Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Our Rocky Mountain High - Part 3 (Lake Louise)

Lake Louise is one of the most beloved destinations in the Canadian Rockies. The turquoise waters of the lake are set against a backdrop of the stunning Victoria glacier - the images of this beautiful place are some of the most famous in all of Western Canada.

"~~we woke up this morning to a foggy mist - not the day we were hoping for - but you take the day you get~~"

" ~~ the fog hung low this morning- just bits and pieces of the snow covered tops peaking through the shadowy mist. The lake is mostly still frozen~~~broken places in the ice give way to turquoise puddles scattered all over. I went to bed last night hoping for another bright and sunny day - and what we got was actually ~~ even better. Amazing is all that I can say about what we experienced this morning. I never knew that fog could be so beautiful~~"



A turn of the century photo of the first "chateau" at Lake Louise. The log cabin was built by the Canadian Pacific Railway to provide lodging for their employees at the end of the run.

The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise today.


The reflection of Victoria glacier in the lake.


"~~after our breakfast we hiked around the path that encircled one side of the Lake. We took some spectacular photos - especially of the hotel as we looked back from the path at the far end of the lake. There is still snow on the path in places and there is a rumor of an avalanche area ahead that is blocking part of the path~~"









(I knitted my hat out of a gorgeous sequin yarn)






"~~we started early this morning with another long walk to the end of the lake Louise trail as far as we could go. I climbed up and over the avalanche part so that I could get to a further part of the trail. Let me just say that climbing up an avalanche snow pile is pretty easy - coming down, however, is another story!! The Gardener took a photo of me on top of that giant show pile and I am feeling pretty exasperated! "

"~~was it worth it? Absolutely!! I took some great photos from atop my mountain of snow! If I did not survive the trip back down - those pictures would be my legacy!"

Inching my way back down - ever so slowly! (the Gardener has his camera positioned so that he can capture the perfect moment when I fall!)

I survived!


A photo of the hotel lobby in 1930

Today - the lobby is a beautiful restaurant.

"~~when we walked into the lobby this morning, I saw my first view of Lake Louise and Victoria glacier through the huge oval windows. Seriously - it took my breath away. The lobby has the most beautiful floor to ceiling windows that afford spectacular views of the lake and the mountains. We walked outside to the lake and the boardwalk - it seems to be surreal that I am really here~~"

"~~we had the most wonderful lunch in the lobby restaurant with a table dead center of the lake and glacier view. If any photo can sum up how wonderful this trip has been - it is this one taken by our waitress - after she brought our fabulous asparagus soup!~~"

The next group of photos (Part 4) will take us to the beautiful Bow Valley and the lake region. You will see some stunning lake views - and reflections of the snow covered mountains in the water. I'll take you along on one of our hikes and will share with you our very special story about a rock along the trail that we named "Quitter's Rock" - (with good reason!!)


I am so very thankful for all of my devoted followers (xoxoxo!!) - so - in gratitude - you can look for a special surprise just for you at the end of this next post.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Wow Vicki! It is so absolutely glorious! So nice to get away to a completely different environment than you are used to. I grew up in the South, so when we would take family vacations to Colorado and see snow on the peaks, drink fresh water from a cold water stream, hike trails with trees that had bark that smelled like vanilla -- it was all so very exhilarating! You cannot help but be in awe of the beauty that surrounds you! Thanks for taking us along on this mesmerizing journey! Blessings, Tammy

Meredith said...

Vicki, Amazing pictures, so beautiful. Thanks for taking us on your trip.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Thank you for the magnificent photos, my mouth has dropped w/amazement. I love all the details and the photos from the windows.

Retired Knitter said...

You are living my dream trip. I am so envious! Such beautiful pictures. I am in total awe.

Sandies' Patch said...

Cold but, very beautiful!
The views from the Restaurant... would have my food down my front from looking out the window all of the time LOL!
You should do reviews of the places you go and get free holidays in return!

Sandie xx

SuZeQ said...

Who knew fog could be beautiful! You've captured the beauty of it all so very very nicely. My jaw dropped at the view through those restaurant windows. Spectacular!

myriamkreativ said...

Hi my dear friend,
gosh.... sitting and melting away by the heat it is so fabolous to look at your cool pics.... thank you for sharing. The weater here is not only hot but also very humid and that doesn`t make it any better *sigh*. I hope everybody is well at your home and you are enjoying the summer. Definitely I would prefer if there would be a big pool in the garden.....
Hugs & kisses Myriam

audrey said...

