Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My "Pink Scarf Project" -- an Opportunity and a GIVEAWAY!!

The statistics are horrifying~~
It is estimated that over 230,000 women  were diagnosed with breast cancer during this past year. Ninety-five percent of these cases occurred in women 40 years of age and older. As horrid as those numbers are, they are an improvement over the previous year. And those numbers are an improvement over the year before -- thanks to increased awareness, better detection methods, and remarkable new treatments.

 to participate
 in my
"Pink Scarf Project."
 Simply stated - it has only one goal~ 
 To bring a smile to the face of a woman who is fighting her own battle with breast cancer. 

You are all invited to participate
 by making or purchasing a scarf for donation.

Do you knit-crochet-sew?
Does your ladies club or craft group need a project?
Does your ladies church group wish to participate?
Your friends-sisters-family?

Are you totally NOT crafty?
Would you like to purchase a pink scarf for this project?

The guidelines for this project are simple--
just make or purchase a pink scarf
in any style or design that you wish
as long as it is predominately

You may send the scarf  (as many as you wish!)
to me at anytime during this next year. 
This is a year long project and will be ongoing
from October 2012-October 2013. 
A special address for these donations has been created~

"Pink Scarf Project"
311 West Main Street
Grayson, Ky 41143 
(Please note that this address is for scarf donations only.)

Everyone who participates by making a scarf donation
will be entered into a special contest
to win a beautiful knitted and beaded wrap
that I have created specifically
 for this event~

Featuring exquisite fringe and a beautiful beaded ribbon detail along one end--
this wrap is my one of a kind creation.
I've filled it with heartfelt thanks to all of  you
for participating in this unique project.

This wrap is so very special-
I've poured my heart and soul into making it so exquisite and beautiful for you.
The winner will be announced  NEXT October 1
as we conclude this year long project
and the
Breast Cancer Awareness nests
make their debut. 

Please come here and leave a comment when you donate a scarf. 
You will be entered to win every time you leave a comment.
You may enter as many times as you wish.  
Every single scarf that I receive will be photographed 
and featured here on my blog throughout the coming year. 
I'll share the name of the person or group who made the donation
and link to your blog if you have one.  
If you have a personal message
that you would like me to share along with the photo of your donation-
a memory, a dedication,a message-
Please include it along with the scarf in a note to me.  
(please limit your message to 6 or 8 sentences or a small paragraph) 

The scarves will be collected throughout this next year
October 2012-October 2013.

Next October your gifts of love and support
will be donated to women
who are braving their own battle against
 Breast Cancer.
Your beautiful scarves will be shared
between two of my friends --
LeAnn and Donna
(fellow bloggers)
 and courageous ladies
who have recently waged their own personal fight against
Breast Cancer.
I wanted these gifts of love to deliver a personal message --
to show women who are undergoing treatment for Breast Cancer
that they are in our hearts and prayers.
Both LeAnn and Donna will
 share your precious gifts with ladies
at centers where they received their own treatments.
(LeAnn is one of the artists contributing to the design of the Breast Cancer Awareness Nest.)   

Please spread the word of this special project amongst your friends --
 both here in blogland and beyond,
by sharing the "Pink Scarf Project" badge
on your own personal blogs. 
You may leave a comment here telling me that
you are sharing the badge
or that you have created a special post. 
(In which case I will love you forever!) 

Everyone who shares the message of this project
(by placing the badge on their blog OR creating a post OR both!!)
will be entered to win a beautiful mini-inspirational quote album
created specifically for this event
by my "oh so talented" friend
Sue Kosec. 

Filled with quotes
 that define the soul of a woman--
this album will be a keepsake that you will treasure. 
Just leave me a comment here on this post
telling me that you have helped
to spread this message 
about the
"Pink Scarf Project".
The winner will be announced NEXT October 1
at the conclusion of this year long
Celebration of Women! 

"Make a scarf~ Make a difference."

I want to thank you all in advance ~ because I know that this is going to be an amazing project.  I know that you will fill my mailbox with your gifts of love and support for women who are desperately fighting for their lives.  This is our way to bring a smile -- to send a hug-- to make a perfect stranger feel that someone cares. "Make a scarf and make a difference."   You guys are the greatest!~~xoxo

About the photoshoot--

These photos were taken at the home of my middle sister, Belinda. She is truly the sister who has the green thumb - as her flowers and back deck were absolutely gorgeous this summer.  We used quilts that were made by our Mother and Grandmothers.  Belinda was a really good sport to assist me in the taking of these photos - especially since she had just had some minor surgery done just the week before.  Honestly -- I think she had NO idea what she was in for when I casually asked -- "can I come to your house and do the yarn photoshoot for the new nest design?"   It's NO small project to stage and take all of these photos -- it was an ALL day event.  That's her pretty kitty -- Callie, in the photo above -- she liked to help us sometimes :)

Coming up next ---
the OFFICIAL sign up post for my GROW YOUR BLOG project!!! If you want to bring more readers and followers to your blog -- please don't miss this post as this will be your opportunity to sign up to participate.  I will have all of the details in that post!! 


