Monday, December 15, 2014

An Island Holiday--(part 1) -- Bonaire

I had almost forgotten the smell of the sea,
                                    the complexity of salted air.....

...... we've just returned from an island holiday~
a cruise to warm places, white sand beaches, and
 turquoise waters...

 the beautiful island of

the Gardener took off on a
snorkel trip-
(the crystal clear waters of Bonaire
are the best in the Caribbean for snorkeling)

My lazy day was spent here...
a quiet little place, just minutes from the cruise ship pier

 all those folks on the cruise ship went somewhere-
but they did not come here...

that's my chair over there...
                  the one with the pink sarong~

I'm (almost) ashamed to admit that my day
was so totally lazy...
my afternoon was spent watching
 a little bird building her nest
 under the thatched roof
of this cabana.
(sometimes I gave her bits of my yarn to add to
her nesting) 

 just a few steps from my beach chair
was this beautiful pool~

and just a short walk away
was the beach bar ...
(they make awesome mango smoothies here!)

in the afternoon,
I took a little walk along the beach~


after his snorkel trip was over,
the Gardener joined me here for a few
hours in the sun~

even lazy days have to end sometime.
So in the late afternoon,
we walked back to our temporary home
on the ship~

waiting for the sail away~

the view from our balcony
 just before sunset~

I'm sharing our island holiday
in a 3 part series over these 
next few weeks...
(after that, I'll be taking you on our amazing tour
of the Gaspe Penninsula in Canada)
Did you know that you were
going to travel so much this winter??

A few notes about our island travels~

All these photos were taken with my Iphone 5 camera.
What I read -- "The Glassblower Trilogy", book one.  What a wonderful story! I cannot wait until the second book in the series comes out in March!

this is the third in the Maggie Hope mystery series.  I love, love these books...

