Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Josephine's Children" Charitable Project --- an update!

Thank you ~
to the many of you who have contributed to this amazing charitable project for the children of Uganda.  Without a doubt, my blog readers are some of the most kind and generous people in the world~

to date--
 you have donated almost $1400
in a combination of cash and
Walmart gift cards~

 Even the smallest of donations
is such a HUGE gift 
for these needy children~

I've been collecting all the 
one dollar bills that you have sent--
your donations towards the purchase 
of supplies for the children,
and also to help offset the shipping charges
to Uganda~
today I deposited over $250
one dollar bills into my
"Africa account"

 I am so touched by the
beautiful heartfelt messages
that you have sent
along with your gifts.

your amazing donations of craft supplies 
for the children
are taking up all the space
in my bedroom floor!

Craft supplies from your very own
 personal stash--
true gifts of the heart!

these photos represent
"just a small part"
  of your generous crafting donations!

Honestly, I grabbed the supplies 
that were on the top 
of the stash
for these photos~

in addition to beautiful beads and threads~
you've sent embroidery hoops,
cross stitch supplies,
knitting needles,
pattern booklets,
and yarn--
gorgeous yarns!!
 you've sent 
wool threads for crewel embroidery, 
notions for jewelry making,
strings, lace, ribbons~

you've sent
colorful beads in assorted designs~
(amazing treasures from your own stashes!!)
crafting treasures 
that will make the children
dance with delight!
Can you even imagine
the smiles on their faces when they
unwrap all of these

some of you have written
asking me to extend the deadline
so that you can send gifts for the children~
I have done so.
The deadline for donations to the
"Josephine's Children"
charitable project
has been extended to
 December 15.
 You can find the original post
with all of the information for the
"Josephine's Children"
charitable project

the goal of this project
is to send supplies-
(clothing, school supplies, health related items)
to desperately needy children
 in Uganda  

the children help to support
their needs by making craft items
that are sold in markets in nearby cities~
your donations of assorted
craft supplies--
(from your own stash)
will provide the children with a world
 of new crafting opportunities
to help support their
 You may mail your
$5 Walmart gift card donations to me.
Additionally, if you wish, you may include a $1
bill to be used for shipping charges.
 Please mail the above donations to
"Josephine's Children"
311 West Main Street
Grayson, Ky
 Please mail your craft supplies 
to my dear friend Sue -- in Texas.
She is gathering all the craft supplies,
 as well as doing the shopping
 with the Walmart gift cards~~
(I absolutely could NOT do this project without her help--
and without all of you!)
she will fill a huge crate with all the items
and see that it is delivered to the shipping 
port for the long journey to
You may mail your craft items to:
Sue Kosec
2525 Hwy 360
Euless, Tx.
(originally the craft items were sent here to me-- but I never expected such an amazing participation amongst my wonderful blog readers and supporters!  Since, I  will be mailing the craft items to Sue -- it just makes more sense for you to mail them there instead of to me. )
 We hope to be shipping the items to the children
shortly after the first of the year.  The journey will
take several weeks--
later next year, I will post photos 
of the children opening their supplies
and seeing for the first time
all of the amazing crafting treasures 
that you have donated,
as well as the supplies for their school
and clothing needs. 
You can find info about the prizes
(Kindle Fire,Vera Bradley purses, artisan crafted jewelry,...)
 that will be given away as thanks
for your contributions --
by clicking the link 
that will take you to
Please remember that your donations
must be to their destinations
(to me or Sue) 
by December 15.
If you have any questions about the project or donations -- you may email me at
My heartfelt thanks to those of you
who have found a little place in your own hearts
for these special children.
Some updates~~
coming up in just a few weeks -- THE OFFICIAL sign up post for the next "Grow Your Blog" party!! Be watching for that!! The date will be next January 25.  You will need to sign up on the OFFICIAL post~~
and -- coming up next -- the last of Autumn's tender blooms,-- in typical Vicki fashion~ (it's beautiful!)


Magpie's Mumblings said...

How wonderful that you are getting such a great response! Wouldn't it be exciting to be able to see some of the things the children end up creating with the goodies.

Sue Kosec said...

Beautifully written and photographed post, Vicki.

I am so over-the-top excited for these children. I wish I could be there when they open the packages.