This beautiful event badge was created by my friend Karen Valentine.
  A mentor to all of us here in blogland--
Karen is a valuable resource to anyone who needs help with anything related to blogging.
 I can honestly say that my blog would probably not exist
 if it were not for Karen's help and support.
Thank you my friend~ 


Anonymous said...

I would love to participate. I'll be adding the button to my page soon and start working on some pink scarves!

Kim Stevens said...

What an incredible project, you are a one of a kind, with a heart lined of gold and filled with precious stones! I only know how to do a single crochet and it's usually with wire (for jewelry), but I may have to learn how in this next year as I would love to send one to your mailbox!! Just wow!! xo

Tanya said...

I'm definitely in on this one...looking for something to do with my hands, and I love knitting in the fall! Heading to find pink yarn today, and will put your "button" on my sidebar next. Happy Wednesday, Vicki - GREAT idea! Tanya

Jim said...

We have begun our search for pink yarn!! What a great idea Vicki and we are BOTH excited to be helping and participating in this venture!! Thanks so much.

fromsophiesview said...

I'm heading out to find some mother's fave appropriate for this special endeavour!!!

Karen Valentine said...

Oh Vicki you truly are the sweetest lady! I really didn't need that shout out, (but they are always so appreciated) I am going to put your fabulous button (teehee) on my blog to let others know I will be participating. It will be a wonderful cozy up by the fireplace project for me this winter. :)

Dorthe said...

My dear Vicki,
Noone I know, takes such a project in her own loving hands ,like you do---you are a fabolous woman, using so much time and energy, giving others a love gift to support them in the most difficult ,time ever.
What you start here is the most beautiful gift of caring for people in soul-pain and sadnes, and I so hope there will be many supporting your project of love.
I wish you much love yourself, you are a beautiful soul.
HUGS from Dorthe
P.s. the photoes are gorgeous,and the wrap so very beautiful.
I will ofcourse add your button to my blog.

Jackie said...

Oh what a wonderful thing this giveaway is doing!! I will be sending a scarf each month! I may have to buy them as I have not learned to knit yet! I out the information on a blog post and added your button to my blog as well,
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to help others!

Mosaic Magpie said...

I have my yarn and I am ready to begin!
I have the button on my sidebar!!!

Lululiz said...

I am a very basic knitter but I'll give it a go! And of course your button is on my sidebar! x

knitalatte said...

You are such an angel! Looking pretty darn cute in them cowboy boots too!
I'll be on the look out for pretty pink yarn.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful project and beautiful giveaway. Now I'll be on the hunt for pink scarves - I think it is a super thing to do!!! As much as I'd like to knit or crochet a scarf, I always mess them up, unravel them, and give the yarn away. So I know better than to even try LOL I'm off to put the button on my blog now! Big hugs to you!

sjmcdowell said...

Hi Dear Vicki,

I have posted about you on my Facebook page, with a picture here from your blog. I am having difficulty putting anything more on my Blogs sidebar. So I thought I would put your "Pink Scarf Project", on my Facebook Timeline. I will update your info every as many people as possible will know about the "Pink Scarf Project"...I will also pull out my crochet hook and make a scarf for this wonderful cause!! Thank you so much Vicki for everything you do!! You are a Blessing to All!! Love You!! xxoo Susan

yaya said...

Hi Vicki! I took this idea to our operating room staff meeting today and we are all on board to donate to this cause. As you know I work with Donna and we are also best friends. This is so great of you to help honor those touched by breast cancer. One of our Docs has twin 10yr old girls who crochet and he said he will get the yarn for them to make scarves sweet. I'll get that button on my sidebar!

Rosemary Aubut said...

Yes Vicki I will participate! What a wonderful project! I am a survivor for 33 years now! I will display your button on my site! Thank You!

DeeDee said...

I will join in, I love that you have this event... I have posted about this on my blog and will leave a link on my side bar.., now to brain storm some fun scarves to help out..I was sent to you by Sue Korsec.....


