Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Prayerful Stitches

Every stitch a prayer~

a dear and precious friend 
fighting for his life~

a wife who carries the weight
of worry and the unknown
on her shoulders~

~anxious hearts filled with prayers
for this dear husband, father, grandfather,

comfort for my dear girlfriend
as she braves herself for her husband's
battle against this mighty

a bit of warmth against
the bitter winds of winter--
and worry~

no names spoken--
God knows~

yarn details~
(I loved this yarn -- maybe as much or more than any yarn I have ever knitted with --but the downside to the yarn is that it is rather costly.
The yarn is discounted, however, when you order from
this website.)
this yarn is light as a feather -- I used 8 skeins and when the wrap was finished
it was light as air -- but SO incredibly warm
if you have travel plans and need to pack lightly --
THIS is the yarn to travel with - 
it weighs NOTHING!

pattern details~
you can find the free pattern here

Knitting prayers of 
hope and comfort and faith
into every stitch~

hours and hours of quiet, contemplative knitting--
every second, every stitch
filled with prayers
 for our dear friend
and his family

"because he bends 
down to listen,
I will pray as long as I have
Psalms 116:2
(new living translation)

my Mother's Bible
 is tattered and worn--
but the words inside are ever  
constant, strong and true~

your prayers for our dear, dear friend
are requested and so very 

my heartfelt gratitude to you all
who sent emails to me filled with appreciation for my 
recent Grow Your Blog party.
I received literally hundreds of emails, and
I just could not possibly answer them all.
Please do not feel slighted if I did not answer your email --
in most cases (when I am not so overwhelmed) I DO answer every single email
that I receive. 
Now that things have slowed down a bit --
if you wish me to email you regarding a concern or question --
please send me an email me again.
I promise to answer you.

To those of  you who left comments and emails
asking to be added in after the party had started --
I am so sorry, but I just could not do that.
I spent hours and hours adding in blogs to meet the deadline --
over 600 blogs,
and at some point, I just had to be finished. 
I hope you understand.
Please watch my blog sometime in the late fall,
most likely October,
when I will start to talk about next year's party details.
If you are looking for the 
Grow Your Blog party post --
you can find it here.


Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Love and hugs to you and prayers for your dear friend. I believe that the mindfulness that comes with knitting will make your prayers that much more powerful, Vicki.
Thank-you so much for hosting the blog party. I've met so many wonderful people already, and it's really only just begun.

Tanya said...

You know I'm sending those prayers and keeping him and his family in my heart. What a beautiful, comforting gift, my friend - always thinking of others. XOXOXO Tanya

Maureen said...

You are always there for others Vicki. Lovely shawl; I hope it brings comfort to the recipient.

Thank you again for all your incredible hard work and congrats on a very successful party! I have many more blogs to visit - what fun!

Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

I seldom name names in my prayers... He knows who needs them most :) Be assured your friend will be kept in my thoughts and prayers for as long as needed, Vicki.

Low Tide High Style said...

Wishing your friend triumph over his illness, and comfort to his family through your generous gift!

xo Kat

Karen B. said...

My dear friend,
my thoughts and prayers are with you, your friend and his family.
I truly hope everything will be OK in the end.
Many hugs and much love,
Karen B. ~ Todolwen

Karen B. said...

I wasn't being rude but forgot to write how beautiful the wrap is that you have knitted and your friends will fell all the love and prayers that you have knitted into it and I always love seeing your Mama's bible.

I hug you Vicki, with all my heart!

Karen B. ~ Todolwen

~JarieLyn~ said...

Wow, what a beautiful post. Prayers from me to your precious friend. I ask God to send healing energy and light a path for your friend and his wife.

kathyinozarks said...

Prayers and hugs dear Vicki

Fundy Blue said...

Hi Vicki! What a beautiful blog post ~ words, images. Of course I will say prayers for your friend and his loved ones. You are such a caring person, and always doing things for others. You are an inspiration! I missed your blog party this year. It's been very busy in my little corner of the world! And you created a monster by getting me started knitting again. I gave 6 scarves to sisters and friends for Christmas! And now I'm making a blankety wrap! I hope all is well with you!

Tanya Rachelle said...

Beautiful stitching and heartfelt sentiments. Enjoyed the GYB party again this year. So inspiring.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Sending prayers for your dear friend and his family. Hugs to you for making such a thoughtful gift for someone. Every time he touches it, now he will think of you and and feel the love and prayers in each and every single stitch.

