest opportunity. :)

Галина Лазарева said...

У вас очень красивый блог! с удовольствием присоединилась! И поучаствую в вашем розыгрыше! Надеюсь на удачу-31 июля у меня день рождения!

Joyce Clark Frank said...

Your journals are so pretty I would love to own one. I would fill it with pages of memories of my family.

Denise said...

I so enjoy your blog. I no longer journal but I did post your giveaway on my blog,, as I think some of my readers would enjoy your posts.

Debbie said...

I think I would just fill it with lots of happy thoughts!!!

Louise Doney said...

You're journals are as lovely as your birdsnests, such talent. I would write special memories and thoughts to my new Great-Grandaughter due in Aug. I have liked you on facebook and posted your give-away on my facebook page.

Ariadne said...

What lovely journals! I write every day on my journal, it helps my poor memory. I also make journals out of my trips. Oh that blue and purple one looks gorgeous! ariadnesky(at)hotmail(dot)com AriadnefromGreece!

Ariadne said...

I liked your page on facebook and shared the giveaway from there!AriadnefromGreece!

Cache-Mire said...

I've blogged about you:-)
Thanks again! Terri

Angela said...

These journals are gorgeous! I love keeping a journal of my to do lists. I feel so accomplished when I look back at all the things I have done. Kind of silly I know.

Sharm said...

How absolutely perfect! I was just thinking how I need a new journal, something decorated and fun to use to help get me back on track with getting my home back in order, helping to get my home redecorated by having a place in which I can put all those "bright" idea moments, all my lists of creativity I want for each of the rooms....... I'm really hoping I end up one of the winners, your journals are just soooooo perfect and how I love that bit of bling! I will be blogging today, so I will also blog about your giveaway. You should be able to get me through my blog, but here is my email addy as well -

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What beautiful journals and how sweet of you to offer them in a giveaway. I would use mine to write about hikes and day trips that we take here in Florida, where we live. I usually write in my regular journal but it would be nice to have a special one just for this. Enjoy your blog break. Sweet hugs, Diane

A Magical Whimsy said...

Oooo! This is the sweetest giveaway. I adore the one with the purple butterfly, and purple bling, with the purple cover. 'When I am an old woman I shall choose purple!'
Thank you so very much.

Teresa in California

A Magical Whimsy said...

I have also shared this on my Facebook page. Such a lovely thing to do for your followers!

and thank you again for a chance in your sweet giveaway.

Teresa in California

Sharon said...

Preparation notes initially and then daily experiences/finds/places visited/photo details etc on a family history research trip to UK and Europe in 2016.
This will then provide the notes and inspiration for many future blogs.

Havplenty said...

Beautiful journals! My journals record my spiritual walk, my dreams and their fulfillment, pivotal things that occur in my life, my growth as an adult, my prayers and thanksgiving, the people I meet along the way who have an impact on my life. My deepest thoughts are what are shared in my journals.


Jenne said...

I would write some poems! :)

Eugenia Maru said...

Qué maravilla Vicki, me encantan. Yo tengo toda una vida que escribir, lo hago en mi blog, y tengo montones de libretas, no tan lindas como las tuyas, pero donde voy plasmando el día a día, y cosas que no debo olvidar, pues después de mi último episodio de cuasi aneurisma, perdí la memoria y tengo lagunas, lo cual es muy triste, perder los recuerdos, los buenos y los malos. En fin, cosas de la vida.
Mis felicitaciones y mi cariño de siempre.

How wonderful Vicki, I love. I have a lifetime to write, I do it in my blog, and I have lots of books, not as nice as yours, but where I shaping everyday, and things that should not be forgotten, because after my last episode quasi aneurysm, I lost my memory and have gaps, which is very sad, lose the memories, good and bad. In short, things of life.
My congratulations and my love as always.

Jackie said...

I think I would like to take one of those with me on my next cruise, May 2016 to Ireland and British Isles. Would make a nice travel journal, so pretty!
I so enjoy seeing your travel photos, they are so beautiful, and you are so lucky to have a hubby who can join you on your journeys! My hubby won't stop working to go see the world, he could have hired someone long ago and taught them the business so we could enjoy a little vacation but he just is not built that way and prefers to do all the work himself (well I help out as much as I can).

Jenna H. said...