I am sooooo happy to join this project. My mom is a survivor and I just started crocheting again, so I will do this. I am in Brazil and heard abt this from a friend(DeeDee Johnson) in my craft group.Much strength to all the ladies battling this disease.
God bless.

Mila said...

Dear Vicki what a lovely project ! I will add your button on my sidebar!!
Have a wonderful week end my friend!
Mila :)

BlueCrayons said...

hi vicki, i would love to participate. will be a challenge for me but its worth it for these ladies. thanks. ill also ask my mom to play as she loves crocheting.

btw DeeDee Johnson sent me here

gigi knits said...

Have already started .. Don't have a blog but will post on my facebook page. Will be shopping for pink yarn the whole year.. Your pictures are amazing. Can not thank you enough for doing this very special protect for Breast Cancer.

Anonymous said...

This project is amazing and such a wonderful idea!
We already added your badge to our side bar and put a special post on our blog We also have a pink scarf ready to donate and will be shipping it soon!

Sylvia and Vilma

Unknown said...

What a wonderful project to partake in. I will be adding your badge to my blog and participating thru the year. I have had to deal with cancer this year myself and know the anguish of it. Look forward to lending a helping full of pink!

Karen B. said...

Sweet Vicki,
this is such an amazing project which I would love to take part in.
I will spread the word and hopefully there will be many scarfs on their way to you soon. You are such a talented and caring person!!
hugs and much love
Karen B. ~ Todolwen

Pat said...

Vicki, As you know, I think you are just the BEST person! Consider me 'in' on the project...hopefully, I can make several scarves to help out in my own little way. I will look forward to knitting and crocheting for some special person(s) in the coming year. Thanks for all you do.
A giant hug and lots of love, pat

PS. And, thank your wonderful sister for a great photo shoot!!

Nancy McCarroll said...

Count me in. Will you have a badge link we can copy for our blogs? I have lots of pink yarn to use up !

bj said...

You can count on me.
I am putting your button on my sidebar right now and will be sending pink scarves to you soon.
I will also do a post soon...are we allowed to use some of these beautiful photos in our posts.?
Many thanks,

Unknown said...

OK let's try this again Blogger. Just ordered a scarf to be delivered. It isn't hand knit but looks really purty! Hugs to you.

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hey Cutie Cakes..
I grabbed your button and sign me up!
Love to knit and one of the best causes there are.
Scarf in the making.
xo, Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Lili said...

Oh Vicki thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity! I have just added this button to my FBTC blog and am excited about having plenty of time to participate in this worthy cause. The photos from this post are fabulous and filled with inspiration and love. You are one of a kind my dear and I just love you to pieces! xoxo ~Lili

Tanya said...

Just returned from the post office 30 minutes ago, where I mailed my first two scarves to KY...they're winging their way to you, angel that you are! Happy Tuesday, Vicki - XOXO - Tanya

Diane Kelsey said...

Such a great project for a worthy charity. I have promoted the scarf project on my blog , hopefully friends will join me in knitting a scarf.

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hey girlfriend...
Just posted the project on my blog...come see.
Love you , Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Jenny said...

Hi, Sweet Vicki!
I've put buttons on both blogs- The Modest Peacock and Lucy Jane. There are links to the related Lucy Jane Giveaway too- check it out!

Pink Scarf Project "Hope" Giveaway on Lucy Jane Pennybright

Isn't Hope the cutest thing! I love how she turned out, with her own little pink mini-scarf! I hope she helps drive loads of people to your site who then help with the project!

Lucy Jane said...

Have the first scarf ready to ship this afternoon! :D Expect more! :)

Veronica Roth said...

I know we just met, but I love this post and feel very inspired. My blogging friend Donna over at Mourning Dove Cottage is also fighting breast cancer and I'd like to support her as well as anyone else. So I'll start a pink crochet scarf project and, when finished, send it along. :)

The French Bear said...

Hi Vicki, it's always a pleasure and truly wonderful to visit your blog. I am in Heaven when I see all those luscious shades of pink, yummy!!!
You can count on me to make a scarf, I lost my sister and sister in law and my Mom to cancer and I would love to contribute to the cause.
I also want to support you when you were so giving and kind to us with baby Jack, who will be a year in November.
Thank you again for your lovely friendship!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicki!
We sent out our pink scarf this week. It should get to you soon. Thanks again for creating this amazing project and for giving us an opportunity to be a part of it!

Sylvia & Vilma

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hi Vicki, just posted about the Pink Scarf Project; love it, it's about the WOMEN!

suziqu's thread works said...