YES, your blog readers are definitely the most generous and kind people ever.

Thank you so much for involving me in this endeavor - it makes my heart sing!


Julia said...

Oh my, Vicki... Josephine will be over the moon when she sees this plus the rest. This is so amazing and is so heartwarming. I can picture in my mind the eyes of the children when they open up these beautiful gifts. Your bloggers are indeed very generous. Because of you so many children will have a happy
new year.
Many blessings,

Lorraine said...

It is so wonderful to see all the treasures arriving - like Christmas for you Vicki! I can hardly wait to see the photos of the children receiving their goodies next year :)

Julie Marie said...

You are such an angel dear Vicki... I somehow was not aware of this... I can just imagine those precious little children's faces when they receive their crafting supplies... honestly, you continue to amaze me with your talents, kindness, generosity... and love... will get a little something together and in the mail the first of the week... going back now to find your original post... xoxo... Julie Marie

Julie Marie said...

Just sent a little donation to your paypal account, I read in your original post that I could donate that way... it's small... but heartfelt... xoxo... Julie Marie

Joyful said...

What an absolutely beautiful array of items for the Ugandan children. They will love the gift!

Createology said...

Vicki Dear thank you for this wonderful opportunity to help others. I feel very blessed to be part of the helping. Bless you and Sue for all the work you are doing. Bless Josephine and all the children. It does take a village...

DreamChallenge said...

You are God's hands here on earth. Bless you.

Mosaic Magpie said...

What an out pouring of love you have inspired! Those children will be so excited to see these treasures. You may need a whole shipping container when all is said and done in December!

Dorthe said...

Oh my dear Vicky, what a "mountain" of love and wonderful art supplies to give these children far away, they will not believe their own eyes ,when opening up !!
You and Sue are such special and heart warm people, organicing and handling all this ,I know it must take so much energy and work from both of you !
What would the world be ,without special people ,like you !!
Hugs and love from Dorthe

Meredith said...

This just made my day seeing how many people contributed to this wonderful cause. You are ana angel my friend,

liniecat said...

Am thrilled you've had such huge support, I didn't doubt it for one moment and hope it brings them much joy as well as funds.
Working with beautiful things is bound to lift spirits too......

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Hi Vicki, back on line and sending something next week. Sorry it's taken me so long; I plan, God laughs.

Lady of the Manor said...

I'm happy there has been such a great response! I know the kids and their teacher will be so excited when they open those packages in a few months. Thanks to you and Sue for all of your hard work! Blessings to all!!

kathyinozarks said...

Just awesome

Suztats said...

How wonderful!!
It's heartwarming to read of so many answering the call. I can just imagine those wee faces once the crate arrives!

Fat Dormouse said...

I have FINALLY got round to packaging up my donations of goods - a bit of this, a bit of that - and will send them onto Sue on Tuesday.
Thank you Vicki for being the wonderful person who didn't ignore Josephine's first contact, but mobilised us alml to do "just a little" to help her help the children who so desperately need help.

Amy at love made my home said...

A truly amazing and wonderful response. xx

Anonymous said...

HI Vicky, Oh my gosh it has been a long haul since my laptop died this past summer. I am just getting back having recently purchased a new laptop and working on getting it all set back up! Whew. I thought I lost you because you know me, brain like a sieve... couldn't remember the full title of your blog. Anyway, I've found you and I'm happier than a pickle at the bottom of a pickle barrel, lol. I will be looking forward to this years blog party as you can imagine I lost a lot of followers during this year of not blogging very much.
Well, off to work on blog and website... talk again soon. Is the new button available for the upcoming blog party... have to look... sorry, lots to do and I'm talking a mile a minute... all over the place at the moment. Hugs my sweet blogging sister, I've missed you terribly!
Beth P
P.S. If it's alright with you I am sending my breast cancer nest to a friend who is battling with it right now... OK, I'm done chattering away like a magpie! :D

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

This is so wonderful to see!!! Way to go Blog Friends!!! Many blessings to all of you!

Eugenia Maru said...

Me alegro de haber podido aportar mi granito de arena a esta fantástica iniciativa.
Estoy muy feliz.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

You and Sue are absolutely amazing to do all of this. God bless you and may all these supplies bring much joy and many blessings to Josephine and the children. Hugs, Tammy