Blessings always

maggiegracecreates said...

Love and hugs my beautiful friend - I am also lifting your friend and family up in my prayers.

The shawl is lovely ----

Silke Powers said...

What a thoughtful gift, Vicki, with so much love and hope knitted into every stitch. The shawl is beautiful and I am sure will bring comfort to your friend! Lots of love and light!! Silke

LesleyAnn said...

Thank you for the Grow Your Blog party. I've enjoyed it.

I'm praying for your friend and his family, in addition to his physicians and nurses and all involved in his care. There is nothing one can do that means more than to pray for another. Our God and his words are a comfort when all else fails.

Beautiful wrap.

Terry said...


I will pray for your friend, his wife and family.

Thank you for this post. I too knit prayer shawls, but I don't write posts about them because I didn't quite know how to do it without giving away names or too much information. Your post was perfect. Thank you. You are my blogging mentor. Thank you.

I am still enjoying the GYB party! The snow day today blessed me with time to visit some participants.

Happy knitting!
Happy blogging!

Kim Stevens said...

Prayers go out to your friends Vicki and to you. Thank you again ever so much for your generosity and of all the time you put into the blog party!

I'm sitting here looking at your mom's bible which looks identical to the one sitting right in front of grandfathers...a bit more tattered, but same color, texture, style!

Meredith said...

You are a wonderful friend to make such a beautiful, heartfelt gift for your friend. I wish them all the best.

Shirley said...

Vicki, Your knitting is beautiful as always. I will add them to my prayer list because it could almost fit me at one point when hubby was so sick. I am a firm believer in prayer and you can never have to many. God will be with them every step of the way. Hugs and Prayers are going out to them all. I am having fun visiting and you my friend are very special. Take care.Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri friend.

Julia said...

That yarn is beautiful and so is the scarf. Love the pattern.
I did not joined the Blog party this time because I have enough followers and good friends and I would like to keep them. Thanks for the offer.
Happy knitting Vicki.

Julia said...

and I'will keep your friend and family in my thoughts and prayers.

Createology said...

Prayers and comfort for your friend and family. Such a lovely knitted wrap of comfort and warmth. Blessings for you and your dear friends.

Quinn said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your friend and his loved ones, Vicki, including you.
Every knitter, crocheter, seamstress, knows the power of loving thoughts stitched over and over again, thousands of times, into a heartfelt handmade gift. What a comfort, to the recipient and to the maker. xoxo

nana pam said...

prayer shawls are wonderful and knitting and praying do often go together. I have prayed for your dear friend and his family.
Pam Gardner

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am a post menopausal woman who cries at the hint of someone's pain. I needed my tissues for this post.

Bird said...

Oh Vicki, prayers are being said for your dear friend and his family. Blessings to you for being such a good and loving friend to pray with each stitch. Hugs and prayers, Bird

yaya said...

Such beautiful work and prayers for your friend will go out ASAP. I hope the best for them. It sounds like your blog party was a success again this year! I hope many new followers were added to all who joined the fun!

Dogwood Lane Rambles said...

I too have a dear friend whose husband is in a fight for his life and so your prayer request will be added to mine. I am also among those who wish to thank you for your generous effort on our behalf with the GYB party. it was a wonderful event and I truly appreciate all that you did.

Beedeebabee said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your dear friend and his family now, Vicki. The wrap you made for them is so, so beautiful. It's the perfect way to let them feel your loving hugs even if you're not right there. xoxo

♥Cherie♥ said...

Hi Vicki,

This is a gorgeous blog... I am a yarn addict myself and have very recently gotten addicted to crochet too...:)

I recently started a new blog and have been into quite a bit of blog excursions... i happen upon this through Lavender Cottage blog. I am glad i found you...:)

Tanna said...

I know He hears those prayers... Such a beautiful knit to wrap your love and prayers around your friend. Adding him to my list... blessings ~ tanna

Suztats said...

I know your friend will be wrapped in your love and prayers, and I hope each prayer is answered. May there be support and strength for all in this battle. Hugs.

gigi knits said...

Knowing that every stitch was knit with a prayer is sure to help your friend.

Sue Kosec said...

May our good Lord wrap His arms around your friends as they face this awful time in their lives. I know His arms are long enough to include you and Dan, too.

Julie said...