Oh Dear Vicki - You are an AMAZING and most special woman! I am totally behind you in supporting these poor suffering women - I can't imagine the road they must travel! It is such a small thing that each one of us can do to bring some loving support and upliftment to just one woman in need!

Naturally I have just placed a post on my blog about your project and have added your badge to my sidebar. I am really happy to spread the word as best I can.

I wish for you heaps of support and a smooth sailing task - enormous that it is! Let me know if there is anything else I can do!

Love, hugs and blessings,

Suzan said...

Dear Vicki!
You constantly amaze me with your energy and never ending giving of yourself and your talents!!
I have posted your blog button and will send you a scarf by Christmas! We must help each other with this terrible disease until it is NO MORE!
God Bless you Vicki!!

nancy t said...

Dear Vicki,
Yes...this is an amazing project idea. I will begin making my pink scarf...and pass this message on to as many as possible. My dear mom was a long time breast cancer survivor....I will be thinking of her and her wisdom and love.
Thank you!

nancy t said...

Hi Vicki...what a loving project idea. I would love to participate in memory of my sweet mom...a long time breast cancer survivor. I don't have a blog...but will pass this on to as many as possible.
Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi Vicki, I saw your Pink Scarf project on Suzy's blog and came over to sign up! I grabbed the lovely badge Karen created (yes she is a treasure for sure) and will post about it this for this for my Sat post. So sweet of you do host this wonderful project and I know it will be a hugs success.
Hugs and love sent your way:) Marilou

elvira pajarola said...

Dolcissima carissima Vicky....

I knew from the very first time when I met you on your magic blog that you are a very, very special Lady... this very significant pink iniziative is just you; only you could have a wonderful idea like this; it is just so special, it's YOU, Vicky!!

I will participate too.....thank you for this special invitation...!

Un abbraccio fortissimo

your tuscan friend elvira

Unknown said...

Hi Vicki, I just did a post on the Pink Scarf Project and the button is on my sidebar:) I hope you can come visit:) Hugs Marilou

Judys Lace Creations said...

I'd like to help too.
Judy x

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Vicki,

I learned about the project from Marilou "LuLu's Lovelies". I want to participate and I'll add the badge to my blog. I've been away from my blog so much this year. So this project and the Grow your blog party will be perfect for me.

Stephanie Suzanne
aka Queen Of Dreamsz

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Hello Vicki....What a wonderful idea! Count me in! I do not knit or crochet, but I do sew, so I will put on my thinking cap to come up with a pretty pink scarf!
I am putting the badge on my blog.
Bless you for hosting this wonderful project!
♥ Jil

romance-of-roses said...

Hi Vicki,
I am so happy to participate and have already taken the button, it is now on my blog. I think this is a wonderful thing you are doing and also helps all of us gals here on our blogs to unite to help our sisters. I knit a little and am looking forward to making this scarf. Hugs...Lu

romance-of-roses said...

Hi Vicki, just popped in again to tell you that I included your button on my Pinterest also. Hugs...Lu

Yarni Gras! said...

I am so IN! I crochet and will enjoy creating something pink and lovely and mail to you!

Valery Klassen said...

This is a beautiful idea and I would love to participate. I will be adding a link on my blog and will start creating my pink scarf. Thank for doing this, it's a cause near and dear to me.

Valery Klassen said...

This is a beautiful idea and I would love to participate. I will be adding a link on my blog and will start creating my pink scarf. Thank for doing this, it's a cause near and dear to me.

Anonymous said...

Well this is awesome! I will be digging through my stash and of course it gives me a good excuse to purchase a skein or two of new yarn to be able to donate a hand knit scarf to your project!
My mother passed away from breast cancer 10 years ago so when I see places I can help in a personal way, I try to.

Kerry said...

Absolutely I'm in on this - it will be an honor to participate. I've set myself a goal, of a pink scarf every 2nd month.
Hope your mailbox is filled with lots of pink over the coming year.
I'm posting your "button" on my sidebar shortly.

Kerry said...

Absolutely I'm in on this - it will be an honor to participate. I've set myself a goal, of a pink scarf every 2nd month.
Hope your mailbox is filled with lots of pink over the coming year.
I'm posting your "button" on my sidebar shortly.

Unknown said...

This is indeed a wonderful project. My only sister died at 32 and I was 34 almost 40 years ago. My life was changed forever. I crochet constantly and will be starting my scarves today. I am so proud to see you some one is a fellow Kentuckian as I am in Bardstown. Will post the button and write about it. Blessings

Holly said...