What I started reading, but have not finished yet--
 "Fall of Giants", book one of the Century Trilogy.  Why have I not read this book before now??  OMG --- I can not wait to read the entire series.  My husband read books one and two while we were on the cruise,...he was totally captivated by the stories. 

~~~~While the rest of you are wrapping your trees in tinsel and colored lights, I'm here to tell you that coming home from vacation in the middle of December-- with the holiday just 2 short weeks away--- is madness!  I thought I was being so organized, ordered all my gifts before we left on vacation ---- and came home to a house full of boxes!!  Spending the Thanksgiving holiday in the Caribbean was nothing short of marvelous, but---- if I ever do this again, I will have all my packages bought and WRAPPED before I leave. I'll be back in a few days with the second in this series----we did so many new and wonderful things, went places we've never been before,...
But first, I have some wrapping to do!!  


the winners were published today for those who participated in the "Josephine's Children" project. You can find the complete list of winners at the end of the post here 
 I'll share the final updates to this amazing project at the end of my next blog post.Your generosity has been amazing -- as always.  I can't wait to share with you all the details!
Don't forget-- the deadline in nearing to sign up for participation in the next "Grow Your Blog" party.  You have until January 15 to enter. We have just over 200 participants so far!  If you want to make new friends and increase the readership of your blog --- you can find all the info here


Julie Marie said...

What a fabulous holiday you had dear Vicki... your photos are just stunning and of course I love the little birdie nest... and that you gave her offerings of yarn to feather it with... that truly looks like Paradise found... xoxo... Julie Marie

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm SOOO jealous of those beautiful beaches as we sit here looking out at snow. Gorgeous pictures! Now I'm off to check out your reading list.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

To think that people live in that Paradise all year round. Poor babies, I wonder if they get bored with all that niceness.

Happy Holidays, Vicki.

Createology said...

Your trip to Bonair looks like it was just perfect. Looking forward to each chapter. Congratulations to all the CHILD participants and the winners. Sharing Joy and Peace...

Joyful said...

What a wonderful place to while away the day. I'm looking forward to your next travelogue as I went to the Gaspe Peninsula for the first time just over a year ago :-)

Julie said...

and not a soul in sight... looks like you had the island all to yourself.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Vicki, thank you for the travelogue on Bonaire; I've been thinking of going. Someone told me it's a great place to do not much; of course, they've never been so how do they know. OTOH, doing not much sounds like what I need...perhaps in the spring...

Sue Kosec said...

Just beautiful pictures - again!!! You have such a knack for capturing the sights just perfectly.

Congratulations to all the winners - but the true winners are Josephine's Children!!!! Thank you, ladies, for your unselfish donations.

Looking forward to the Grow Your Blog party ... wahoo!

Merry Christmas with Love!

Kim Stevens said...

I thought vacations were supposed to be on the lazy side - as in care free. Sounds to me like you nailed it! lol

I've never heard of Bonair, and definitely looking forward to more vacation pics and the 411 ;)

Linda/patchwork said...

Looks like a marvelous trip.
Coming back to reality is hard to do.

Good luck with the wrapping.

Merry Christmas.

Dorthe said...

Hi dearest Vicki,
Oh I can see you for my inner eye being met by all the packages with gifts for your family and friends, when returning home. And I can tell you are a little bit stressed, take care dear friend, promise .
Your tour was amazing I know, and you had such wonderful time ,both on the ship and all over where you visited, beautiful islands- such a fantastic experiense.
Hugs and love, Dorthe

liniecat said...

It seems appropriate that you were relaxing and watching a nest being built!
Such fabulous pics and yes, I'm envious lol Hope it has set you both up for the Christmas festivities : )

Carol said...

Beautiful Holiday that you well seserved ♥ Can't wait to see more of it :)

Meredith said...

Your trip looks amazing Vicki. I live in Florida but am too busy to get to the beach, I miss it. Glad you had fun.
Congrats to all the winners.

Julia said...

Wow, so glad you're back home and thanks for sharing some awesome photos of Paradise...
but my goodness, you sure have been a busy lady.

With the help of the handsome Gardener, you'll be ready for the Holidays... You can work miracles...

Looking forward to seeing some photos of your trip to Canada.


Unknown said...

Vicki - I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a very blessed new year. Hugs!

Mosaic Magpie said...

I can feel the warm breeze on my shoulders and the sand warmed by the sun on my feet...NOT! But I did enjoy seeing the photos and dreaming of those things. You needed a relaxing time at the beach after the year you have had. Always thinking of others, it was time for you to enjoy a long walk on the beach. Those cruise ships never cease to amaze me by how big they are, what a nice view you had from your balcony. I will check out the books you have recommended. Looking forward to Sunday and giving you a big hug!

Mosaic Magpie said...

Oh I forgot CONGRATULATIONS to the winners I know you all are doing the Happy Dance!

kathyinozarks said...

gorgeous photos Vicki, and I love it when you take us along on your trips

Cache-Mire said...

Looks just lovely! Aren't the newer iPhones great for photos? Only wish they came with a larger zoom. Maybe soon....
Merry Christmas! ~Terri

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

I feel as though I've been on a little holiday just reading your gorgeous post Vicki!
The island looks idyllic - would love to escape to somewhere like that right now!
I have three more days of work and tying up loose ends before we close for the year - yea!!!!
Happy Christmas to you and the Gardener.

Seawashed said...

Every time I see your travels I want to go...somewhere. But I fear flying and ships! My traveling will only ever be on the road with our Vintage Travel Trailer. I love love love what you chose to do with your day on the Island. Best wishing with scurry around to get it all done. Merry merry all the way. xxo

Sanderella said...

Awesome photos and I love that you enjoyed the little bird building her nest and shared some of your yarn with sweet.

Thank you for sharing such a lovely holiday with us!

Merry Christmas,

Eugenia Maru said...

Maravillosas dos semanas en el Caribe. Hermoso lugar. Cuánto me alegro de que lo hayas disfrutado.
Un abrazo.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Absolutely beautiful! And after all you do, all the time, you deserve some laziness! :) Happy holidays. Tammy

Low Tide High Style said...

What a wonderful way to spend Thanksgiving!!! My brother goes to Bonaire for 2 weeks each winter to scuba dive, he loves it there!

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

xo Kat

suziqu's thread works said...

Dearest Vicki
Finally I'm here to read all about your amazing cruise and there is more to come! What a gorgeous place to sit, relax, enjoy and feel the sound of the waves on the beach rolling over you.
You so deserved such a break after the huge and heavy year you have had. I'm also soooo pleased that things are looking up and up.

What a wonderful response you have had to the Josephine project - those children will be so thrilled! I am so pleased that I was able to contribute just a little bit too!
Giving you the biggest and warmest hugs with heartfelt love
for just being the person that you are that touches the hearts of so many.
Christmas blessings sweetie and pray the the New Year brings much joy, fulfilment, inner peace and a heart full of love,
Suzy xox

yaya said...

Your trip looked amazing and beautiful! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with friends and family...Happy New Year too!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Gorgeous photos! Those iPhones must have pretty decent cameras. You're giving me the travel bug, and even though I've been there many times, I'm looking forward to yet another road trip to Cold Lake, Alberta in a few days time.

Bohemian said...

I had never even heard of the Island of Bonaire but now I am totally intrigued to find out more about it! That Beach is to die for... I want to be there now! Put Bonaire on the Bucket List of places I must see in person!!! Dawn... The Bohemian