Hi Vicki.
WOW!! WOW!! There are so many beautiful places to see in this world and you bring us stunning photos of some of them. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your trips with us. I love mountains and these are spectacular! I could feel the cool as I looked at the pictures ~ a very welcome feeling as it has been so HOT and uncomfortable here.
Looking forward to Part 4 of your trip.
Audrey ♥

Lululiz said...

The scenery just leaves me breathless, it is difficult to take in the sheer beauty of the mountains. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos.

Sherri said...

Vicki, what gorgeous, gorgeous pictures! Lake Louise is so beautiful even with snow and ice! Glad you enjoyed it there!

PoetessWug said...

What beautiful views!!! I love the oval arches everywhere too! It looks cold though...Brrrr!

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

So magnificent there.
Did you see any wild animals?

Sue said...

Spectacular scenery, it all looks so amazing. I shouldn't think you wanted to come back home!

GardenOfDaisies said...

I happened to see your Lake Louise picture on the sidebar of another blog, so popped over to see what this post was and WOW!! I have never seen Lake Louise frozen before. Our family used to go camping and hiking in the Canadian Rockies in the summers when I was growing up. Lake Louise, Banff, Moraine Lake, Emerald Lake, Takakkaw Falls... all among my favorite places on earth!!

Shell said...

Hi My sweet friend!

Where does the time go? You've been travelling-I've been "doing" shows, making product, attending shows....

I've missed you! Your photos are amazing! It looks like you and the Gardener had a great time! Parts of it look similar to the Pacific Northwest....

Drop me an email when you have time,,,,I PROMISE to be a good friend and answer promptly. I don't have any shows in the near at least THAT cuts things back a bit!

My sister in law Mary is dying for one of your nests.....LOL after she saw mine! She's new to Computers and Internet,,,I think she emailed you!

Would love to catch up,,you can always email me and leave a phone # too, if you'd like with a good time to call!

BIG Hugs and love you to Pieces!

Deb said...

Hi Vicki, amazingly beautiful! And didn't you just get back from this trip? They must have snow late in the spring! Looks cold but oh such an adventure!

The French Bear said...

I am so glad you are having a wonderful time....I love that little piece of Heaven as I call it....I could spend every vacation there! Your hat is perfect, so cute!!!
Have a super holiday and keep the photos coming!!!
Margaret B

suziqu's thread works said...

Oh Vicki, these photos just take my breath away - I can't even imagine how it must be making you feel living]
in it all - the snow, the steep mountains and the lake - it is just jaw dropping to view it all especially through the windows of the Chateau. Have a wonderful time dear friend and thanks for leaving a comment on my Winter blog images.
Hugs for warmth,

Anonymous said...

Wow ,fantastic photos Vicki,?Thankyou for taking us on your journey with you!xxxjulie

Lili said...

Vicki, This is such an amazing place! I love how you included your notes from your journal. The turquoise pools of water must have been spectacular to behold amidst all that ice. And there is something so magical about the fog too. Love your knitted sequin hat, I equally enjoy seeing your adorable outfits you have on as much as that gorgeous scenery! So you are taking as to 'quitter's rock' next? Staying tuned to see what's up with that! xoxo ~Lili

Lois Evensen said...

What a lovely trip! I always enjoy your images. Many of today's images remind me of the Norwegian Fjords. Thank you so much for sharing.

Silke Powers said...

Oooo, I loved that place!! Some day I'll have to go there with Daniel. I have to say that snow and fog look good as we are getting ready for another hot and humid day!! Thanks for sharing! Love, Silke

P.S. That hat looks familiar... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Vicki, beautiful and breathtaking! After all that luscious fresh air and exercise, I just know the cuisine tasted like a bit o' heaven! For me, it would so very difficult to want to leave such a peaceful place surrounded by such beauty. In person, the view must truly be awe inspiring and moving to one's soul. Thank you, for sharing with us all ... I hope one day to visit that most magical place here on earth ...

fromsophiesview said...

Lake Louise is truly a serene and spectacular vista. I actually think you chose the perfect time to bugs...just time to trek and to contemplate. I can feel the fresh, crisp air as I inhale...lovely!Ron

Susan Elliott said...

Thanks for so many gorgeous photos!!! I feel like I've been making the trip with you! I absolutely have to make this trip to the Canadian Rockies!!! Thank you for sharing...It IS glorious!!!

nanny said...

Oh I am so happy to find your blog and share your trip with you.
We stayed at Lake Louise a few years ago. We went in August and were able to wear shorts. The weather was perfect. Alberta is just the most beautiful place I have ever been. So clean...I was so impressed. Can't wait to see more of your trip.

Seawashed said...

This is breathtaking beauty. The Chateau enchanting. I did not even know this place existed. And wow how amazing is that to visit a glacier named after you! My hubby and boys are Yosemite today...their favorite hiking destination.