I would use this journal to sketch and also write all of my college experiences in! I think they are super unique and special :)

Pat S. in Lebanon said...

Beautiful journals! I would like to use one to record the details of our

Pat Salada in Lebanon, PA

Maria Lillepruun said...

Nice to meet you! Very beautiful journals! I'd like to use one of them as my personal diary :) I liked your FB page and shared a picture of the journals on the panel in my blog. Welcome to visit me at
Maria from Estonia

Kathy H said...

Such beautiful journals. I would use one to write down the sweet and funny things my grandchildren say. I keep meaning to do that but haven't yet. I know many of these things will be forgotten over the years so it would be great to keep track of them in such a pretty book.

Unknown said...

I am pleased to join with the opportunity to win such a beautiful thing! I have something to write down in a notebook - recently purchased a house and my thoughts and dreams of his arrangement. Different ideas work. I would call the notebook because my blog - a shelter for the soul!
Come to visit!

Unknown said...

I am pleased to join with the opportunity to win such a beautiful thing! I have something to write down in a notebook - recently purchased a house and my thoughts and dreams of his arrangement. Different ideas work. I would call the notebook because my blog - a shelter for the soul!
Come to visit!

Unknown said...

Vicki, I'm happy to participate, notebooks are perfect. I would like to use it to record success my daughters. My blog
my mail:

Debbie Walter said...

Such beautiful journals! I would use one for writing about my travels and things that inspire me. I love visiting your blog and I am now also a facebook follower!!

Neesie said...

Your journals are exquisite... well in fact every photo is so beautiful. I didn't know where to look, whether to look at the blooms first or the journals. I love the little gold embellishments too. Flowers and birds... what's not to love. Stunning.
I love to blog and type but I think there's nothing better than to write. If I won I think I'd have an appreciation journal, because there's just so much to be thankful for.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to possibly win one for myself Vicki, although looking at how many people have put their name forward, it will be a miracle if I win.
I've pressed your follow button for your Facebook page too, because I know they'll be fabulous photos to highlight your wonderful travels.
Happy holiday ;D

galina avakyan said...

Vicki! such a generous giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!
birds, butterflies....I love its . I have also shared this on my Facebook page.
I would write my thoughts and experiences about my garden (about birds,butterflies?flowers and cats in my garden!

avakyan galina said...

Oh , Vicki!This is the sweetest giveaway!I'd love to use them for my gardening ideas! I shared it on my FB page
and in my blog too,(

Anonymous said...

As an elementary art teacher, I enjoy sharing with my students the pleasures of keeping a journal. We create our own, we collage and use ephemera to deliciously decorate our treasure books. What a lovely addition one of your beautiful creations would make! And they would see that their own art teacher fills hers with ideas, snippets of inspiration, and dreamy treasures.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hi Vicki - hope you're having a lovely holiday. When you were here, did I show you my travel journals? I've made three...stories behind all...and would use a journal for recording my trips. I'm still thinking about going to Scotland this year and if I get that far would have to visit Mags, my Belfast friend.
BTW, GO to the Titanic Museum...GO! It's the most fabulous museum, hands on museum, I've ever visited.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

You bet I'm part of your FB family. love the recent photos...

suziqu's thread works said...

Oh so much beauty in those journals - simply reflecting the beauty within you - my wonderful friend! And they look so pretty amongst the potted geraniums. I remember seeing your deck last year in all its pretty colours in pots and hanging baskets.
I would certainly use it for keeping notes of inspiration for my artwork at one end and the other end I would start with quotes that are truly meaningful to me and that I could pass on to my blogging visitors.
I hope you have a lovely break - you so deserve it!
And thank you for your kindness in giving us this chance once again!
Loving hugs,

suziqu's thread works said...

I have returned dear Vicki to say that the Giveaway is now on my blog!
Hugs again,

KraSS said...

What a pretty journals you've shown! I'd love to have one of them where I could write my ideas for future hand-made projects.

BeachGypsy said...

I take journals with me when we travel....near or far! Those are very pretty journals! I am a new reader and enjoying your blog!

Maiah Harrison said...

Oh, those are really really pretty journals. I love their designs!
I have a blog where I write about random things that I don't mind strangers reading about. But I also keep a journal for my eyes only... I also kept a book of quotations before, sadly, I moved a lot and they got lost. I have been wanting to start a new book :-)

Deb said...