I'm a little late in stopping by, but so glad I did. I love your idea and the pictures are so beautiful. What a blessing you are to so many women!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I posted about your wonderful Project on my blog. I don't get a lot of traffic but I hope it helps to draw some attention your way. I am honored to be a part of it and look forward to sending you several scarves in the coming year.
Much love,

Esme said...

Vicki, what a fantastic idea this is-now that I have some time to read properly-this is an amazing project that you have undertaken.

Anonymous said...

I have linked the project on my sidebar, and I will post about it in the next couple of days. It's a terrific project. As someone who lost my mother to breast cancer during my childhood, I will be making at least one scarf this year.

dreamchallenge said...

Girlfriend as soon as the computer is up and running again AND I UNDERSTAND HOW TO MAKE IT MIND ME, your symbol of pink will be on my blog. This project is very dear to my heart. Another friend just found out the dreadful cells are back in her breast. Her treatment will begin again NOW. So for her and all women especially those in my family, God Bless this project and you. LU Jan

kareninkenai said...

Hi Vicki - I am "totally" in for the mini-inspirational album! How beautiful is that, too. The badge is already on my sidebar... and, at some point when I get caught up from my trip, I will do a special post - breast cancer research and support is dear to my heart, as you know. AND, of course, will post when I get my scarf knitted... or when I send in one I purchase - BOTH! Hugs and love, Karen [PS, Karen Valentine is fab, too... in anticipation of this and the grow your blog - I did a little makeover.] Thanks for hosting this; you are one special angel.

Stephanie said...

I'm not a master knitter, but I made a scarf for this project, and every stitch was created with love.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Vicki, This is an amazing project and please count me in as well. I will place your badge on my sidebar to help pass the word and begin working on a scarf. Thank you so much. You are an incredible and dear heart. Blessings to you always.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Countrylovers said...

Liebe Vicki,

ein bißchen Licht und Wärme, Nächstenliebe und Mitgefühl in diese Welt zu bringen mit dieser tollen Idee ist einfach wunderbar. Ich werde das Projekt sehr, sehr gerne mit einem Schal unterstützen. Zu wissen, man ist nicht allein in schicksalsschweren Stunden, mit seinen Ängsten, seinen Sorgen bedeutet Trost, Hoffnung, gibt Kraft und Zuversicht. Es macht mich glücklich ein bißchen Freude zu schenken.

Eine schöne Zeit und alles Liebe wünscht die Babsi

Countrylovers said...

Liebe Vicki,

gerne werde auch ich dein Projekt unterstützen und einen pinken Schal spenden. Man kann doch gar nicht genug Liebe, Wärme und Zuneigung in diese Welt bringen. "Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut.", sagt der kleine Prinz in der gleichnamigen Geschichte von Antoine Saint-Excupery. Recht hat er!Laßt uns alle die Welt ein bißchen schöner, liebenswerter,glücklicher machen. Es ist ganz einfach, man muß nur wollen.
Danke für deine Empathie und Nächstenliebe, ohne Menschen wie dich, wäre die Welt ärmer.

Eine schöne Zeit und alles Liebe wünscht die Babsi

A Magical Whimsy said...

This is a beautiful endeavor. I am posting your 'Pink Scarf Project' on a post today with your link on my sidebar. I crochet, so I will also be sending in scarves periodically over the next year. Your handiwork is incredibly beautiful! My own mother is facing a major diagnosis in a couple of weeks to see if she indeed has breast cancer. All of the 'signs' are indicative that she probably does have cancer.
I heard that now, one in every eighth woman (and some men)contract breast cancer.
Thank you for this lovely heart-felt outreach.
Teresa in California

Cheeky Rose Boutique said...

I can't knit but I can sew! Lets see what I can come up with! What a lovely project!

kareninkenai said...

Hi Vicki - thanks for your lovely comments about the scarf I sent. It was such a pleasure to make. Smiles. I am official entered (second) for the goodies. Love and hugs. P.S. I forgot to include a couple of sentences to put with the photo... will send via Email. Karen or

Beansieleigh said...

Just posted the badge for this on my right side bar. I would be happy to make a pink scarf for this cause, and will let you know as soon as mine is on its way! ~tina

Stacy said...

Hi Vicki,

I am friend with Yaya at Whispering Pines. My daughter and I are going to make some scarves. We will post the pictures and send them to you. Should we give the scarves to Yaya?

Thanks for starting this. What an awesome inspiration you are!


Jan Hermann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nelly said...

Hi = What an awesome project! I'm in and posted your button on my blog. Have a great day.

bohemiannie! art said... dear...have a beautiful heart.

Avalonia said...