A very moving post, I hope your friends find comfort during their journey along life's path. Xx

liniecat said...

Hugs for you all
: )

Jennifer Shelby said...

many warm wishes for your friend in his time of need

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

A prayer in every stitch. How thoughtful!
My best wishes and a prayer for your friends.

Suzan said...

Lovely shawl and with all of your prayers - surely it will be a healing shawl for your friend known to you, to your friend and to God. God bless to the receiver of this Shawl! And God Bless to you Vicki!

Yarni Gras! said...

What a lovely post to honor beautiful friends. Prayers were said before typing this comment. I'll continue to hold him up in prayer.


Unknown said...

Ah...Vicki, such an amazingly beautiful post with so much heart and soul! Your heart is made of gold. Prayers for your dear friend. xoxo Jen

Seawashed said...

You are doing so much by praying and knitting. Beauty beauty beautiful heart. How precious your gift is.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Dear Vicki, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. None of us knows what life has in store for us. It is comforting to know that we are lifted up by our friends. The shawl is truly beautiful and will be much needed and appreciated. It certainly doesn't look like it would be light. It looks very weighty and surely will be a comforting hug for his wife. Your photos tell the story beautifully. Prayers and blessings, Tammy

Deb said...

Hello Vicki: I am sorry about your friend and will say a prayer for him. I just came across your blog and am now your new follower. I am just getting back to knitting and I know I will love your beautiful blog. A fellow Canadian, Deb

Jackie said...

I will send the very best of wishes to help out, the wrap is so beautiful and to know such goodness is in every stitch! Oh, I can't wait until I get this knitting thing conquered so I can make wonderful gifts such as that to give to my dear friends!!

suziqu's thread works said...

Oh Dear Vicki
A prayer for every stitch - soothing and calming the soul as the transition slowly passes. These emotions are still raw for me! Bless your dear soul!
May your dear friend not suffer much and the remaining loved ones are comforted by your words and every prayer the shawl represents.

Sending love and blessings during this time,

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Vicki, your friend and family are tucked into prayer. I am positive the throw will bring comfort that only love can bring.

Cindy said...

There is always room for another prayer, certainly. This time is tough for your friend, be there. Your post is moving, I so enjoyed it much, you are a caring comfort to the both I'm sure. Be sure to take some time for you soon.

Congratulations on such a sucessful party, I can't imagine over 600 people you posted to, you are amazing and everyone thanks you... some more than others. You have done a wonderful thing for many people, God Bless

Deborah Montgomery said...

beautiful post. blessings to your dear friends.

Esme said...

Vicki, I will say a prayer for your friend. I hope that all is well now that your post has been up for 6 days. That is quite the party that you threw. You never seize to amaze me. Have a lovely day.

xo E.

macmillanmarie said...

I just wanted to say thank you again for hosting the grow your blog hop - I have just visited my last blog and what a wonderful experience it has been - it took way more time than I ever could have imagined but so worth it ----- I cannot thank you enough.

Lili said...

Praying, praying. The images with your Mother's worn Bible are so beautiful. xoxo

hula-la said...

Vicki, this is an absolutely beautiful post! And I am forming my intentions and saying my prayers for your wonderful friend. Your message and your shawl is warming and comforting to all of us! Thank you for being there. Aloha

A Magical Whimsy said...

Hello, sweet Vicki
I was going to join the Grow your own Blog Party at the last moment, but I didn't because I had had plenty of time before hand to do so, and it was okay, as my life had been so busy and I just felt, at the time, that having new people come to my blog, at the time, would have been overwhelming to me. Plus I already had 288 followers.
I will be praying for your friend, and her husband and family that they will have the peace that passes understanding to comfort them in this, their time of need.
Death is not natural. We were created to be forever beings, this is why it is such a hard thing to bare when we are faced with loved ones dying. Our hope is in the Lord who made heaven and earth. We will be reunited with our loved ones in a not so distant eternal future. Words of comfort, I hope... as I lost my own dad to cancer 18 years ago when he was 68.
Be blessed.
Teresa in California

Aodhnait said...

Hi from Ireland!

Just popped over from Patty's pretty things.

Jan Thomason said...

Your post was amazing, dear one. You have such a gift for words And, your friend and their family is so blessed to have you as part of their life.
You bless so many people, missy, and God is well pleased.
The wrap looked ah-mazing. I love it. I love the color, also. And, such gorgeous stitches.

I love you, J.