Hi Vicki! I absolutely love journals and journaling. I especially love gardening/bird themed journals and would use it (if I won) to write gardening plans and craft plans in it.

I hope you have a wonderful summer!

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

Beautiful journals Vicki :)
I'm running the London Marathon (eek!) next year and fundraising for the Nationsl
Autistic Society, as I have a son with autism. I would use the journal to keep track of fundraising events and money raised :)
I reckon there's no chance of winning (neither the marathon lol or the giveaway) but please enter me anyway :)
You can contact me at my blog, or email at Jillmldavidson at gmaildotcom

marilyn said...

I need a journal to write stuff I might forget. (which is a lot lately) Your journals are so beautiful. I would be honored to have one.

kareninkenai said...

You always have such beautiful items to give away, Vicki. Hugs and love; know you are enjoying the summer. K

Lesley UK said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I would love a journal to record projects that I've completed. That just maybe will prod me into finishing more. Sadly this will be my only entry, as I am a follower, but don't 'do' facebook etc (I'll catch up with the 21st century eventually, (possibly) Blessings

Sherri said...

Hi Vicki! Those journals are just beautiful!! That is very gracious of you to give them away!

I right in a journal almost every day! It is such a wonderful way to unwind and recapture what you have done all day. I feel calmer after I have written down my thoughts also in my journal. To me, my journal is like a friend!

Grandma M said...

Your flowers and journals are beautiful. I would use the journal to keep notes about my quilt projects and ideas for future quilts.

Anonymous said...

I would write memories of my grandchildren.

Kim Collister Studio said...

Hi Vicki,
In your gorgeous journals, I would like to journal about my beautiful grandchildren and how their honesty and innocence makes me humble and gracious. I would like to write down my those fleeting thoughts that come so quickly and leave the same because our lives are so busy and full. I would like to journal about my life, although it is ordinary and simple, it is at the same time rich and full. I would like to write about my desires and dreams and all the tiny things that make me happy every day. My journal would be full of gratefulness to hopefully pass on someday to those I love who see my heart each day and will always remember my words.
Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful journals and thank you for such a beautiful inspirational blog!

Kim Collister Studio said...

I have just "loved" on Facebook!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I actually wasn't going to enter this contest because, although I visit often, I seldom leave a comment. As for your journals, they are simply incredible. Each is gorgeous in its own way.

If I were to win, I would use mine to plan future projects and determine what products I need before I begin any tutorial. I learned in order to create a successful tutorial, you have to have all your tools and products on hand before you begin. And this beautiful journal would be the perfect place to do it. It would look sensational in my craft room, too!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm tardy in my blog reading once again so am late to comment. Must tell you that just yesterday I was searching my favourite thrift stores in hopes of locating a new journal - the search wasn't successful (at least this time!). My daily journal is rapidly running out of pages so I will be needing a new one before long. Thank you for offering the chance to win a special one!

marilyn said...

Your journals are so beautiful. How I'd love to win one! I'd use it to record all the wonderful litle snippets of conversation from my young grandson -- things he says that touch my heart or make me laugh. So precious, I want to remember them forever. Thanks so much for sharing so generously. Warmest regards,

Maggie said...

Vicki, the journals are so lovely and look so pretty nestled in amongst your plants and flowers. I'm forever buying journals but when it comes down to it can't bear to spoil their loveliness by using them! If I was lucky enough to win one of yours I promise to use it!
Love Maggie

Maggie said...

Just joined you on Facebook, we're going to be seeing so much more of each other in the future!

Suzan said...

Your journals are lovely and I can see that you have put so much time into each one!!!

Elderberry-Rob said...

I feel very lucky to see my name on your winners list, thank you very much Vicki.

Amy at love made my home said...

Thank you Vicki! So very kind of you. I am just going to drop you an e-mail! xx

Taz said...

Your journals are unique I would use it for recording my projects and books I've read .

Nonna Rose said...

Oh my goodness, Vicki, the journals are beautiful!

Wendy Barrett said...

Hi Vicki, I have just happened upon your lovely and interesting blog. Your journals are gorgeous and you've photographed them so beautifully amongst your pretty flowers. I've enjoyed reading about some of your travels which you document so thoroughly and so beautifully!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Congratulations to the winners and love the blog names! I must visit each one...