This is such a amazing idea!
I chared it on my page and
OF COURSE I'm going to make
an pinky scarf ;)
Love and HUGS from Avalonia in Germany

FredaB said...

Vickie I have one scarf done and would like to know where to send it. I actually had two made but remembered my neighbour down the street is undergoing treatment for breast cancer so I offered her one and she was delighted to receive it.
Can you believe at 86 years old she is going through this. I guess there is no age limit - top or bottom for this horrible disease.

I did a write up on my blog about the project but do not know how to attach a button. Would do it if you could tell me how.



Gabriela said...

I am in!!!!Finished one already!!!!

Unknown said...

Hello... I just found this blog and will be sharing the link to it on my facebook page. It's a most wonderful idea... and I hope to also add a scarf to the cause this year. Best of luck to you. Laurie Grace Carlton

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Vicki,
I am so excited to have finished my pink scarf and posted about it with pics today and link back here. I will be sending my scarf to you shortly. Thank you for hosting this very important event through this year, It was fun to participate and a blessing.
Hugs, Celestina Marie

Terry said...

Hi, Vicki!

I posted about your wonderful Pink Scarf Project and I placed your badge on my blog. I am participating in Beverly's Pink Saturday blog party, and I thought that would be the perfect place to share your project.

Thank you for hosting this project.



Hello Vicki,

I have finished My crochet Pink Scarf for your your long year project. I will send it off to you soon. I have displayed The Pink Scarf Button on the sidebar of my blog hopefully it will past the word to many more persons.

I hope you will receive many many beautiful scarf for this very lovely and kind project that you are hosting.

Hugs Judy

sunny said...

I just came over from CJ's blog. I would be honored to be a part of this project. I love an excuse to work with pink yarn!! I'll be adding your button to my blog, also.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

I'm in what a great cause - so wonderful. added your button to my blog. i'll send them your way very soon. so fun!! hope others see it on my blog & will join in too!! big hugs. ( :

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicki!
I am excited to participate in the Pink Scarf Project. I will do it in honor of my Sister~In~Law, Faye, who is a breast cancer survivor :) I have added your button to my blog.

Tracey said...

Your Pink Scarf Project has touched my heart in a special way. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 months ago (at the age of 48), and after surgery and radiation treatment, I feel that I am "on the mend".

I would love to crochet a pink scarf to send along to you. I will also add your badge to our blog.

Thank-you for your caring generosity.


Sherri said...

Vicki, what a wonderful, wonderful project. I am going to Charleston in February and I am going to look for some lovely pink yarn and create something special! What an totally amazing project this is!!!

Leena Milligan Lanteigne said...

HI! This is the first time I've read your blog and I must say that I am totally overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness and talents! I have posted about the Pink Scarf Project on my blog, and have placed your button on my sidebar. This is such a worthy project! I can't wait to start on my scarf! Take care, Hugs, Leena

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

I have my scarf done will be in the mail soon

Marsha P. said...

I just posted this link to my FB page inviting others to join me. My aunt died of breast cancer in 1999 & I'm making these in her memory! A great project.

Createology said...

Vicki Dear I don't see my comment here on this post. I am definitely participating and I just blogged about the lovely scarf I will be sending to you very soon. Thank you for this opportunity to give hope to others. Blessings...

Suzanne said...

Hi, Vicki, My friend forwarded this to me and I want to join. My mother, grandmother, and aunt all died of breast cancer and I will be sending you scarves in their honor! Thanks for putting this together! suzanne b

Suzanne said...

Thank you, Vicki, for putting this together! My friend sent me the link, as I am not a blogger, but I'd love to participate. My grandmother, aunt, and mother all died of breast cancer, and i love to knit, so I will start now. Thank you, suzanne b

Janice Phelps Williams said...

This is my first visit to your blog and I would love to participate. Thank you for the opportunity to make something beautiful for such a good cause!

dat Bea said...

Now, the yarn has arrived :-) I started already and hope it turns out as wanted...

I have linked the button at my sidebar of my most read blog and will post when the scarf is ready.

Such a lovely idea again, my dear, I enjoy every stitch.

Kathy49ers said...

I want to participate in the Pink Scarf Project. There are several special ladies at my school who have gone through breast cancer this past year. This is an awesome thing to do and it has made me think of starting something for the ladies in my area. Thank You!

Kathy49ers said...

I want to participate in the Pink Scarf Project. There are several special ladies at my school who have gone through breast cancer this past year. This is an awesome thing to do and it has made me think of starting something for the ladies in my area. Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful project! I posted a link to this on my blog (as well as your button!)in the hope that some more bloggers will participate. I've already got the knitting needles out and am 'clicking' away at a pink scarf!

JShelby said...

Hello Vicki! I just finished up my scarf and blogged all about it all here
No I'm off to the post office to mail her to you!

Sanderella said...

Wow!! I would love to participate in this special event! I will be advertising on my FB Page and on two of my blogs; and

I have some lovely yarn to crochet into a beautiful scarf for the ladies.

Thank you!!

Astri said...

What a wonderful cause. I will be happy to participate with a crocheted scarf. I have just the pattern in mind and will comment again once I mail it. :- Thank you!

Anonymous said...

So glad my little scarf package arrived safely. This skinny wrap scarf can be worn in so many different ways year-round. In spring & summer, it can be worn long with a single knot as a pretty accessory. In fall & winter it can be wrapped round and round for extra warmth. And I tucked lots of love into it for the wonderful lady who will be wearing it. :)

Thank you for bringing us all together for such a wonderful cause, Vicki!!!


Astri said...

Scarf will be shipped this week, Vicki. Thank you so much for lovingly putting this together. I have posted about the scarf here:

Marianne said...

I am so thrilled to be able to participate in this project. My heart goes out to all women who are fighting this terrible cancer.
Thank you so much for bringing so many people together for this cause. I feel that each stitch is a prayer and our prayers will be heard.

Regina said...

I would love to participate. I sit in a waiting room for 4 hours at a time while my husband is in dialysis. I usually am crocheting. It will be a pleasure to turn some of that time into scarves for these courageous women. As soon as my blog is up and running I will be adding the button to my page.

Unknown said...

I am sending 3 scarves today - thank you for the opportunity to participate! karen

Gone Country said...

I am honored to be able to participate in such a worthy project. I am touched by the number of beautiful scarves that you have already received!

My blog post today was about The Pink Scarf Project. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out.

Now, I must grab my hook and get started!

Marrianna said...

Hi Vicki: I mailed off 3 scarves yesterday. I knitted 2 of them and purchased the other one that is more like a soft, light-weight shawl.

I also put the PINK SCARF PROJECT badge on my blog (with the instructions in Karen Valentine's blog instruction book).

I'm knitting another pale pink scarf and if I get it finished before Oct. 2013, I'll get it sent. I didn't write any notes for any of the 3 scarves, however, when I work on them, I know why I'm knitting them and am sending prayers with every loop of the yarn over the needle. Thank you.

Gone Country said...

Two scarves are headed your way!

And here's the link for today's post about the scarves....

Thank you for this opportunity. It was an honor and privilege to participate!

bj said...

Just to say I have had your button on my sidebar since Oct. and I am doing a post for Sat. 22nd to remind folks to start their scarves. I just bought my yarn to start one.
xo bj

make.share.give said...

Discovered your project on my friend Sunny's blog. Imagine my surprise when the mailing address is right here in town! Just dropped off a quilted scarf.
Happy summer!

bj said...

I have started my scarf and will have it mailed before too much longer.

Here's link to my Pink Scarf post...

God Bless...

SuzySomething (Sara Kate) said...

Vicki, I've put this on My Favorite Things...just another heads-up. The day WILL come when I share your nests -- I wanted to post this when it might still prompt people to participate.
Sara Kate

Anonymous said...

Men get breast cancer, too. Please don't forget them.

DeeDee said...

I am close to sending out my scarves... this year has gone by fast and I didn't get as many done as I would have liked... but glad I got to join in all the same.. Thanks so much for doing this

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this great project. I make scarfs to give to kemo patients. I am a Breast Cancer survivor. At the age of 36yr old I was diagnosed & my sis was only 33yrs old. Thanks for bringing this to others attention. Your very special to take this project on. May you be blessed!

LesleyAnn said...

I'm posting today about the Pink Scarf Project. What a great thing to do to help put a smile on beautiful face.

Thank you.

LesleyAnn said...

I've added the Pink Scarf Project to my blog and will post about it on FB too.

Jubilee said...

What an incredible project. I've just finished crocheting a pink scarf last evening that will be mailed on Monday. Thank you for making us aware of this project and giving us the opportunity to become a part of it.

Jubilee said...

What an incredible project. I've just finished crocheting a pink scarf last evening that will be mailed on Monday. Thank you for making us aware of this project and giving us the opportunity to become a part of it.

sunny said...

I recently reposted about the Pink Scarf Project, and seem to have generated some interest! I'm working on another scarf myself.

Kim Collister Studio said...

I love this so much. I am putting the badge on my blog and I will share this message. My mother is a two time breast cancer survivor and my hero. These women deserve all our Love and what better way to show them than a pink scarf wrapped in Love and support!

Thank you!!

Carol said...

I'm posting the button to my blogs right now ♥♥

Connie L said...

I have shared through facebook with a special shout-out to all of my knitting/crocheting friends. I just found out so I am knitting away!

Connie L said...

I just shared this wonderful project on Facebook and gave a special shout-out to my knitty/crochet friends. I am an 11 survivor and would love to wrap some love around someone else going through the process. Got to get knitting!

Little Penpen said...

I shared your badge on my blog and shared your link on Facebook. I have two scarves mailing out to you tomorrow. This has been a fun project to watch. What a blessing for all of us!

Chris said...

I found the perfect yarn shop today, Cottage Yarn near Charlotte, NC, and they had the perfect yarn for my pink scarf! I told ALL of the women there about The Pink Scarf Project and where to find it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for photographing and sharing all the scarves that have been made/donated. Love the shot of my scarf and looks gorgeous! I've shared your badge on my blog and will add an update again! Thanks so much for doing all this hard work!

Susan said...

I just found out about this wonderful project...what an amazing effort you have put forth to help women with this awful disease.

I have a scarf started and will get it to you before the deadline. I also have added your button to my blog and will have a post up about the project later this week.

A Magical Whimsy said...

I will be mailing two scarves this week to you. Sorry I have been slow mailing them as they have been finished for at least five months!
This is such an incredible kindness to donate a scarf to women who have gone through this journey.
May you have a blessed week!
Teresa in California
Not that it matters, but the album giveaway by Sue is incredible. What talent Sue has!

WPI said...

I just found out about this - but it's not too late! Posting on Facebook too

Susan said...

I put a scarf in the mail to you yesterday and then came home and started another! :o)

Unknown said...

Just mailed a pink scarf. This is definitely an incredible project. Thanks for doing this. You are an incredible lady.

Thanks and may God bless you more.

Chris said...

Thank you for hosting and photographing such a wonderful project! Your pictures are just beautiful, and so creative! You inspired me to learn how to knit so that I could participate. They are not perfect, but I mailed two scarves to you on Monday. One was done in memory of my Mom, and the other in honor of my sister, who is an 11 year breast cancer survivor! Hugs!

Chris said...

Thank you for hosting and photographing such a wonderful project! Your pictures are just beautiful, and so creative! You inspired me to learn how to knit so that I could participate. They are not perfect, but I mailed two scarves to you on Monday. One was done in memory of my Mom, and the other in honor of my sister, who is an 11 year breast cancer survivor! Hugs!

Connie L said...

My sister Chris and I both put scarfs in the mail on Monday! I am an 11 year survivor and am so excited to participate in this project. Thank you for offering this opportunity to help.

Emma/Itzy said...

I mailed two scarfs week before last I hope they both arrived safely!

Thank you for hosting such a fun project, with such a positive message x

LesleyAnn said...

I've just packaged three scarves for this great event. I'll take them to the post office tomorrow and you should have them by Wednesday. I've reposted about the Pink Scarf Project on my blog. I don't have many readers but maybe it will encourage just one more to participate.

Blessings ...

Anonymous said...

I am putting my knitting contribution in the mail this very afternoon.
Thank you so much for hosting this incredible and very meaningful event. It has been an honor to participate. My mom is a 31-year breast cancer survivor.

Kim Collister Studio said...

Pink Scarf 2 in the mail in the morning !! 💗💗💗
Thank you for this wonderful project. My mom is a two time cancer survivor and I have two dear friends with breast cancer! Bless You and everyone involved!! 🎀

Turnips 2 Tangerines said...

Oh How I wish I would have found you sooner! My mom lost her battle with breast cancer almost 40 years ago...she was only 47 years old. She passed away on my 16th birthday~ I would love to participate in your next "Pink Scarf Project" Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

Donna said...

This has been an overwhelming journey, Vicki. It's amazing to see what Yaya has collected and we have started to give away. It's a huge gift to me to be the vehicle that gets to give these treasures to others. I was touched by the sweet reaction of the first scarf given to a dear little old lady who was completely besotted with hers. Thank you ....from the bottom of my heart. ~Donna

Donna said...

Ps. I know this is entirely selfish....I Hopi I win your beautiful scarf.

Unknown said...

I wish that I had found out about this project earlier. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2013, had a mastectomy on my right breast October 7th. My cancer has spread into my bones but it was caught early on. I am now on hormone therapy to keep the cancer from feeding off the estrogen. I crochet and knit and would be willing to make a scarf if this is still going on.